chapter 36

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This chapter is all about piper and tae. But still, read it to find out who's the real piper here.

Kim taehyung's pov
His mansion (6:03 pm )

One year ago ~

"Piper, baby. Where are you?" I shouted as soon as I entered my house, searching the love of life.

"Our room, tae." She yelled back. And I ran for her. I was excited to tell her that my company was doing a modeling project with the top modeling company, and she could be the part of this project.

I opened the door of the room." I got-" .
I stopped my words, as I saw her seating on the bed edge, her legs were hanging out, her hands were either side of her thigh, and her face was hanged low but i could see the frown there.

I walked over to her, kneeling down to match her eye level, and cupped her face,"Hey, what happened?" Her face was blank now.

"When we had sex last time, did you used the protection?" And they were her words, which made me confused.

"What? Why would you ask something like that?" I said, bringing my eyebrow's edges together.


she stood up suddenly and threw the test at me, I grabbed it and stood up as well, she wasn't looking at me.

"And you're not happy about it?"

"No! I'm definitely not happy, taehyung."

"Are you fucking out of your mind piper? Do you heard yourself , you're gonna be a mother for fucks sake, and your not fucking happy?" I said snatching her forearm, making her look at me.

"I'm not gonna give birth this child!"

I froze at her words, of course this baby wasn't planned, but I can't even imagine to not bring this baby to the world. No, I can't let that happen to this poor child.

"No, piper, you won't do such thing."

She smirked, and took few steps towards me,"and guess what that's the first thing I'm gonna do tomorrow, I have an appointment with my doctor, and I'm gonna abort. this. Baby."

I reached for her ,and placed my hands on each side of her shoulder, "But, what's the reason, baby? We can be happy in our little world. You, me and this baby. Piper please don't do this to me and to this unborn baby. Please." I pleaded.

"Because I want to be a model, taehyung. And that's my dream tae, and we both know how passionate I'm about my dream. And this baby-" she pointed her index finger to her belly. "Is coming in the way to achieve my dream. And I can't afford that taehyung." She finished with a frustrated sigh.

I took two steps back from her , "are you sure about it?" I asked ,in my low voice.

She nodded only, with her pursed lips. I proceeded to go to the closet, and grabbed a suitcase, and started to put her all clothes in it.

"W- what are you doing , taehyung."

I stopped, and looked at her, in a way I never thought I would ever look at her ,with pure hatred.

"You don't know , but you're a disgusting woman piper. And too much selfish to put your own fucking career before your child. And if you're too sure about that you're gonna abort the baby, then let's just breakup." I stated, and her eyes were now wide open like a socket.

"N-no, no .taehyung you can't- i- we can't, taehyung. We can't broke up!" She tried to reach for me but I backed off from her.

"Yes ,we can. Screw it, we are doing it right now. And you Ms piper" I took a step to her and folded my hands over my chest. "Will leave my house right now." I stated coldly. And left the room.


"And after that what happened?" Y/n asked me, bringing my hands to her. I took a deep breath and continued.


6 months later
His mansion (4:04 pm)

"Hyung! Where are you?" I heard jungkook shouting. And with a sighed I answered him, "in the studies, kook."

After some minutes he was in front of me, "hyung, did you got the news of lee's wedding?" He asked taking a sip of water from the cup, which was meant to be mine.

"Yes." I answered him calmly, as I was occupied by some papers in my hands.

"And what exactly you know about it?" He asked, this time taking a sit in front of my desk.

"That he's going to get married with his father's friend's daughter." I replied, again my eyes were on the papers, as I adjusted my glasses.

"And do you know who's this girl ,the reporters are talking about?" This time I glared at him, "we're not gonna solve the riddles, are we kook?" I said, folding my arms over my chest.

"Okay, the girl is piper, hyung." And after what he stated, made my mind blank, and my face became expressionless.

"Good for her." I murmured, and brought myself again to do the work I was doing some seconds ago.

"Hyun-" "minho is a good man, she'll be happy with her."

"And, she's still pregnant."

I blinked twice, and looked up at him.

"And piper is not her real name." He said .


"Then what's her real name, taehyung ssi?" Y/n asked out of curiosity.


"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Yes, hyung ,its not her real name. She didn't gave you her real name, she just used this name, for God knows why." He explained.

"And how'd you found all this ?" I questioned.

"Me and yoongi hyung got curious about the news ,and we dig into her personal things, like her passport, her bank accounts and there weren't anything like piper." He stated.

"So....what's her real name?"


"Jennie ruby Jane." I told her, and it seems like she forgot how to breathe for a moment.


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