chapter 33

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Kang y/n's pov
Her house (4:44 pm)

I was stunned for a second but then I started kissing him back with the same passion, he was doing it.His lips were so soft against mine.

His one hand was wrapped around my back and one hand was wrapped around my head . And mine were around his.

The kiss was getting hot by the time. He moved us without breaking the kiss and now my back was on his car and his hands went straight to my waist and hair while mine went for his neck pulling him more closer. We ended our kiss in short term. We both were panting.

"Hm. I .....i like you too y/n. Alot." And he finally confessed. My eyes started flowing again on its own will.

As I was staring into his chocolate brown eyes. And we were so, close. That I noticed all the things in his perfect face.

His uneven eyelids. His beauty spots. Perfectly sharp jaw, perfect squishy cheeks, perfect hairline above his exposed forehead. And the best cheek bones i have ever seen of a man.

Truly, he's perfect. In every possible ways. I smiled unknowingly. Watching his lips ,thinking how they were moving against mine and how they are so soft.

"Y/n, are you done?" He suddenly said. And I looked at him in his eyes by taking my eyes off from his lips. "Huh?" I couldn't muster any other words.

"Are you done checking me out y/n?" He clarified, tucking my loose hair straind behind my ears.

"N-no. I wasn't Checking -" "caught in a lie y/n." He leaned in to whisper in my ears. I gasp playfully with a smile on my lips.

I pushed him lightly on his chest as he chuckled at my childish behavior. "Oh, com'on I was only teasing you." He whined. And I chuckled this time. Our moment was interrupted by my sweet dada.

He was standing there ,with his arms crossed over his chest and his head was tilted a bit.

He scoffed before saying, "y/n, probably hana might missing her eomma, no?" He said by raising a brow at our position.

I quickly came to a safe distance, and scurieed away from the tensed scene, to go ready to pick hana from taehyung's house.

Kim taehyung's pov
Y/n's home (5:12 pm)

My back was facing her father as I was still looking at my car ,feeling guilt and anger at the same time. I heard him clearing his throat.

I turned to face him.
He wore the same shirt , which y/n had in her hands. He raised a brow at my nervous figure. 'Tae, confidence confidence. ' I chanted in my head.

I buried my one hand in my pant's pocket, which is a habit of mine . When I'm not confident but I want to show that I'm confident to the other person, I simply do that out of my habit.

I extanted my free hand to him, give him a hand shake. But he ......ignored it, really remorsefully. I pulled away my hand looking away from him. Not wanting to tolerate him anymore.

"Kim taehyung. Ceo of the biggest company of South Korea for electronic business . The company was given by your father- Kim taesoo. And your mother.....Kim ji yong isn't a sane lady now. You have two more siblings, Kim seokjin and Kim namjoon. And have four too much loyal friends. am I right taetae?" He finishes his words with a smirk swimming on his chaped lips.

To say I was shocked, would be an understanding. But I had to compose myself in front of this smirking bitch.

"what are you trying to say?" I asked him, folding my arms on my chest ,while my face held blank expression.

"That's not the point, son. You're now going to date my daughter. And as a father I have to look after her.....but I'm here to take a promise from you. Can you promise me that you won't hurt her any way?" I sighed in relief.

But I can understand his situation right now, y/n has been through so much, and now when I know that I can't take my steps back.

"I'm promising you sir, she won't get hurt, in any way possible. I would always be there to protect her." I assured him, as calm as I can. He smiled in return.

"Okay, if you say so, because its just me you're seeing this time, wait till you see her appa. He's the top you know." He said it like it was the most obvious thing.

Then he went inside his house. On the other hand, I was still there thinking about what just happened.

And believe me, if her dada has four pecks on his stomach, in his forties, then I don't want to imagine how her appa would be.

After few minutes waiting by my white Mercedes, y/n came . She has changed her outfit into a baby pink overall with white off the shoulder t-shirt and some white converse high. Her hair was gathered into a ponytail, and goddamn, she was looking adorable in her outfit.

"Where to?" I asked her as she tucked her phone in her pocket, "to....your house." She said and I smirked at her answer.

She raised an eyebrow, and putted her hand on her hips ,shifting her weight to her other foot. Her face was holding anger expressions.

"What?" She shooted.

"'re looking adorable. " I complimented her with a genuine smile.

And immediately her figure became softened.

"Ah, thanks I guess." She was blushing right now, her cheeks were so rosy. "But wait till you look- " she stopped in her mid sentence, and she stared at me.

"You're coming from your home, aren't you?" She suddenly inquired. "No?" I answered her, and more like questioned her.

She gasp slowly ,her hand fell in her sides. "Wh- " she was about to shoot another question ,but I stopped her.

"Because I came here from straight to the airport, so....." "but you shouldn't have." She protested.

"Yeah, but I wanted to." I assured her. She sighed looking at the ground.

"Now, com'on hop on ,y/n." I said, opening the passenger seat door for her. She muttered a small thank you, before she climbed in. "So.........."

Meanwhile in v's mansion:

"I can't believe you did it again." Jin scolded his younger , really dramatically. "But hyung-" Namjoon was surely about to give a excuse.

But to his dislike yoongi cutted his words. "I don't even want to imagine her face." He uttered in pure tease. Namjoon shoooted him a sharp look.

"Are you -" Namjoon was about to say something, but this time hoseok cutted him.

"Hwasa would be very angry ,no?" He asked Namjoon, with a very innocent look.

"Jungkook can you stop drinking your  Banana milk!" Exclaimed jimin to the youngest.

"Really, who told you to go and cook in your high-tech kitchen. " Jin scolded namjoon ,while he listened it with a smug look.

"Fine!" Shouted namjoon, "I'm going to ask for her forgiveness. " he said as he stood up from his chair, looking determined.

"But what I would say to her?" He asked confused as hell. "The same three magic words. " Jin began.

"I" j-hope said.

"Am" jimin said .

"Sorry". Yoongi finished.

"Okay, hyung and my dongsaeng ,I'm ready to say sorry to her." Namjoon uttered in front of his brothers.

"Again!"Said jungkook sipping his last sip of his banana milk.


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