chapter 47

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Kim taehyung's pov
His mansion (8:32 am)

"Okay, then we'll do invite only our relatives , our close friends and no one else." Yoongi hyung concluded, what we were arguing for hours.

"So, now can we eat?" It was hoseok hyung. Who has asked this question since we started our discussion.

Namjoon hyung sighed."Okay ,let's go." He said, and we took it as a command as we all hurried to the dinning table.

The ladies were already there, and I assume that kids were already fed and were playing in the backyard.

We took our seats and ,Our food were served and we were eating it in a peaceful atmosphere.

That's when I saw something was going on between my brothers .

I looked at y/n who was also watching it, a frown was indicating, she was confused as me.

Jisoo was trying to Conway something to jin hyung.

I dropped my fork with a loud thud and thier attention was on me, like it should.

"Something's wrong ,isn't it?" I asked as I wiped my mouth with a white napkin and gulped some water from the cup.

"So now tell me what's wrong?" I demanded. I could see thier dilemma in thier eyes ,some has fear and some has pity in thier eyes.

"Hyung, you all know I don't like to repeat myself-" Namjoon hyung stopped me by gesturing me to stop my sentence.

"Tomorrow-" he cleared his throat, before continuing, "Tomorrow is ....our mother's birthday, tae." He finally tell me , and I wasn't happy about the information.

"So?" I monotonously answered.

"So?! Your asking so taehyung,  you have to go there, we all have met her atleast once in her prison, and all we ask for you to go there and meet- "

"Her?" I finished his sentence, but it came out as a question.

Namjoon hyung was looking so furious. "Taehyung, we are only asking you to meet her ,just once, nothing more than that ,nor less than that." It was seokjin hyung, who voiced his thoughts.

"But you all go there ,to meet her on her every fucking birthday, I don't think there's any need for me to go and meet her." I retorted in a firm voice.

"Taehyung-" Namjoon hyung was trying to say something, but I wasn't done saying.

"You weren't here when that bitc-" I stopped in my mid sentence when I felt her hand grasped mine. I looked at her with that same face I was holding while arguing with my siblings.

She shook her head once. Indicating me to not call that woman by such name.

"Look, we all understand- " seokjin hyung started but he was interrupted by me , I stood up from my chair as I putted my palms on the edge of the table with a thud.

"No, you don't!" I Exclaimed. "No. You don't understand, what that filthy woman did with our family, hyung. You both weren't here, when she came from this very door, telling us that she betrayed our father. And do you know who's fault it is ,why our father isn't here?Because, she cheated on him, and he couldn't tolerate the betrayal from her." With that saying i walked out from the room.

Kang y/n's pov
V's mansion (8:45 am)

I just watched the scene unfolding before me, silently. And we all were silent, not wanting to interrupt them.

He just walked away. I didn't thought, that a conversation could cause this much.

"See, I told you , you shouldn't have tell him." Jisoo's said, while frustration was clearly laced in her voice.

"Yes, I also gave him the idea to tell him after breakfast. " hwasa said ,nodding at namjoon. She was also frustrated.

"Well, let's give him some space. He'll be fine." IU said , looking at each person on the table. Lisa was silent, just like me.

I was listening this all, my head was low, my mind was trying to grasp each information.

"I- excuse me ." I excused myself to go and find him. They all nodded, and  they all held only one emotion in thier eyes, sympathy.


I stood outside of his room. In a dilemma, of I should go in or not. Taking a deep breath i knocked twice then I realized his door wasn't locked ,so it just pushed open.

I walked in, his room was a mixture of black and grey. With some furniture, a walking closet and a full length mirror, which was illuminating all the lights in the room. A white king sized bed was placed in the middle of the room, with some grey comforter and sheets.

My eyes were searching for him, but I couldn't find him anywhere. I was about to walk out, then I heard a door opened.

I turned ,there he was, freshly showered a soft white towel was wrapped around his waist and another towel was in his hand ,for his wet hairs.

He was present there but I can tell his mind was absent.

"God, Kim taehyung. " I mumbled and he looked at me ,his eyes didn't had any emotion in them. And that site was so heartbroken for a reason.

I didn't think twice to run in his arms. I hugged him as tight as I could. He also held me as he buried his face in my hair, inhaling them.

We were like that for a minute after I pulled away from him, I cupped his face in my palms.

"Are you okay?" I asked him and he just nodded his head looking to my eyes.

I pursed my lips, "okay." I said .I didn't knew what I should say that time. And I detached my palms from his cheeks.

"I.....I'm going to go to my office, something just came up, I'll be back soon. " he said slowly.

"Hmm. Yeah, go. I shall go and see kids."I was about to leave his room, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me in his chest.

"Don't behave like that y/n." He whispered, his eyes were on my lips for a second than it went up to rest on my eyes.

"Like how, taehyung?" I questioned in confusion. He dropped his eyes to the floor.

"Like we don't know each others. Like you want to runaway from me." He mumbled. It was so low, that of he hadn't hold me this close to him I might not have heard it.

"What?! I'm not going anywhere, okay. even if you want me too." I whispered yelled. And he brought his lovely eyes up again.

He smiled sweetly as his hands snaked my waist and he kissed me. A kiss to remember us....not our surroundings.

We broke our kiss as we heard a familiar gasp behind us.

"Eomma-" hana was there with a pink stuffed toy in her hands. Maybe a pink rabbit.

Our eyes widened as we separated our bodies from each other's hold.


P.s.- Also please voteeeeee guys.

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