chapter 2

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y/n was on time for her work. In one hand there was the white classic coat, and in one hand there was her medical kit. She was in her casual attire. But still she was beautiful. She went towards her cabin,only to see GRACY standing there.

She rolled her eyes at back of her friend. "hello gracy". Y/n said as she went to her side of table, to put her belongings.

" so here comes our hospital's princess". Gracy said sarcastically while looking out from the window.

"oh god, why you're sounding so negative since this morning. " y/n said as she took her sit, and crossed her leg. Gracy sighed at her calm behavior.

" y/n, mark rejected me-" y/n raised her eyebrow at her friend's said. "again. " and she completed her sentence with a smirk.

Gracy plop down to the sit which was exactly opposite from y/n. "I don't know why he can't just take me seriously. " gracy whined and looked at her hands which was resting on her lap.

And on the other side y/n was trying her best to not burst into laughter in front of her friend.

"you know gracy, I'm with you in your any kind of rejection. But just don't spread negativity just because you got rejected by some dick head ."

"dick head?! " she shouted with wide eyes as she looked up. And y/n cover her ears from her both palms each side. " slowly grace, slowly. " gracy only nodded.

And she continues her saying but y/n couldn't listen anything. She was looking at her friend with confused expression on her flawless face. She separated her palms from her ears, only to know that gracy has started whispering.

She leaned forward and smack her forehead. "ow- what the hell? " she again whisperd but it was her time to be confuse.

"you - you know what gracy, just go and take some fresh air from Mother Nature. "Y/n said to her friend as she reaches for her coat and putted it on.

"geez now your sounding like my mother. " she chuckled at her friend's statement. And soon she bid her goodbye and left her cabin.

"okay, it's time for some work y/n. " she took her glasses and putted it on. When she was about to open her first file.

She got a phone call on her office telephone. She was signing some papers as she picked up her phone.

"hello,  this is Dr. Y/n how may I help you? " the other line was silent.

"hellow?" she again asked if someone was there, but again it was silence, pure silence.

When she wasn't getting any response she hung up the call and continued her doings. After some minutes the phone again rang, she sighed before answering it.

" hello, I'm Dr. Y/n -" but this time she was cutted off by her MD's secretary.

"miss y/n, sir Lee wants to see you in his office. He said it's urgent, so I'm requesting you to hurry up. Please. " and with that the phone was hung up with loud beeping sound.

"what the -" she wanted to curse at her but she closed her eyes and breathed sharply.

Then she opened her eyes and she took her phone from the table and she left for MD's office.

Mr. Lee's POV -

" ah,  yes sir I have informed her, she'll be here soon. " I said on the phone call. "yeah, okay sir. " and I hung up the call.

After some minutes I heard two soft knocks from the other side of my office's door.

"come in. " I was busy in some paper work so I didn't notice the person. "you called me sir? " 'this soothing voice -' I looked up and there she was smiling at me.

" oh, please take a seat miss kang. " I said as I gestured her to sit down and she did so.

"you're looking beautiful miss kang. " I complemented her and she looked down slightly smiling, and murmured a thank you.

After some second her expression was serious as  she looked up ."so, how's Mrs Lee sir? " she asked as she crossed her legs and smirked.

I sighed at her question ." she's fine. " I said monotonously and I occupied myself with some papers again.

She hummed at my response nodding. She clears her throat and said " so, why did you wanted to See Me Dr?" shit. I cursed on my breath as I once again looked into her eyes.

" yeah, on the serious note y/n, there's a client or should I say he's the trusty of this hospital, wants you to check his sister and report him. " I said as serious as I could, and she simply nodded.

" and let me tell you, he's really strict when it comes to his family. I mean as you could assume he's really wealthy man, but his sister got some issues and he's willing a good treatment for her. " I continued.

"hmm, interesting. " she said and rubbed her chin with her fingers like she was thinking something.

"okay, I'll do it. " she said with a smile which I knew it was a fake smile. And I nodded.

"OK then I would leave sir. "
She stood and left from my office closing the door behind her and I just stared at her fading figure.

I snapped back to reality when I heard my phone was buzzing and it was Mr Kim's call ,so I picked up hurriedly. "y-yes Mr Kim? "

"did she agreed for my offer Lee? " said a deep and husky voice.

"yes sir. " I said as I took the glass of water and drank it.

"okay then, I'll send my driver to fetch her at sharp 5:00 pm. Hmm? "

"o-okay sir.have a n-nice day sir." I sighed as the other line was gone. 'Mr Kim is a danger. ' I thought and I flinched as I heard a long thud in the background.

It was the photo of my family , shattered on the ground.


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