chapter 27

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Kang y/n's pov
Seoul heart hospital (10:30 pm)

"Mhmm, this pillow feels too soft." I murmured in my sleeping, then I jolted awake as realization, hit me . I wasn't in my room, and I wasn't on my bed too , I was watching everything with my mind absent ,then I heard a giggle. Oh, shit, Mr Kim! It was his shoulder, that I slept on.

"Omo, I'm so sorry, Mr Kim. " I apologized immediately, he only stared at me with a smile ." Nah, i'ts okay . " he said  shaking his head slightly.

" no,you should have wake me up. " I argued. "Well,you were looking cute - " but before he can complete his words , The emergency room's door opened and Ms song came out. We both stood up seeing her.

She was watching the floor ,while walking and rubbing her fingertips, to her forehead at the same time."Ms song?" I called for her attention, she looked up with a tired face .

"y/n- " she cutted herself as her eyes trailed behind me , oh! Mr Kim. I didn't reacted at that.

"OMO! Mr Kim." She bowed at him almost 90 degree. I widened my eyes at her behavior as I turned to look at him with the same eyes. And he only curtly nodded at her in return,  stuffing his hands in his pockets.

But, now it was confusing me like , why would she do that ,because as long as I know her ,she's the oldest one among all the staff ,and it was our duty to give respect , but here she was bowing to the almost 18  years younger than her.

"Y/n , you both can go now .take some rest,okay." She putted her hand on my shoulder , as she said those things to me. I could only nod at that.

" um, ms kang let me get my car at the entrance, okay." I nodded again, as he left. " Ms song?" I stopped ms song ,as she ready to go somewhere else, " how's the kid doing?"I asked her out of concern, she smiled at my question, tiredly.

"Oh,don't worry y/n he's doing great, it wasn't something dangerous,thankfully. And now he's sleeping , he'll be up at the morning, so there's nothing to worry about, hm?" She cupped my left cheek, as her other hand was occupied with her phone. I smiled at her .

I heard beep sound coming from the entrance, "I should leave now." I said ,as we bid our last adieu to each other for tonight, and I proceeded to go towards the entrance of the hospital.

There stand a sleek black BMW car before me ,I gasped softly. And went towards it slowly admiring its beauty.

Out of sudden, the window rolled down, and mr Kim came in the view. Looking like a Greek God.

I gaped at him, he was looking like a full course meal , I never noticed, how handsome he was. He was currently checking himself in the front mirror, while smirking.

"Ms kang, you know its rude to stare ?" He said as he finally looked at me from that darn mirror. He wore his cruel smirk on his face which can surely make girls go down on their knees.of course he has powers to do that.

his looks, his deep voice, his personality, everything about him is ,so on point, that you can't find anything to hate in this man.

I blinked at his statement. Oh! I was staring at him. "I wasn't. " I lied confidentially on his face. His smirk widened at it. "Are you, sure?" He said as he licked his lower lip . Jesus ,help me.

I ignored his remarks, as I went on the opposite side, and slide into passenger seat, he looked at me, and my eyes were on him already, they collided with each other, and it felt like eternity as we stare into each other's souls . He smirked before he averted his eyes. And started driving.

When he dropped me at my house ,I thanked him, for everything he did today for me and that kid too. As I went to my house ,hana wasn't asleep, she was watching TV on the couch.

She was all alone, and mimi wasn't anywhere near her. I shook my head at that thought.

I sighed as I closed the door,  hana averted her eyes from TV and gave me her dazzling smile, but she didn't came to hug me ,I frown at it ,it was her habit to hug me whenever she see me.

I went towards her carefully. And took a seat beside her. She was now glaring at the TV.  There's something going on in her mind.

I took the remote and shut off the TV.  She finally turned to me, without any emotion on  her baby face. I raised a brow, as I was also staring at her, I took her from her place and placed her on my lap.

" so, tell me ,what's going on in your little brain, hm." I tickled her sides as she was straddling me right now , to lighen the awkwardness in the house.

"Eomma....stop." she said between her laugh. I stopped eventually, before I kissed her nose.

" okay, so?" I raised my brows as I wrapped my hands around her waist, loosely.

"Uh, eomma... I was in the park today ,and...... I saw a boy far away from, I went there......and I ask him ......why? ......and he said that his mother was......with God. And she was .....never coming back. What mean?"

So, trembling, she completed her sentence, but yet she broke the last sentence. I smiled at her. I kissed her frowned face. She giggled a bit.  I was only humming between her talking.

It's a bit dark to make her understand that. " okay, means that, his mother is never coming back, she'll always be with God." I thought it would be the easiest way to make her understand.

Her frown turned into a horror expression. "What?" I asked as soon as I looked at her expressions.

"What if will also go to the God?" She asked me ,with so much concern, in her baby voice.

And ,trust me it was the very difficult question, more than my exams one. I took a deep breath, and she was still looking at me ,for a answer.

"Baby, it's necessary to go every people, with God, and to live with him , but for that they have to leave the mother earth. " I said as I stood up from the couch ,still with her in my arms ,and her legs wrapped around my waist.

"But ,eomma?" I knew it, that she was going to ask further questions, because after asking a question, she becomes  a question machine.

"No, hana I'm tired ,and let's just sleep okay?" She pursed her lips as she nodded in agreement. After doing our night routine together, and we drifted off in the land of dreams.


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