chapter 32

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Kim taehyung's pov
Tokyo, Japan ( 11:30 pm )

Twelve days later:-

"......right? Mr Kim. " a voice boomed in the dark room with a projector running in the background. I was in a deep thought, very deep thought, not even giving a shit about anything going on in my surroundings.

I looked up at our head of department in Tokyo, he was the one who was talking right now.

I then averted my eyes ,on the screen in front of me. Taking every detail at once.
"I don't think, if we need to lower our sells prices now. As the graphs are telling that the countryside is the only area we have to cover for now. Especially in India and Thailand. People won't be able to buy our products if the the prices are too high for them. So, I suggest you that , Mr Evans here, has the best proposal, and we should go with his proposal. "

He was stunned, for a second. Then he blinked for few times before turning to Mr Evans, talking some business with him.

12 days. Its been freaking 12 days since I have last seen her in real. I had to leave for Japan for bloody 12 days ,for some shitty things they can't handle by thier own.

Since, then we have surely texting, calling even we have done face timing too ,but the need to touch her in real is what I'm craving for ,from this past 12 FUCKING days.

But, would be the end of this torture, I'm having internally. I sighed as the meeting room was empty now ,except for me. I was sitting there ,thinking about the only woman, I could think out of all woman.

Like seriously, this past days the only thing is wandering in my mind was her, and her only.

I took my belongings from the table . I walked from the several halls, and took elevator and I was finally, down to the road .

The car was on the spot ,right before me . Creazing my jacket for the final time and showing the shades over my eyes, I took a seat in the car.

"To where , sir?" The chauffeur asked me. "To my private jet." Those were my final words ,before I decided to take a nap.


After solid 4 hours flight, I landed to Korea, Seoul. My home. And there's onother thing ,I want to do today. I'm Gonna tell her something.

Something, which I never expected I would say to a girl, who's not my family. Something, which I wasn't confident about. That's...I like her.

Yes, I do. It's only one month, we met. We went to date once. But...something was pulling me towards her.yeh, she was like a magnet now, she was pulling me ,without her conscious. She was becoming my drug. I was craving for her, crazily.

But....then there's so many danger surrounding me. The mafia world, my business world, and my own little world.
If I would open my mouth today, it'll become mess. My life is a mess, who knows it, they knew, how fucked up my life is. But yet again, like I've said before I would like to take this risk, with her.

Once I was front of her house, I slipped my phone from my pocket and dialed her number. One ring.....two ring......three ring.

"Mr- taehyung?" She breathed out. i chuckled as I heard a crash from the background and her muffled 'oh shit!' "You okay?" I asked her . "Yes." She answered shortly.

"Uh, how was your meeting? It was your last meeting, isn't it? Or maybe there's more? No, it was your last meeting, and why your talking to me ,you should be on your plane right now, the Google said, it was flight delay-" and here goes her cute rambling. I FUCKING loved it.

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