chapter 11

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Y/n's POV
V's office room (4:10 pm)

Ms Irene said, he'll be here in ten minutes, but there's no sign of him till now. I was playing candy crush on my phone, then I found my phone was buzzing, it was a phone call coming from my grandma.

" halmo-" I was about to say more but she cutted me off.

"KANG Y/N! " she exclaimed over the phone.

I was shocked, because one, she never take my full name, unless she's angry with me, and two, she never do this over the phone, like never. I gulped loudly.

"y-yes halmonie. " I stuttered a bit, because this woman is the scariest when she angry.

"don't you dare to halmonie me, do you really think I don't know what have you done.? " she said in a stern voice...... Damn! Definitely something was wrong.

"what do you mean , halmonie?" I asked as I was confused, on what have I truly done?

"the guy you met a week ago, his grandma called me, and do you know what she said? " and now her voice was weird.

Like she was my parent and my neighbors have complained her about me for the thing which I definitely don't know, and she definitely not liked it.

" halmonie, just calm down. " I said as I sighed in relief.

" calm down?  Calm freaking down y/n?  Do you really want me to calm down over -" 'oh god this lady! ' I thought as I shake my head in disbelief.

"okay, just tell me what she said. alright?" I asked her hoping she will tell me what the hell was the real matter.

"y/n, she was the grandmother of the guy, you just met a week ago in Seoul. That ......uh, min yoongi guy. " she stated but it sounds like she was questioning herself, like she wasn't sure of this either.

"min yoongi.... " I mumbled slowly, trying to get this name. Then it hit me.

"halmonie, that guy was a -" I was about to tell her about him but no, my halmonie being my halmonie, she cutted me off.

"is a gentleman. " she tried to finish my, unfinished sentence, and bingo!  She got the full marks. Please clap for her. Hah?!the sarcasm.

"halmonie let me Complete it. " I deadpanned. And I'm sure she was rolling her eyes now.

"halmonie, that guy was a, pshyco type of person. And you think he's a gentleman? Really halmonie? Did his grandma told you what he did? " and Lets clear it, guys.

" she said, that you two were having fun on your little date, and then he was telling you something and you just threatened him to stab him.... And really y/n? A Swiss knife, just for threatening? "

I bet she was drinking her, lemon iced tea, because when she finished talking she took a sip. "and I'm repeating myself here, he's a gentleman ,y/n ".

"oh god, halmonie. " I said trough my gritted teeth, "okay now tell me, what kind of gentleman talks about his favorite sex positions, and on the top that with such a girl, whom he's meeting for the first time. " I said pointedly.

and guess what, she choked on her drink. "whattttttt? " i bet she was shocked, i mean anyone would be.

"yeah" . I sighed closing  my eyes and throwing my head up on that chairs headrest. " okay, but what about that Swiss knife? " she asked me in a bored tone.

"um, honestly, I also don't know about that Swiss knife. " I said in my defense at least. . "what did you say? " she said angrily, I swear she's raising her eyebrow.

"oh god, halmonie - you know what? just go and ask to that min yoongi guy. I'm sure he would tell you in details. Okay,  now bye ." And with those words I hung up on her.

I ran my hands on my face after, I putted my phone back on its place. I do love my grandma, but sometimes she will just talk nonsense, too much nonsense.

I sighed for maybe millionth time today. I was exhausted .

After maybe, two or three minutes later I heard the door opens, and someone was coming. And for some reason my heartbeat was increasing with each step he or she was taking towards me. And me on the other hand, didn't dare to turn and look at the person.

TO BE CONTINUED...........

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