chapter 28

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Park shina's pov
Alite palace (10:30 pm)

I was here ,again.

He was raping me .yes, he did it just to take revenge from me.

He kidnapped my son. I found out when i went home and searched for him.he wasn't anywhere in the house so I went to my neighbors, to see of he was there but ,no .


There wasn't any clue for that .when I entered my kitchen ,crying. I found a flashy yellow paper sticked to my fridge door.

I pulled it off from it ,and read it with a shocked expression. It says , if you want to see your son, come to my palace .at 10 pm sharp.

I screamed in fear ,in any possible way he can hurt him. I wiped my tears as I ran out of my house, and went to find a cab .

When ,I reached .he was sitting on the couch ,shirtless, eating a apple, with his left leg over his right leg.

The silver chain, which my father gifted him ,was dangling on his neck, with his wedding ring . I stood there staring at him, with all hatred in my body.

"You kidnapped my son, didn't you?" I said in fury yet low voice. ,he only smirked watching his half eaten apple in his hand. "Glad, you knew it.

" he said as he gazed me , "but why ?" He laughed, like it was some kind of joke.

"Fine ,you sit here and I'll find him." I stated and I was about to leave his filthy place ,as I heard him saying ,which caused me to stop my steps.

"how long you're gonna do it , hm?" I snapped in his direction. My eyes widen ,my face hold the emotion of confusion and anger, at the same time.

"Aw, take it easy baby, now let's make a deal. " he said as he threw the apple somewhere in the room and he came closer to me ," what kind of deal?" I whispered as he was just inches apart from me.

"You give me your body ,and I'll give you ,your son back." He whispered back in my ears.

I pushed him by his chest ,"are you - " I stopped my self saying anything else before I would say anything to him ,which I will regret.

"I'll never do this." I said in a stirn voice. He smirked, "you sure?" He asked as he folded his hands over his chest.

"Hmm, just think about it. Just give me your worthless body to me ,and you'll be with your son, safely in your house." his intentions were clear .

he wanted to sleep with me ,or more like he wanted to sleep with my body.

"NO!" I shouted and took two steps back in disgust. "It means you clearly know, where he is, don't you?" I said in full raged.

He chuckled at it . " you read the massage, didn't you?" He fired back.

"Now, the deal .wifey." I took a sharp breath, my eyes were at the werge of tears.

"Okay ." I gave in , a tear slide down from my eyes, I wiped it quickly and he grinned. "So, let's go."

And, like that I ended up in his filthy bed, with my naked body , his hovering over mine. He did his business, while I was only laying there like a statue.

Once ,he was done ,he got off me and collapse besides me. He took his time for a minute before he stood up and brought the shots over our body.

I was beyond tired, so it just took me some seconds before I fell asleep, thinking about my son, jaeson.

Kang y/n's pov
Her home ,Seoul (7:30 am)

Today,I woke up without any stress, of going hospital or waking up my princess for nothing and to go somewhere else. Today I was tension free. And trust me, I loved the feeling.

"Eomma?" I heard hana ,screaming in her morning voice, I smiled in the kitchen while flipping a pancake. "In kitchen!" I screamed back ,enough so it could reach her. Soon, I heard her little footstep .

"Eomma." She said as he reach for kitchen and came to me with open arms.I giggled and turned off the gas flame as I picked her up on my hips.

"Good morning, baby." I whispered in her ears as she laid her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes once more." Good morning. " she said still with her eyes closed and nuzzling more in my neck.

"Com'on, hana .wake up ." I shook her a bit , "baby....." I unknowingly touches her face and a gasp escape from the temperature of her. Yes, she was having fever .....not just normal one but it was really bad one .

"Hana ,you've fever....." I quickly ran towards the living room and satted her on the couch. She finally opened her eyes ,she was looking paled.

"God, why I didn't notice it " I whispered to my self as I picked the thermometer from the cabinet near the kitchen and put it under her armpit. Sitting beside her carefully.

I was panicking, because it wasn't normal for her to have a fever unless...."hana ,you dreamed something bad ,again." I stated and her eyes went widen at my words , she was about to shook her head.

"Truth, hana." I said calmly as I removed the device from her , 98° degree, it reads. I shook my head ,at it with a frustrated sigh." Eomma, it was nothing. Really. " she whined.

"How could this happen to you, you were just beside me ,hana. How's this even possible." I said taking her in my lap and putting her sideways.

She simply shrugged with a pout. I couldn't help but to smile at her carelessness. I kissed her cheek. "Hospital?" She asked ones I pulled away from her cheek.

"No." I said simply. "Why?" She asked looking perplexed. "Um....can you take a shower by yourself today?" I asked her with a puppy dog eyes, not wanting to continue our 'one word question game.'

"Beacuse ,as you can see, I did it already, so........?" I looked at her pleading, and she just sqinted her eyes and folded her tiny arms in front of her.

"okay." She said as she ran straightly from my lap to the bathroom.


I was just getting ready to pay a quick visit to Mr Kim, and so that I could leave for hospital to check on that kid.


I thought about it for a very long time if I could tell him ,or not . But ......he deserves to know it. And with that last thing in my mind I took my phone and dialed his number. After few rings he picked it up .

"Ms kang." He greated me . "Um, mr Kim, I won't take long but......can we meet somewhere or just in your office?" I asked him hoping he would accept it.

"O.....Kay." well ,he sounds awkward. "It's okay , if you don't......-" he cutted my assumption in the middle.

"No, its not like that , I was just a bit know ,busy." " Omo! I should have thought about it, maybe I should have just emailed you. But I don't have your email ID for you as per your office's email address too. So, I thought it would be okay to call you and if we could - " he cutted my rant In between.

"Ms kang, breath okay . In and out." I did as he said ,it reminded me, when we talk for the first time on call. He was talking to me like ,he was talking to a baby. "Are you okay now?" He asked.

" Yeah." I answered. " okay so, which time would you like to come?" He said .

"Um.....maybe 11:30 o'clock?" I said unassurely. "Yep, fine." He said and I sighed in relief. "Okay ,then we'll see each other, bye." And with that I hang up on him . I got up from my position and went to get ready.

Present time

After getting ready, I took hana with me too ,and dropped her at mimi's. And went to the cab I booked. And the we drive to my destination.


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