chapter 20

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Kang y/n's POV
V's house (12:30 pm)

We all were on the couch sitting, and talking some random stuff. All the guys were, well.... They weren't that bad as I thought they were.

The guy who was questioning me, was Kim namjoon. Mr Kim's older sibling ,and the tallest guy was also his sibling, Kim soekjin. Well, he told me to call him jin.

As we continued to talking, a loud scream came from the taena's room. "HOBI OPPA!" screamed her voice.

I got confused because, well, she was asleep, the last time checked. And I trailed my eyes to all the guys. Yes, Mr Jung wasn't here, neither yoongi.

I heard all the boys chuckled, and Mr park - I mean, jimin, just fall on the ground from laughing, I mean he just really kissed the floor, and jungkook just got up from his seat to grab him, shaking his head, and well.... He also fell on him.

"we should go there. " was all namjoon ssi said, ignoring all the things happening in the background, and all the guys stood up ignoring them well, and I also stood up and went behind them.

When they reached there, they started laughing. And by the time jungkook and jimin ssi was also there.

When I got closer, they gave me room to access, and I wanted to control my laugh but the scene before me wasn't helping it much.

So I let out a big laugh, my hand over my mouth, to cover some voices.

Because, j-hope was trying to play a whole flute with his nostrils .

And on the top of that he was chasing taena, who was now out of the bed and was in her wheel chair, and min yoongi was far in the corner watching all the things with bored expression.

When yoongi's eye met mine when I sobered up from my laugh, he also straighten himself, before striking our side.

"oppa, do something. " pleaded taena, with annoyance in her voice, ofcourse , he was doing good job for annoying her.

The guys laughed at her face making before, they all went to stop J-hope .and by the time Min yoongi was on my side, while me? well , I was busy with laughing at them.

"y/n. " said a nervous yoongi. I drag my attention to him, and smiled at his nervous state. "yeah " I breathed out.

"um, can I have few words with you? " he said politely, and I nodded my head. "please " he gestured me to go to the living room. So I did what he said.

"please take a sit. " I sat down on the couch as he came and sat beside me. "so? " I said as I raised my eyebrows at him in a questioning manner.

"uh, actually y/n -" he cutted himself and took a deep breath, before continuing.

"look y/n, what I said or what I did , it wasn't planned or anything okay. I mean, I don't know how to explain all the things to you but, you know my grandma, she was forcing me to go on a date with you, but I really never wanted to go. Because see, I'm dating someone currently and I was supposed to propose her on the other day but then I got a call from you and because of my grandma I have to go. And all the while she was texting me. And I didn't know how to get out of there, so, I did what my mind told me that time and you-" he was ranting in a literal one breath, like oxygen doesn't exist for him.

But his rants got cutted off by my laughter. "and you are laughing?" he made a confused face, which was just fuel for my laugh. I slowed my laughing but I maintain to keep a smile on my lips as I rest my hand on his forearm.

"yoongi, you don't have to explain anything okay. What have have done is done. Alright. " I said standing up from the couch. And he stood up with me. Towering over me.

"uh, I should just leave n-now. " I gave him a lip tight smile, before I left the mansion.


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