chapter 54

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Kim taehyung's pov
Jungkook's home (7:23 pm)

I was wishing if I could bring y/n with me to meet master woo, she was coming with her father, whom I've met.
He was invited by jin hyung, he didn't told us about it, till this morning.

I was on my way to go to a private room, which was only for emergency meetings in jungkook's.

When I reached the door, I took a deep breath, to clear my mind.

My hand grop the knob and u twisted it so the door opened with a gentle push, without any sound.

Namjoon hyung, and jin hyung were there already talking to him, the air suddenly felt quiet.

Thier heads turned to look at me, but my eyes were focused on him. His face has become more rough with those lines, but except that, he was all same, like he was the same person from 10 years ago.

His almost black eyes were boring into my soul, just the way he did before. I bowed at  90 degrees, in front 0f him, and he only gave me a nod.

I took a seat between my siblings. They were watching my every moment  I can sense that.

He also sat , across us. A wooden coffee table was separating us. "'s been long, isn't it taehyung?" He started.

His voice held the same deepness. "Yes, master woo." I said.

He nodded with a slight smile. "I think we should jump in the business directly, jungkook will hate it if will be dissappear from the party for a long time." Jin hyung states his thoughts.

"Yes, you're right. " Namjoon hyung whispered.

"Right, so, uh...... I would like to know how did you found out about my daughter, taehyung?" Master woo quizzed.

"I visited my mother, one week ago, she told me." I answered, fidgeting with my fingers.

"Did she told you anything else?"


"Hmm, but I would like to tell you about her-" he was surely about say something fascinating about his daughter, but I don't have to hear anything about her, cause that's pointless.

"No, master woo, before anything else, I would like to you know, that I have......I have a girlfriend. " I finished and he looked stunned.

"You have.....girlfriend?" He asked again.

"Yes ,master woo. And now when you know that, so I don't think that marrying your daughter would be  good  for us." I pointed.

"But...son, you should atleast meet her, she doesn't have any clue about what's her destiny holds for her." He whispered, looking determined.

I sighed, it wouldn't hurt to meet her, and tell her.

"Okay, you said she'll be here with your husband, so, is she still coming?" I quizzed him.

He checked his phone, as it dinged with a message.

"Good, they're here, just in time. " he announced after putting his phone in his back pocket.

Kang y/n's pov
Jungkook's home (7:32 pm)

"But dada first tell me, why we have to go there?" I asked my dada ,he was oddly nervous to go to a room, why, I don't know.

"Uh, let's just go and you'll find out. " He said and dragged me to the room.

We reached there and slowly he pushed the doors and it opened with a faint Creech.

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