chapter 18

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Kang y/n's POV
V's house (11:55 am)

My eyes moved behind him, my eyes were still widen ,and there stood a very embarrassed min yoongi, with his freshly bruised face, a soft gasp left from my mouth, unknowingly.

"min yoongi? " a forrow took over my face as I said his name. The hell happened with him? I thought on his outer looks.

He stiffed, "h-HI. " he said, with a small wave, I could feel the awkward tension in the room. Then suddenly I heard a inhumane groan, besides me.

"what the hell is going on? Can anybody tell me? " the man who asked me, my name, was the same person to say that.

I slightly flinched as his raged eyes landed on me for a slight moment. Then he dragged his gaze from me to Mr Kim.

"you, taehyung, care to elaborate what's she's doing here? " he asked him while pointing his index finger to me.

Mr Kim took a deep breath before explaining the things to him. When he finished, he only nodded absent mindedly.

"that's all okay, but you-" he turnrs To me, how do you know yoongi hyung? " he asked as he folded his hands on his chest, and Arched his brow.

"i-we actually we -" I could feel my cheeks heating as I felt his eyes on me.

"she the 'y/n' , hyung, with whom, our yoongi hyung was on a date with. And she was the one who tried to threat him with, Swiss knife, and.... She's the one whom, he was discussing, which he shouldn't have discussed. " it was Mr Jung, who thankfully inturpted me. Yes, I was glad that he did it.

All the time, as he was explaining the 'things' I was watching my feet in embarrassment, that they knew about but not because of my work, but because of something they shouldn't know me.

I dared to look at up, and my eyes met with Mr Jung's eyes. He gave me a assuring nod with he's adorable smile. I wanted to smile back when a loud voice stooped me from doing it.

I looked behind me. 'oh, shit the bunny boy!' I immediately went to him and crouched down. How could I forget about him.

His hand was still on his bleeding nose. I removed his palm from his nose and inspected it. Thankfully it wasn't that bad.

I think I didn't hit him that hard... Or maybe he's nose's kinda strong because his nose took my punch very well.

I helped him to sit up a bit, then I looked at the men behind me, they were watching me intensely.

"um.... Can anyone help me? " I asked them qietly, traveling my eyes from each of them, hoping they would come.

Then Mr park step out from, behind that one unfamiliar man, man! He was handsome though. And he's too tall, for a man.

Mr park was soon at my side. "do you think If we can take him to that couch? " he said pointed towards the couch, which wasn't too far from us to reach.

I nodded my head biting my lower lip in nervousness. We started dragging the bruised man from the land to that couch. His each hands were on mine, and Mr Park's shoulder to help him walk.

We successfully took him there. And the next thing I wanted was, a first aid kit. It was like, he just read my mind, and as I finished thinking about the kit, he was besides me, with the white first aid kit.

As he passed me the kit, our fingertips brushed and my eyes met his. He was slightly bent, to match my eye level as I was seated in front of the bunny boy, and Mr park was besides him.

We held each others eyes, in which it felt like decades and I took the kit from him, with my slightly burning cheeks.

"I thought you Will need it, so.... " he's words trailed off as a laughter boomed through the both men in front of me.

They both were laughing as there wasn't any tomorrow.

I felt a little uncomfortable, they stopped though. I looked back at him, "um, ms kang, all the boys here, are my brothers. " he started as he took a chair and placed it beside me, so by the time Mr park was facing him, while the bunny boy was facing me ofcourse.

I nodded absentmindedly, as I took some cotton pad and soaked it with a alcohol. And after doing it twice, I wrapped his nose with a white bandage. I putted all the things back in the kit and gave it to Mr Kim.

"thanks y/n. " it was that bunny boy. I snapped my head to his direction, he was there sitting with now straight back and a smirk on his face. My jaw dropped at the sight, it was like nothing happened.

"y"- I was going to ask a question to him, but my got cutted by a giggle beside me. Mr Kim. He was giggling.

Damn! Even his giggles sounds so heavenly. When he felt my gaze on him he stopped it with few coughs. Avoiding my eyes .

I turned my attention back to the bunny boy. "so, y/n. Hi I'm the golden maknae of the group, Jeon jungkook."


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