chapters 58

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Kim taehyung's pov
On the private jet (8:45 am)

I would finally be able to kill that betrayer's son.

I can't tell you how happy I was when , jungkook told me that he had found his fucking residency.

We were on the jet. Lisa was on the other jet. I keep this information from y/n.

I told her that Lisa will be with us, but in reality she was going with her parents in another jet. Which was kookie's private jet as well.

As promised, y/n, made us some breakfast and then made ramen for us so if we'll be hungry, we would have something to eat in immediate.

She was so cheerful this morning, smiling and all but I knew she didn't wanted me to leave. But on the other side she understands what this mean for me.

I am really a lucky bastard that I have someone like her in my life. And now I'm going to have another tiny version of her or maybe mine roaming around.

"We are passing Seoul's border." The computerized voice came from the little speakers which was installed in the plane.

"Oh man! We just passed the border, how long this journey is going to be?"
It was yoongi hyung who still sounds like he haven't had his sleep.

"It's a 4 hours and 56 minutes- I mean let's say it's a 5 hours journey. " Namjoon hyung replied.

Yoongi hyung huffed.

"Tae, did you try to call her." Jin hyung asked and I know whom he was referring.

"I did , but she isn't picking it up." I informed him.

"Then, try to call Philip. "

This morning when we were ready to leave the penthouse, the guys suggested if I could come straight to the airport. Since it was more near from the penthouse.

But then I would had to leave her alone, which I would never do . So I called one of my drivers, Philip, to take her home safely. They should be in home right now, but either of them is not picking thier phone call.

"Don't worry they'll be safe , taehyung."
Hobi hyung smiled and said.

I nodded hesistantly. I glanced at namjoon hyung who was already looking at me.

Something is not okay, definitely not okay.

Kang y/n's pov
On the car (8:30 am)

"So, what's your name?" I asked the driver, who was supposed to be take me to my house.

"Phillip, mam." He answered.


Philip was a fairly young man ,but it didn't appear on his frame, he was tall, has a Bluetooth fixed on his ear, he was looking like a bodyguard than a driver in his black and white suit.

I didn't know what to say, Then, silence surrounded us.

The road was looking so peaceful, I glanced at my phone to check the time.
But the car stopped with a halt.

My hand unconsciously went to my stomach.

"W-what happened?" I asked him, my voice became unstable.

"It seems like someone went through an accident, he's unconcius, mam." He said he's eyes were on the road in front of him.

I tried to peek, and indeed there was a man laying on the road, right in between, his blood was pooling around him.

"Oh my god!" I Exclaimed and I fiddle with the door to open it and ran towards the injured man, but the door never opened.

"Why this door is not opening?"I questioned Philip.

"It's child lock, mam." He answered.

I was frustrated, but I know he's doing what taehyung has asked him to do.

"Fine, I can't go there, then you should go ." I demanded.

" but mam, I don't think he's alive anymore. "

" but what if he's concius, and because of this stupid assumption of yours he'd be dead, really. " I scolded him. "We just can't sit here and watch that man die."


"If you're not going there to check him, then unlock the door and let me go." I ordered.

"No, I can't do that mam."

"Then go there, please! "

He finally looked at me, he's eyes were screaming no.....for some reason.

He sighed and then suddenly he was out.

He was taking slow steps, towards that man, why he was so hesitant, was beyond my understanding.

A/n's pov-

Philip went near that man, but they were not aware that whom they were thinking was dead, wasn't dead much.

He was concius all the time.

He grabbed a gun which was obviously hidden from us. He pulled the trigger but philip was more aware to know this trick and he pulled his gun before that man, and shot him.

Y/n was panicking inside the car, her hand was securely wrapped around her belly. Her freee hand went to search for her phone, but before she could do anything the glass of her side door, was broken.

She was panicking, her eyes were tearing now.

The guy who broke the glass had a mask on his face ,he wore a black hoodie for sure ,his hand came in through the broken glass ,it reached the locks.

He unlocked the lock, and yanked y/n by her forearm.

"No! Philip! " she shouted for help, but Philip was laying on his own blood pool, fighting for his own life.

"No! Let me go!" She again yelled, hoping they would listen to her for once.

She tried one of the tricks her father trained her with, for such situations.

But she failed miserably as the man slapped her across her face.

"You bitch!" He spat. He was American,  he was talking in English. And his accent give it away.

"God, Maddie! Watch this slut."He ordered another man, who came to take her from the man. He was dressed as the first one, he has a mask on too.

"Just fucking blind fold her, dude." He said boredly.

The first guy nodded and brought a black fold from his back pocket, and as he tried to tie it around her eyes she began to struggle.

"Stay still, bitch!" He shouted at her.

Her mind couldn't focus to do anything but to listen to this man, she can't risk anything for her child.


A/N:- So, I'm so thankful for the support you guys are giving, I mean it's more than I expected. Ah, I don't think a thank you would be enough, but THANK YOU SO MUCH, everyone, like every single person.

And let's not make it long but....I love you guys, I can't tell you how happy I'm. And yes , happy (one day belated) ARMY DAY! 💜

-- Your chingu 😉

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