chapter 9

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Kang y/n POV
V's land (3:45 pm) :

I hoped down from the cab, which I have booked to come here, for that so called meeting.

I  quickly payed the driver, then went to the biggest building of the area. Entering the building , I bumped into someone. It was a.......... Girl.

"ow, sorry. " I said rubbing my  forehead , yeah she was rushing for god knows where.

" no, no mam I'm sorry. It was my fault. I'm sorry. " her voice was cracking, wait, she was crying. Before I could say anything to her, she ran away. Hm,strange.

Then I went to the reception. A beautiful lady was behind the desk.    

" um,  exuse me mam? " I said politely. She looked up from her doings.

"yes? " like I said she was really pretty.

Has pretty brown eyes, perfect pink lips, long-straight brown hair matching with her beautiful eyes.

Dressed in perfectly fitted white skirt and baby blue shirt. No. I'm not into girls.

"uh, I'm here for some kind of meeting with Mr Kim. " I said and she blinked at my statement.

Then she nodded looking down, as she was talking with herself internally. Then she looked up and smiled.

"um, sorry. I just got the information about you."She pointed her index finger to right ear, and there was the device which I didn't noticed, yeah, a Bluetooth. I gave her a tight smile.

"so, you just have to go 14th floor, and search for Ms. Bae Irene, she'll lead you the way to Mr Kim's office. "I nodded and after giving her a last glance, I walked off to find a elevator.

After my little search operation, for a freaking elevator, I finally found it. When I reached to the elevator, there was two lady already . Hah, fan bloody tastic!!

When we passed the first floor, they started talking. " you know, I have attended so many parlors and salon just so, I can look presentable in front of him. " says the blonde one.

I took a deep breath, thinking how people have time for doing this. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"ofcourse, he is the walking definition of Greek god. " says the red head.

And on the other side, I was peacefully waiting for my floor. Oh god. "do you think she's also here for the intern ship?" oh, so now they are going to talk like I don't exist in like, right fucking in front of them.

And like that, they went on and on. And finally the elevator's door openes and they got out as they reached for thier floor. Still talking.

After some seconds, I finally, finally got to the fucking floor. I heaved a sighed. God, this day..... My inner thinking was trailed off by a voice.

"exuse me mam? " the person asked me with a slight tap on my shoulder. So, I turned just to meet an , angel face woman again.

"Ms. Kang y/n? " she asked in a very, professional tone, which I can understand .

So, I just nodded, soullessly. She eyed me, from head to toe. After she pushed her Bluetooth, further to her ear, furiously nodding and saying 'yes sir 'occasionally.

"I got it sir. " that was her last words before turning her full attention to me.

"um, you can wait in sir's office. He's in the meeting with some important people, so he asked me to take you to his office. " she said, looking at me.

I nodded and offer her a short smile. Then she lead the way to Mr Kim's office.

Damn! His office was huge. I can assume it so well. When Irene, the secretary pushed the two big doors to open it, there stood a enormous office, like it was waiting for me.

"this way mam. " she said, and on the other side me, I was admiring the whole room. It was huge as I have said before, the furniture and the  colour of the walls were complimented each other.

Like, what can you expect from the combination of,  pure white walls and, golden brown furniture.

"um miss kang? " I heard Irene's voice. And with that I snapped back to reality.


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