chapter 43

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Kang y/n's pov
Her house ( 5:30 pm )

3 weeks later:-

Today I spent a good Sunday. Taena's legs are getting better, day by day. Hana and jaeson are now best friends, and his family has become mine too, well except for namjoon ssi.

Hana was still in his mansion as she wanted to spend her time with jaeson, playing in the sand, and taena was always ready to play with them too.

I was laying on my bed, scrolling through some videos on Instagram, then I heard someone just opened the door and I know who it was.

He came in his office attire. Of course it was weekend, and his office was close today, but no. He still got some work to do .

He said my house is much cozier than his own, and it has become hos second house. So, now he has his clothes in my closet here.

He rolled his eyes at me, before going to the bathroom, with a pair of sweat shorts and a tee shirt.

When he was showering, I went to the kitchen, to make something for him. I was searching in the cupboards for the needed ingredients, but a gasp left my mouth when a pair of veiny hands grab me from behind.

He threw me on his shoulder and let us to my bedroom, he settled me down on the bed, and crawl up.

"It's not nice baby girl, if you ignore your boyfriend." He whined in my ears,slightly nibbling my earlobes.

"I....I wasn't ignoring you. " I stated, shamelessly moaning when he kissed my neck, "oh yeah?" He challenged me, Before laying his head on my chest, sighing, he closed his eyes, and my hands reached for his fluffy but now damp hair.

"I'm tired babe." He finally let out. And I hummed in response. "What were you doing in your phone?" He asked out of no where. I rolled my eyes at his question.

"Just some searching for a good school. And.....i was just watching some funny videos. " I answered him casually.


"And ,what?"

"You weren't stalking park seo joon right?"

There was an awkward silence, before I burst out laughing.

He sat up looking at me, with perplexed face.

Yeah, park seo joon was my ultimate crush, since I saw that k drama where he was a ceo and fell in love with his secretary.

"No! But I was about to do that if you were late by any minute. " I clarified to him.

He glared at me, going back to his previous position. "But y/n, you said you were looking for some school, why?" He voiced his thoughts.

And there i paused thinking, if I should tell him the real reason or not. I nibbled my lower lips and he looks up at me resting his chin on my chest.

He sighed suddenly, "don't tell me, you are thinking about to teach kids in school now." He stated with a blank face.

Teaching school? How dare he-

I pushed him off me, and I folded my legs in Indian style, and he putted his head on my lap.

"Well, I have a degree, which make me able to teach in colleges ,not in schools, Mr Kim." I said pouting towards him, and he chuckled, bringing my both hands around his neck.

"Okay, okay. If thats not the reason, then what is it?" He asked again.

"It's for Hana." I whispered, avoiding eye contact with him.

He sat up properly at the mention of my daughter's name. "W-what do you mean?" He asked ,while concern latches his deep voice.

"Actually she-" I took a pause to clear my throat, "Actually she....she isn't my birth child, I had adopted her. " I said nervously.

"I mean not just me ,Lee actually helped me to adopt her, and I think that's when the things started happen between us." I Explained.

I looked at him to get a reaction from him. His beautiful eyes met mine, and my breath hitched, "and....what does that mean to do anything with the schools?"

"Well, I don't know about Seoul but in gwangju, whenever I tried for a admission for Hana, they never accepted her, they said that they need a father or if there's no father then they can't admit her." I Explained, and he went into deep thought.

"Okay. I'm not sure but I will suggest you something, you can give my name as her father's name-"


"Yes, y/n."

"No, I'll not taehyung. "

He cupped my face, with soft look. "See, I only want to secure her future okay. I don't know what's this stupid rule is to only admit a kid in the school, if they have father- is completely ridiculous, alright. And how long your gonna do everything on your own, now you have me y/n, and let me reduce some simple works for you, hmm?"

His words, his words would be the death of me ,seriously.

I didn't wasted any time to tackle him into a bear hug. "Thank you, thank you so much, babe, thank you!" I Exclaimed in joy, and he chuckled before pecking my lips, and then making it a hard-core make out session.

"And here I thought someone was tired." I said as we pulled away, him hovering over me panting.

"I'll be never be tired for you baby." He said before attacking my neck.


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