chapter 8

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Kang y/n POV
At Y/n's home (6:30 in the morning)

I was woken up by the sound of my alarm. My home was surrounded by nature and it's beauty, so every morning you can hear the chirping outside. Yes, that's how my every morning starts.

I left my bed and quickly made it. Then I went straight to my bathroom, where I Did my morning routine and took a refreshing shower.

Today I wanted to wear something simple. So I chose to wear, a navy blue dress. It was a sleev less and kinda knee length.

As it was a knee length, I added a Snow White cardigan with it, and my love aka the white sneakers.

I pulled my hair into a neat mid parted high ponytail. Once I was ready I checked the time on my wall clock, it read 8:45 am.

So I quickly went to my kitchen and made some pancakes for myself. I ate it quickly. And finally I was ready to go to my workplace.

Once I was in the bus, my phone dinged up by a message from kyungmi.

Kyungmi :
Hey, how are you doing?


Kyungmi :
We're coming back !

But you were supposed to
Come tomorrow morning.

Kyungmi :
Yah! And here I thought you
Will be exited.

I'm excited Mimi!

Kyungmi :
I understand if your mood
is off today.

Huh! What do you
Mean by that ????

Kyungmi :
Today's 21 sep, silly.

Oh, yeah, actually I'll
Talk to you later. Okay?

Before she could say anything else, I shutted my phone. 21 September. The darkest day of my life.

Yes, how can I forget the day, when my whole world was shattered in less than a seconds. How can I forget the day, when the truth was revealed.

Kyungmi is my neighbor. She lives only hardly 1 minute away from my home. Also she's the only one beside my family, who I can trust Hana with.

It was her idea, to visit India with Hana. Because Hana was beginning to become 'mamma's girl ' in her point of view.

Since I didn't have any choice, so I let them go. And they are coming back maybe till night. Yeah, I'm excited.

Seoul heart bus stop (9:30 am)

As I saw my bus stop was there, I hoped down from the bus, as soon as it stopped with a screech. I took a deep breath in the fresh air and started walking towards the hospital.

Our hospital is kinda big, for a hospital. There's 4 floor, and each floor holds thier speciality. Like the top floor is only for the heads of the department.

The 3rd floor was for the assistants, the 2nd floor was for emergency surgeries, oprations and all like what people think of a hospital.

And the ground floor was for the patient's family, like there they can rest or the paper work etcetera.

Seoul heart hospital (9:35 am)

As I entered the ground floor of the hospital, I was greeted by, the happiest person on the earth (please note the sarcasm) Mia.

"hey ! Y/n. " this is what I hate about the whole hospital. I turned to meet her face to face,

"oh, hey mia. " I said ,with the fakest smile on my lips.

She licked her lips, while she watched me from, head to toe. "Hm, looking hot babe. " she stated.

"so are you done with your little flirting?" I said as I, folded my hands on my chest. And started walking towards the elevator.

"wanna know some real news?" that's what stopped me from walking. I turned once again, just to watch she was wearing her, ugly smirk. Again.

"oh, really? And what is it? " I said, raising my eyebrow.

"today's your greatest enemy's birthday. " she said as she was playing with her perfectly manicured nails.

"oh shoot! Well happy Birthday mia. " I said sarcastically And this time all the colours trailed off from her caked face.

"very funny y/n ". She stated while rolling her eyes. "anyways "she cleared her throat before saying "Mr Lee is throwing a party, and I'm sure he hasn't invited you, my darling. "

I sighed unbelievably ,looking down at the ground, then I looked at her with a smug look " yeah, you're right.

" and once again I found myself walking to the elevator, I pressed the open button, but before it can open, I again turned to look at her.

"also, have fun without me. " I said with a blank face, as I got into the elevator.

Y/n's cabin (11:30 am)

I was alone in my cabin.

Today I desperately want Gracie to rant about Mark, or something else. But I didn't wanted to sit here alone ,for sure.

Because I know, if I would Just sit here, doing nothing, then my memories can betray me. They will only bring those parts, which I'm not willing to remind at all.

I left out a stressfull sigh. I was planning on to, ready some reports of my patients. So I, grabbed my pencil and started writing some things .

Just then my phone started ringing. At first I ignored it, but it rang for the second time, so I picked it up.

"hello? " I said as calmly as I can say. "am I speaking to miss kang y/n?" said the other line. Wait it's unfamiliar.

I quickly checked my phone to see who the hell was the speaker.

But like I've assumed, it was a Unknown AND a private number. After checking my the caller ID, I again put the phone against my ear.

"um, may I know whom am I speaking with? " I asked, a bit hesitantly.

"yes mam,  my name is Irene and, I am the assistant for Mr Kim taehyung. And Mr Kim is willing to have a meeting with you mam. " I was sure she was about say more, but I cutted off her sentence.

"a what? " I asked her if she wasn't speaking in Korean,yeah,like she was speaking some alien language.

"a meeting mam. For his sister probably. " oh, now I came to my senses.

"um, yeah okay. Can you please tell me what time the meeting would be held? " I said sighing.

"is 4:00 pm is okay with you mam? " I pauses for a minute, meeting with him wouldn't hurt right.

"yeah, I'll be there at 4 ."

And after some other discussion we hang up the phone.

TO BE CONTINUED................💜

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