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Kang y/n's pov
Thier house

7 years later ~

"Eomma, what is 2 plus 2?" My four years old daughter hara asked me.

I was in the kitchen, making dinner, and my kids were doing thier homework on the dining table.

My kitchen was a open kitchen and we placed the dining table just near it, so kids would be there it wouldn't be a problem to monitor them.

"Hara, what's your age sweetie?" I asked her sweetly.

"It's 4!" She exclaimed showing me her 4 cute little fingers.

I chuckled, rolling the dough, "Yeah, and that's the equal of 2 plus 2." I told her.

Her eyes widened like I told her some magic.

She quickly write it down.

"Eomma, hyemi and miso is fighting again. " I rolled my eyes at the information.

Although they were the older but they would fight like they enjoy it.

I turned off my stove and went to them.

"That was my scarf, how dare you-"

"Yah, kim hyemi,  I don't appreciate your words towards your younger sister. " I told them with a stern face.

"Then tell her behave like it ." Why she's talking like she's-

"Why y'all are fighting?" I asked them. My eyes dancing between them.

"Eomma, she again stole my scarf."
Hyemi said pointing her finger towards miso.

Miso started crying from the accusation.

I knelt in front of her and embraced her.

"No, it's not her fault, it's because your appa." I told hyemi who was watching us like a hawk.

"He always brought the same thing for you both, and you always end up with a fight. " her eyes welled up in tears.

I released miso from my hold .

"And you both are only seven, you can't be fighting over materials. I refuse it under my house. "  I said Making my voice a bit deeper.

"Arasso?" I eyes them both ,they flinched.

"Yes eomma!"

"Now go , do your homework as you both should. And where's your brother?" I asked then about the only male child of the house.

Hyemi scoffed. "Where would be he? In the backyard probably stargazing. " she muttered.

I ran towards the backyards to find him doing the same thing as hyemi told me.

I then left him alone there .

After my miscarriage, doctors told me that I can only conceive only one child form my womb. And if I would try other wise it could harm me .

So, as taehyung said I did the same . I conceived the only male child of the house, taeyoung.

And after that we adopted, hyemi and miso. We weren't aware that they were as the same age. They both are good, but even at the age of seven hyemi is kinda hard to raise.

And after that we adopted  hara, like just a year ago, and she's the most lovable child.

Meanwhile, taeyoung is your quiet child. He won't talk unnecessarily, only when needed. And his more close to his father than his mother, which is fine with me.

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