chapter 41

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Kim taehyung's pov
V's land office (5:32 pm)

3 days later----

"Okay, so, are we clear about the marketing things?" I asked my manager of marketing department. "Yes sir, we've got it." He said with a nod.

I sighed, "okay you may leave now." I said and he did what he was asked for.

Its been three days, since I've last talked to her, the first day jin hyung stopped me to reach her, and the second day I had meetings here and there, and today.....I don't know how long I could stop myself to go to her and talk about all this things.

I thought about our conversation, and I found that maybe we had some misunderstanding, and that what lead us to where we are now.

It's only me and my bed know ,how I force my eyelids to shut, to sleep atleast and how miserably i fail everytime.

Well, I'm planning to go her house tonight, but I'm getting nervous, what if she'll never wants to talk to me? What if she'd never let me talk to her?

I shook my head, and took a deep breath, and called Ms bae, "yes sir!" She picked her call after two rings.

"Cancell my schedule for today, I'm off." And I ended my call before she could say anything.

Kang y/n's pov
Her house (8:52 pm)

The sky and my eyes they both were in sync, pouring water here and there. I haven't slept for these three days, I just couldn't, I mean I tried to, but everytime I'd close my eyes, the incident would play in my mind.

And this rain today, I Don't know why, but it feels like something odd is going to happen tonight. and unfortunately I'm all alone today.

Dada came this morning, saying that one of his friend has passed away, and he needs to go thier funeral, and then he told me that he would take hana with him too.

That little poor soul is also suffering with me, i haven't went to his mansion, cause I didn't have the courage to go there and face them all, because I'm sure he had told his family how his ex and his present girlfriend are related to each other. And they might judge me , as how the other people had .

I was looking outside from my window as the rain was now getting heavy by the time, I don't think so, it would stopped by the morning .

My phone vibrated at the table beside me, indicating someone was calling me, and that someone was dada, " hello?" I said as I picked the call.

"Baby, the rain is getting heavy and my friend said it'd be good if we could stay here." I nodded numbly. "Okay, if he's suggesting then fine, stay there and how's hana?" I asked him with low voice.

"She's asleep already, I tucked her in the bed and came to tell you, y/n take Care, and he also said its possible to have a power cut in your side of areas, so found a candle as well okay?" I hummed as a response, he sighed at my behavior.

"baby girl, just Don't think too much about anything okay, it's not good for your health, hm? And take care of yourself baby." I Hummed again.

"Okay I need to go now, I'll talk to you in the morning, okay." He said and hanged the phonecall.

The sound of raining was calming , and I leaned against the window frame, looking at the empty road , i sighed and went towards my bedroom ,where I had putted some candles for emergency, who knows if what dada has said is might be possible to happen.

I was prepared with my candles, and I flinched when I heard a knock on my door, my heart started racing in a heavy pace, the person knocked again, hurriedly.

I took a deep breath and went to the door, to open it. I gulp as my hands reached for the door knob, and slowly I turned it, and the door revealed, the person I never thought would be at my door one day, the person I wanted to meet, the person I wanted to touch, so badly.

"God, Kim taehyung. " I mumbled, enough to hear for both of us.

He was drenching in rain outside, I pulled him in, and locked the door.

"W-what are you doing here?" I couldn't help but to ask this. He opened his mouth to answer it, but I stopped him.

"N-no, don't answer it, your drench." And after saying that I dragged him to my bedroom, which had a attached bathroom.

"that's my bathroom, go and change your clothes." I said pointed at the bathroom, and went to my closet where I had some spare clothes of appa, because dada's clothes won't fit him.

I grab a couple of black sweat pants and a grey t-shirt, and gave it to him. "Here."
He stare at the clothes with some emotion i don't know, but he nodded anyways, and he went towards the bathroom.

I left the room to give him some privacy, and went towards my kitchen to have a glass of water, and for him to.

After some minutes I went to my room, and knocked at the door, when I opened it, I found him on the bed, he was sitting on the edge of my bed, his head was hanging low , his hair was damped and his eyes were gazing the floor, he was thinking something.

"Taehyung-ssi?" I called him, and his eyes met mine, and I can tell, there was so many question, inside him ,trying to reach his tongue, but he wasn't allowing it. He just sat there staring at me.

His hair was still damp, and he wasn't doing anything to dry it, droplets were falling from the tip of his damped hair, he might get sick, at this point.

"Your hair....." I trailed from my sentence, as he extended his hand ,which was holding a maroon towel , "Please, do it for me?" He almost pleased, and my eyes felt stingy from the tears, I was trying to hold.

I nodded curtly, went to him, and stopped just few inches away from him, and took the towel from him.

And started drying his hair. After some seconds he grabbed both wrist, the towel fell with a thud on the floor, my eyes widened due to the unexpected touch.

I looked at him, his  eyes were unrecognizable, he had bags under his eyes, which I didn't noticed earlier . It means he's also not sleeping well, just like me.

" please, forgive me y/n." He said suddenly.


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