chapter 26

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Kim taehyung's pov
Near the hospital's bus stop (9:30 pm)

She has been through so much, that I can't even think that , how much pain she was enduring now. My other half was stunned after listening to her past ,and my other half was in rage for that bastard.

I cupped her face in my palms. She was beautiful even after crying like a baby. Of course, she was looking like a mess , but she was a beautiful mess.

I don't know, what gotten into me,that I leaned forward to do ,God knows what.
But before anything could happen between us, I heard a vehicle's break screeching on the empty road.

We both snapped our heads together towards the screech, and as I saw the car ,I recognized it immediately, park bogum.

Y/n made a strong move and she ran to the fallen child . And I also went to them,she had his head on her lap , she checked his pulse, with so much concern.

"Ms kang ,is he Alright?" I asked her , while putting my one hand on her shoulder, to get her attention. She looked towards me .

She looked at me, with her teary eyes , "he's....he's pulse are very low , but he's alive ." She whispered looking towards the boy in her lap.

"Okay, com'on now, I can lift him ,and we can admit him in the hospital." She nodded furiously at my statement, then she started finding something, in her cardigan's pocket.

"My phone ?" She muttered panicky, and I looked at her perplexed. "Ms kang?" I said raising a brow.

"Mr phone! I couldn't find it. I thought if I could make some calls , before we go to the hospital. " she clarified.

I nodded and I gave her my phone as I picked the boy in bridal style ,and started running towards the hospital, while I could heard her in the background, shouting on someone, and telling them to ready the emergency room.

Kang y/n's pov
Seoul heart hospital (9:45 pm)

After I called Dr song ,telling her the condition of the boy ,she immediately ready the emergency room.

I couldn't be more grateful of her to do this on the last note ,because it wasn't her shift ,she could have gone to her house but she didn't because she also thought thrice about it, after seeing the fragile boy in Mr kim's arms.

He was just like hana ,when I first met her ,delicate and fragile as flower, thrown on the road for being alone in the dark night. Maybe that was the reason that makes me stay there ,near him.

So, I just went with my guts and I stayed there. Mr Kim also insisted to stay by my side,so he was also now sitting on the waiting area with me.

I heaved a sigh, as I was thinking about too many things, like where's my phone? Where's my whole bag? Who were the killers of this innocent child ? Why wasn't this hospital's colorful?,

Like hell- " um,ms kang you want to eat something?" Mr Kim asked me from beside me ,making me snapped to the reality.

"Hm? No,thanks Mr Kim. besides , I don't think so,if any restaurant would be open now ." I waved my hand as I shook it off.

"Are you challenging me?" He said with a sarcastic smile , more like a smirk."ah, no. I was only.....stating the facts. " my words just trailed off as I glanced behind Mr Kim. He was there with my bag

Mr Kim was also looking at him now, and as he looked at him ,Lee also looked at him and  gave him a tight lipped smile , while Mr Kim was only staring at him.

"Y/- I mean Ms kang, you're bag and phone were near the elevator, so I thought if I could give it to Ms song ,but now you're here......take it. " he said giving it to me .while i wasn't daring to look at him,my focus was the floor.

"Mr Kim," he curtly nodded at him , while he went to the canteen. I heaved a relieved sigh ,now I have my phone and my bag ,now I don't have to worry about anything.

"Um, Ms kang I have to make some calls , so i'll be back." He said as he stood up from his seat and proceeded to go out of the hospital, for making his calls , after I nodded curtly.

I digged into my bag if I could possibly have left any chocolate bar in my bag  because usually, I put some chocolats too in my bag everytime ,and yes! I was right ,I did have one bar left .well its good to have something, instead of nothing.

"I'm gonna ear you buddy." I said dramatically to the bar in my hand ,like it can understand me, with, let's just say I sometimes lost my mind when I get hungry .

Kim taehyung's pov
At the entrance of the hospital
(10:01 pm)

"Kook, Is everything okay ,there?" I asked jungkook over the phone, as he was fast picked up , "hyung where are you ?" He hissed through the phone call.

" kook, now listen to me carefully, I want all the hyungs, on the conference, right now ." I commanded him ,as he implied it immediately.

"What's the matter tae? " said a sleepy young hyung ,I rolled my eyes at it.

" is everyone here?" I asked for confirmation ,and as soon as quick I got the answer from all the members, I told them the vehicle and the child part . Because Ms kang's story's not my place to tell them.

"Okay,so,you're saying that now there started child trafficking or something like that, huh? " said a very angry namjoon hyung.

" I don't want to jump on the conclusion, but I think it might be possible, for him to do something like that. " I said as I kicked a paddle laying before my leg.

" so,what we gonna do now ?" And that caught me off guard, " I don't know, but first we need to ask the child about his family."

"Yeah,we have to make sure if that kid is even Korean or not." Jin hyung said, "yes! I think hyung's right.

We have to make sure if that kid Belongs to anywhere in Korea. That would be a great information. " yoongi hyung said .

"Tae  ,are you alone there?" Asked jimin. " yes ,if you're alone there we can come there ." Said jungkook. " no, kook and jimin, I'm not alone here .I'm with someone.

And kook you don't have to stress yourself thinking about coming here okay? Lisa needs you right now. " I said ,knowing him that he could come here ,anytime. But a pregnant wife needs his man more ,right?

"And have you eaten something, tae?" Asked a very concerned jin. "No, im alright, but maybe y/n- " I got cutted off by hoseok hyung. "See i told you , now kookie get ready to give away all your banana milk. " he sounded awfully exited .

"Kook, your banana milk ? Like dude! Seriously?" Said a very annoyed jimin. " yah! Don't you dare to say anything to my babies okay! " jungkook said.

"Yahhhh! you two now stop arguing Taehyung-ah tell me if you or she wants anything. " youngi hyung said ,Shushing his younger ones.

"Um, not from you but ,jin hyung? " I asked for jin hyung. "Yes ,tae?" He said immediately. " can you send some food parasol for me and for her too? I mean if its possible now." I said hoping if he could do that possibly.

"Oh com'on tae, I'll send someone with the food okay? " he said almost chuckling over the conversation.

"And ,um what about taena?" Namjoon hyung said ,worried. " don't worry about that also ,Jena wanted to spend some time with her ,so Jisoo took her to v's mansion. And since you weren't going back there anytime soon, the're having a girls night,you know?" Jin hyung explained.

I released a sigh of relief, "thanks hyung ,and tell Jisoo I really love her." I said genuinely.

"Oh, com'on kid, she's your sister in law, it's her right to look after you and taena." I nodded, thinking how lucky I was to have such family.

"Okay, I gotta go ,I'll talk to y'all later." With that a smile on my face i hung up and went back to her.


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