chapter 63

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Kim taehyung's pov
At the hospital

I was sitting in the waiting room, with my family. I was grateful that they were here with me.

I had hana in my embrace, she was sleeping through it, but she was also there with me . She was the only child from the family present here.

She was crying so much when I told her about y/n, of course she's her eomma, but then I also tell her that her eomma is a warrior too, she'll be with us soon.


The ambulance didn't took time to reach where we were. I was so thankful, but then again it was breaking me to see her laying in the stretcher and doctors were trying to stop her blood loss.

When we reached to the hospital, I screamed through my lungs at doctors to start the operation on her.

Thankfully they took it seriously and took her straight to the ICU.

She's there for like 3 hours till now, but not a single doctor came from her room, to inform me about her.

"Taehyung. " it was Jimin's worried voice, which dragged me back to the realization.

He had putted his hand on my shoulder, he was standing while was sitting there with hana in my embrace.

I looked up at him blankly.

"I am going to home, to take care of the kids, jisoo noona said she wants to come here, kids are with her." He said and I looked at him with confusion.

He sighed, "as you see the rest of the ladies aren't home, they all had emergency which left jisoo noona with the kids and the house ,alone.
S9 ,she said that if she wants to come here, than one of us have to stay at home with kids. " He tried to make me understand.

I nodded twice absent mindly. "So...if you want anything I can bring- "

"It's okay, jimin-ah, just go and also take hana with you, she's tired and  luckily you'll be able to make her understand the situation. " I said and handled him hana.

"Okay, I'll leave then. " He said and went away with hana in his arms.

I leaned in the chair, resting my head on the walls.

I was Staring at the white ceiling. While yoongi hyung came .

"Taehyung-ah, I talked to the chief, he said that bogum would be in arrest for two days, then he'd attend his hearings." He said while putting his mobile phone in his breast pocket.

I only nodded twice, still staring at the ceiling.

"Taehyung you don't seem-"

"I'm okay hyung. "

"But you need ,rest Taehyung." But before I could say something the door of her ICU opened, and came out the person I was waiting for last three hours.

I stood up immediately, I and all the hyungs and jungkook circled him, quizzing him about her health, but I was silent.

"How's y/n?" I asked in a hope he wouldn't tell anything dark.

"She's- I need to talk you Mr Kim. " He glanced at the hyungs once, "alone." He said eying ne worrily.

"Yeah, OK. " I nodded at him then followed him to his personal cabin.

It was really simple though, but who cares.

"Please sit, Mr Kim. " He sat down on his own chair and then gestured me to take one at across him .

"Actually, Mr Kim, I'm not going to give y'all false hopes." He paused and took a deep breath,"she was on drugs Mr Kim. " He said and I felt like the world has stopped moving, my breathing hitched.

"D-drugs?" I whispered in denial.

"Yes, Mr Kim-"

"But you know she never-"

"I know Mr Kim. Trust me when I found out about it, I was in shock as well. It wasn't a normal drug, Mr Kim. " He said.

"What do you mean, Lee?" I asked in confusion.

The  he gave me a booklet of types of drugs, "see, these are the normal drugs we all use, but these," he paused and flipped the booklet, it was showing different types of drug.

"As you see, this drug, " he pointed to a particular drug's name, "is called 'wc25' not normal people, but the people who works in this medical department, use this drug for abortion. " He whispered the last part.

"You -"

"Yes, Mr Kim, you ,"he gulped, "you and y/n has lost your 1 months unborn baby. And this drug was the cause." He said and I can feel the pain in my chest.

"And not just this, she had so many internal bruises around her abandon and a broken jaw. We tried and operated her for three hours, but she......she's in coma now. We don't know when she'll wake up." He explained.

"She's in coma. " I whispered to myself.

"Mr Kim please-"

"No, don't. "

I stood up from my chair and started to walk out this suffocating cabin of his.

I stumbled, but made to the door and yanked open it. I didn't realize that my vision was blurry until I fall on the ground on my knees and taste that salty tear, which escape from my eye.

I was crying.

I was crying for my own stupidity. I knew bringing her in my life was the most foolish idea , I knew it was my fault that our baby has to suffer because of that. That poor thing has to sacrifice its life.

But I promise you y/n, I'll make him suffer 100 times than you, I promise, I'll make it right.


A/n: Ah, mianhanmida everyone for this slow ,short and late update.

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