chapter 16

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Kang y/n's POV
Y/n's house Seoul (11:05 pm)

After the all 'Eomma he's so hwandsom ' thing, and his little laughter, don't know why, but the atmosphere became awkward and well.......awkward.

So, Mr Kim bid his adieu to us and he went back to his house. And after traveling with him, I got to knew one thing, that his home was the last of Seoul, and my house was the beginning of Seoul . Yeah, I also realized it, just a moment ago.

Hana was fast asleep on our bed. And me and Mimi were sitting at the table of dining room. Both, in our matching pajamas. I was trying to braid my jet black hair, but I ended up with a messy bun.

Mimi was glaring at me. For what? I don't know. I took a glass which was on the table already, and filled it with water. I took a sip. "Mimi, I  don't swing by that way. " I said with a one shoulder shrug with another sip.

She rolled her eyes. "really y/n? Like really? What gave you the idea me being a Lesbian?" she said while annoyance dripping from her each words. I stuck my tongue out. Hmm, childish. I know.

"y/n, how do you know Kim freaking taehyung?" I chocked on my water at the choice of her words. about him.
"Mimi! You just can't say the f words!"
I exclaimed while I whispered yelled looking at my rooms door, if by chance Hana would woke up.

"oh! mother of the beautiful Hana, your daughter got her sleeping habits from her haloma, she won't be awake for, almost 12 hours. So don't worry. " she stated.its a fact that halmonie and Hana, they both love thier beauty sleep. So, yeah she's not gonna wake up by anytime soon.

I pouted a bit, before taking a sip. "and-" she pointed her index finger on me "don't you dare to change the fucking subject kang y/n!" she said, slightly raising her voice. "on the serious note y/n, how do you know him? " I rolled my eyes as she leaned more to my side narrowing her eyes.

"he's my client -" but.... Before I could complete my sentence, she has to cut it off. "clients doesn't give you a whole car rides y/n. " she deadpaned ,leaning back to her seat . " what do you mean? Huh? "  I said raising an eyebrow of mine.

She cleared her throat before speaking " I mean , it was clear that he just dropped you off in his own fucking car. " so, what?  She's exaggerating things now. I smirked internally. Two can play the game, babe.

"and what about you, huh? How do you know him? " I said emphasizing the you, and crossing my hands over my chest. She smiled sheepishly at me, is she high or something -

"what?" I deadpaned at her stupid smile, and guess what?  Her stupid smile fall off from her stupid lips. One fucking point guys.

I smirked at her. "u-um he once came to our agency -" she was stuttering, I raised my eyebrow at her again, she was avoiding my eyes too. The hell is going on hmm?

"and? " I leaned forward this time, to make myself intimidating, "uh- and we - " she tucked a stray strain of her hair, behind her ear.

"you. Both. What? "I said staring at her, while she was still avoiding my eyes.

"um, it was a photoshoot for his company and he was like a model for it. And um, we kinda fucked. " and there was a solid silence in that room .
A pin drop silence.

"hmm..... Not a big deal though. " I said shrugging, like Duh, it is not a big deal ,at least not for me. Her eyes got widen at my response.

I stood up from my seat and i proceed to go my room to get some beauty sleep. Leaving her jaw dropped.

Kim Taehyung's POV
V's house ( 10: 30 am)

Next day :

We were at my house, well, technically we were in my office. Laughing our heart out at suga hyung's beating. Well, grandma min is known for beating his ass, whenever he's done something wrong.

While we were, laughing at the video, which Hobi hyung has made for us to watch. He was sulking, too much .

Let me tell you, he has bandage on the bridge of his nose, a slight cut on his cheek bone, and the plaster on his right arm. I'm sure his hand will take the most time to get well.

As the video ended, we all turned to look at him. He roamed his eyes one by one on us, while we were trying to control our laugh. Yeah, key word trying.

"go ahead, laugh your ass out."
He said, we didn't have to told twice. And we just burst out laughing.

Namjoon hyung with his loud laugh, with his adorable dimples, jin hyung with his in famous wind shield laugh, Hobi hyung was messing with suga hyung while laughing, and jimin nearly kissed the floor. And jungkook.... Well he wasn't here. He has his own business to take care.

"okay, now quiet!"  I tapped the desk to get thier attention and It worked, thankfully.

They all turned to me, and they all care fully recovered from thier chaos state, they all became serious, settling thier self for the thing, which why we are here.

"ah, thank god. " I heard suga hyung muttered with a sigh. And that room was so quiet that we all heard him, because we all turned to look at him, and he got annoyed by our behavior.
He made his annoyed face to us. I sighed, shaking my head.

"okay, on the serious note guys. We all have a mission. And the deadline is, well, it's in 6 months. " I said in my deep voice. They all nodded thier head. But, I can sense that namjoon hyung has something in his head.

"hyung? " I said looking at him, but in the corners of my eyes I can see they all turned to me, and how I fought my feeling to roll my eyes at this, it's just I know by myself.

But, when they look at me, that I was only looking at namjoon hyung they all turned thier head to him. Sometimes it felt like we all share the same damn brain cells.

He opened his mouth to say something while looking at me, then suddenly we heard something shattered. "what was it? " Hobi hyung voices.

" how can we know? " jin hyung answered. I stood up from my seat, surely something was fishy. I ran out from the room to the living door.

Two person were fighting. And..  When I recognized who they were, I smirked at thier fighting. I sensed all the boys were behind me.

And I heard suga hyung gasping. The guys turned to look at him, and me?  I was standing there, enjoying thier fight.

"excuse me lady!  Who are you? " it was namjoon hyung who got near them. and hearing him, they stopped thier fight. " y/n. " it was Hobi hyung, who almost gave all of them the answer, which was surely in thier head.

I heard suga hyung hissing trough his teeth. My smirked only widen and I folded my hands over my chest as her eyes met mine.


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