chapter 62

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Kang y/n's pov
Two days later

It's been two days and I was still tied up in that chair.

I haven't eaten anything, I haven't drank anything, I haven't showered for days , neither I had brushes my teeth.

That man, park bogum only came once in a while and fed me some white powdery thing, which did things to me.

After I ate that thing my mind would be off from everything, I'd go numb. I couldn't remember anything.

Today when I woke up, I had blood running from my abandon. It took me two minutes to know that I had lost my baby.

I cried, for my baby, but that man came and started beating me with whatever he gets in his hands.

I was tired of being living like this, but somewhere, there was a hope in me, that taehyung would come to find me.

It wouldn't matter now if I'm living or not, my baby isn't with me...I had no purpose to live.


Taehyung sat in his office, not working but thinking about y/n.

Taehyung had lost his hopes for y/n. He didn't ate neither had drank anything...he was continually trying to find his lover.

But he failed.

Last two  nights he had spend with hana...if she asks anything, he'd be there to answer it in very easier way.

Today, he had called the cops to get involved in this case. Since he was hopeless to find his love.

"Sir, we have got some suspicius moments in a abandoned building outside if the city-"

"We're gonna check there ." Taehyung said coldly.

"But Sir, we aren't sure if-"

"We.are.gonna.check.there. am I clear?" He glared at the person, who was just giving him a information.

"Yes sir."

"Now get the hell out of here."

That person gulped before bowing at him and leaving the room.

Taehyung took the gun out of his drawer and inspect it, before loading it fully, if -just if they'd find y/n there, he's not gonna show any mercy to them.

"Hyung, you heard-" jungkook stopped in his mid sentence, when he saw what taehyung was holding in his hands , fully focused on the weapon.

Jungkook knew what was going to happen tonight.

"Tell all the cops and hyungs to get ready for some action. " He said smirking.

Kang y/n's pov
Where she was kept

That man, park bogum came marching towards me, he wasn't in a good mood though.

He came ,and his hand went straight to my throat, Squeezing it to death.

I started thrashing on the chair still tied.

"Your little boyfriend is coming to save you, how did he find out huh? HOW DID HE?!" He asked as he tighten his grip on my neck.

"I-i don't kn-ow." I stuttered.

"Oh, Let him come here, I want to see his face when he finds out you're dead in this building." He whispered.

But before anything could've happened, we heard a gunshot. Causing him to lose his grip.

"Park bogum, wherever you are, we have this building under our custody, you can't run away anywhere. " it was an unfamiliar voice booming through the atmosphere.

"Shit!" He cursed under his breath.

"Park bogum leave the building immediately and surrender yourself, we promise to Short your prison sentence. " that voice boomed again, I coughed when he had vanished his hands from my neck.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no no no no no!" He said repeatedly to himself.

Then suddenly he ran away leaving me there alone while my oxygen level was decreasing. Maybe I was really going to die.

My eyes...felt so heavy. "I love you....taehyung. " and after that the darkness came to meet me.

Kim taehyung's pov.
The building

"Sir, the team is ready to go in." One cop informed me.

Just what I wanted to hear.

"Okay, split them in two, I want one team with me and the second one at the back of the building. " I demanded.

"On it sir." He said then proceed to make two teams.

"Hobi hyung, suga hyung and I will go in and search for her, and rest of you go with the second team, at backside, and active we don't know  if we need your running today." I said suggestivly.

"I know ,hyung." Jungkook said nodding at me.

I took a deep breath.

"Okay, guys let's go"

"Yeah, let's get it."

15 minutes later

Its been 15 minutes since we have entered this building and been searching for her.

But we got nothing.

"I think it was just a false information, taehyung. " suga hyung said worriedly.

"Yeah, I think-"

"Sir! Here's a door. " some cop yelled from somewhere.

We looked at each other and went towards that voice.

We saw a cop was trying to knock down the iron door.

"It's a iron door." Hobi hyung muttered watching the door.

"We need some help, com'on!" The sane cop yelled again.

And we ran to him, helping him.

"On the count of three, okay."


We all put our whole strength to push that door.


We did the same again, but nothing happened.


And finally the door knocked down with a thud.

The room was dark, it gave nothing to see.

"I think there's some light. " suga hyung muttered.

He went towards that area, and we followed him.

But soon our steps halted, and I saw what I was fearing the most, my fiancé was tied on a chair, with iron chains and she wasn't moving.

No! No! No!

"This-" I swallowed before I let out my words " this can't be true. Hyung tell me she's-"

"She is taehyung. She's alive ,we must carry her outside and call an ambulance quick." Hobi hyung said ,and proceeded to untie her from the chains.

I called the ambulance, yelling at them to hurry up.

"Com'on taehyung, let's bring her outside. " Yoongi hyung said and completed his order.

"You'll be alright y/n, I promise. "


*phew* so, I finally updated. Annnnd also if you guys want to know anything about me just drop the question here.

                                        Your chingu 😉

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