chapter 51

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Mirai mental hospital

Ms. Gabrielle Reese practically dragged herself to his mother's unit. Of course she wasn't any mental patient, but her sons kept her here and sprayed rumors about thier own mother's mental health.

She unlocked the unit, and she entered the cold room, the former Mrs Kim was sitting on a bench like, she was facing the ceiling window, which was the only source for the sunrays.

She heard her coming and a slight smile was placed on her chapped lips. She knew someone was here to meet her, that was the only reason why Ms Reese came in the room, but what she didn't knew was that it was taehyung , who came to meet her.

She slowly stood up, her hair was short to her ears in mid parting, she always tucked one side to behind her ear.

She was wearing a cream color maxi dress, which stopped on her ankles. "Who came this time?" She asked . Her voice, was kinda deep for a woman.

"Taehyung. " Gabrielle answered, which caused ji yong to snap her head in Gabrielle's direction. "Who?" She asked again. She was purely in disbelief, she couldn't believe that taehyung can also come here and visit her.

"Taehyung, mam." Yes, she has the privilege that all the staff here respects her. It was the perks of being 3 powerful kim's mother.

"Debak!" She exclaimed In happiness. But it didn't lasts long. "But....." Gabrielle started though, but she trailed off, making it more dramatic.

"But, what?" Ji yong was impatient.

"But ,he has brought a girl with him too." She told her, finally. Gabrielle was trying to manipulate ji yong, because she knows something. Which was supposed to be a secret, but because of her sneaky nose she knew it too besides ji yong.

"Oh, my God." She muttered panicky. "No, he can't just date any girl, " ji yong mumbled more to herself.

"I know mam, I know. But maybe, they are more than just a dating couple. She even called you her mother-in-law." Gabrielle again said in a most dramatic way possible.

"Impossible! Did you saw any ring on her finger?" Ji yong quizzed.

Gabrielle panicked here. "No, I didn't-" ji yong guestrured her to stop. And Gabrielle pursed her lips together.

"I'll figure it out, shall we leave now, or you have to say something else?" She said raising her perfect shaped eyebrow.

"No, mam." Gabrielle shook her head .


After waiting for more like 15 minutes ,taehyung also joined y/n, they were both waiting for her to appear from the next side.

Y/n was curious about his mother, and taehyung was becoming impatient, he only wanted to end this visit, as soon as quick.

They heard the door from the next side opened. First Gabrielle and the ji yong came in that dim light.

"I'll leave y'all, now." She said and bowed to ji yong, she surely left them, but not before giving y/n a fetal smirk.

Ji yong came forward, and she sat down to the chair. Her eyes were racking y/n, and taehyung back and forth. Y/n was giving her slight smile, and taehyung only decided to show her his side profile.

Taehyung was trying to avoid every type of eye contact.

She made herself comfortable enough on the seat, then she cleared her throat.
Her eyes stopped on y/n.

Oh, maybe she wants me to say something first.

With that thought, y/n spoke. " I'm- " but before she could complete my sentence she cutted her words.

"It doesn't matter who you are, but if tae has brings you here, to meet me then...I assume you're important to him. Aren't you?" She said , with what looks like a smirk.

Unable to say anything, she only nodded her head.

She sighed. " it's going to be more difficult then I thought. " she muttered, but somehow y/n and taehyung heard her.

She nodded . " you know the history, don't you." She asked .

Y/n frowned, but she then understood what mother was talking about, so she again nodded.

" and how are you, son?" She attempted to get her son's attention but she failed, taehyung didn't even glaced her side.

It made her more fury. She thought maybe it was y/n who made him that way. But boy, she was wrong. So wrong.

"I know we don't have much time to chat, so i'll come to the point straightly."
She announced. She again glanced at her son, her eyes became sadder.

"Tae, it's about your father. " she whispered, still looking at him, and it managed to drew his attention. His head snapped towards her direction.

"And what it is?" He asked. But his mother eyed y/n, of course she was thinking if she should drop this bomb in front of her or not.

"Mother. " Taehyung said. "Can she leave us alone?" She added him, but her eyes were still fixated on her, her gaze was making y/n anxious.

"No." He answered. She averted her eyes from her to him, she stared at her son. Looking how handsome he has grown just like his father. Yes, taehyung got his incredible features from his father, while his siblings got it from thier mother.

"Because, I have a news, which I don't think would be necessary for her to listen. " she stated clearly.

"She's my girlfriend, okay. She's not going anywhere, if you want to talk about anything, you can in front of her too. She knows everything. " he informed.

Ji yong was ready to retort but she stopped as y/n's phone vibrated with a call. Jisoo unni was flashing on her screen. She looked at mother-son duo , and she excused herself. She was now out of the conversation.

Ji yong sighed. "Okay. Do you remember master woo?" She quizzes to taehyung.

"I do." Taehyung answered. Nodding his head slightly .

"Master woo has two daughters, you're aware of it ,aren't you?" She again asked. And he frowned first but nodded eventually.

"One of his daughter is your fiance, taehyung. " and Boom! The bomb just dropped.

"What nonsense is this?" Taehyung almost growled at his mother.

"That's the truth son. Whether you like or not, that was your father's last wish before he died." She informed.

Taehyung just sat there. Thinking about the words his mother has said just now.

"Just take your time taehyung, think about it. " She said and she left her son in that room alone before taking a good look of his face with a mourn expressions. She knows, hw won't be here anytime soon, not after the bomb she had dropped today.


A/n: okay, I know I'm like super late and I'm apologizing for that. My exams are finished and I can my time for writing and editing .

P.s. - votes and comments are welcome here! ("Plus it's free, isn't it?")

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