chapter 46

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Kim taehyung's pov
His car ( 7:35 am )

In the morning I was so in mood ......but jimin has to interrupt everything.

Yeah,, he was the one who called me today, saying that the family was gathering in my house to discuss about the baby shower of kookie's and Lisa's baby.

I was excited though. They were going to do the gender reveal at the same occasion.

Y/n, is a part of our family now ,so I thought bringing her to participate in the discussion would be a step to get comfortable around everyone.

"So, you ready?" I asked as she locked her main doors. And she was looking like a full course meal in her wine red jump suit. Her jet black hairs were held into a ponytail, and she wore her no makeup look, with stunning jewelries on her neck and hands. And her matching velvet heels were cherry on the cake.

"Hell, yeah! " she exclaimed , fisting the air and I couldn't help but to chuckle at her behavior.

"You know, you're looking like a full course meal with your neavy blue attire." She said as I opened the passenger door for her. Oh, and she winked too.

"Glad to know we share the same thoughts about each other. " I whispered in her ears ,and her face went red in no time.

I closed her door as I jogged for the other side to get into my driver's seat. Once I was settled in my car, I took her hand in my hand as I started driving away from her house.

Great, now we have 30 minutes to spent with each other ,in the morning of the very first October.

"Y/n, did you really wanted to be a physiotherapist ?" I voiced the most awaited question I wanted to ask her since forever.

Her nose scrunched, " one sense yeah, I wanted to help people with a profession which would technically allow you to do that, and then after knowing that this profession will give me that opportunity, so i gladly chose to be a physiotherapist. Eventhough it wasn't my dream or something. " she smiled at me.

"It wasn't? Then what's your dream?" I questioned again glancing at her and the empty road too.

She smiled again. "I'll tell you but you have to promise me that you won't judge me." She was pointed her index towards me with a cute pout on her beautiful face.

I chuckled at her. And kissed our laced fingers. "I would never judge you, baby. Never, ever." I said convincing her.

" I want to have my own family. A home where I , my husband and my kids will stay. My kids will play there, run there ,might tease each other. And when my husband will come home after working for like hours, I want him to yell, ' honey, I'm home.' And my kids will race to hug him before me. And we'll share our laughter, our misery, our everything all together.Yeah....that's it." She sighed after telling me her dreams.

"Well.......I'm disappointed, babe." I said as I changed the gear of the engine. "Why?" She asked ,confused.

"Hm? You always said my husband, instead of my name." I cleared. But ,guess what? She's still confused.

"Means, you never said ,"I'll do this ,or that ,when you, will come home after working for hours. And our kids will race to hug me before you, after yelling, 'honey, I'm home.' I clarified again. And glance at her.

She was about to cry. Oh, shit!

I stopped the car. And turned towards her so now I'm fully facing her.

"I'm sorry , if- "

"Do you really want this with me?"

" of course, baby. I want this , even more than this. about having a puppy with us ,who will grow older with our kids. And will play with them. And I'll drop them to thier school, or maybe college by myself-" I was interrupted by her kiss on my lips.

She was leaning over ,so she could kiss me.

"I love you." She whispered while going back to her previous position.

"I love you, too." I said as I squeezed her thigh, and smiled at her, which she returned.

I started my car once again, and drove to our destination.


Kang y/n's pov
V's mansion (8 :07 am )

We reached the mansion, like two minutes late . When we entered the mansion I saw the men were sitting on the couch, And jin oppa wasn't with them. And all the ladies were also somewhere else ,I guess.

They saw us coming their way, and hobi oppa gave me a friendly hug, but that doesn't lasts longer.

"Hyung!" Only a Exclamation of his voice with a raise of his eyebrow with a emotion less face was enough for hobi oppa to pull back his embrace.

I sighed ,rolling my eyes at the same time. And looked at him, he was looking proud at his doings.

I shook my head at him. " anyways, oppa where's the ladies?" I asked hobi oppa as he taehyung went to sit on the couch , and hobi oppa was facing me while hobi oppa's back was facing them all.

"Ah, they are in taena's room. Jin hyung is in the kitchen with jisoo. And jaeson and hana is playing and jena's not here because her parents send her to a trip ,to busan." He replied the answer of my simple question in one breath.

"Oppa....okay, I'll leave then."I said and left there.

I fist went towards the kitchen, to see jisoo unnie and jin oppa making out while shina unnie was mixingsome salads.

I tried to stop my smile, then I cleared my throat and maybe in panic, jisoo unnie tugged ,jin oppa's tie very tightly and he coughed really hard, and shina unnie just rushed towards him with a glass of water.

He chugged the water, while thanking shina unnie for the water and playfully glaring at jisoo unnie while she ducked her head with a simple blush.

I cleared my throat once again to gain thier attention.

"Ah, y/n! We didn't see you coming. " said jin oppa. With extra laughing .

"Yeah, Cleary because you were busy with someone. " I teased him and he blushed. And jisoo unnie was trying her hardest to not laugh.

"Well, I'll take my leave then." I said as I left them with thier own silly arguing.

I knocked on taena's room's door. Then she opened her door ,while standing with the help of only one clutch.

"Ahhhh....unnie!" She exclaimed ,as she practically threw herself to me for a hug. And I hugged her back tightly.

Then she lead me towards her room ,where hwasa and Lisa was sitting on the bed and IU was talking to someone in the phone while standing at the window. Her back was facing us all.

There was clothes scattered everywhere. I guess she was doing her own fashion runway here.

"Y/n see, if you like anything for taena." Hwasa said , while nodding at the clothes. I sighed...its going to be a long day.


Also guys please voteeeeee.

-Your chingu 😉

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