chapter 39

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I was half asleep when Lydia came rushing into my room. "Sweetie are you awake" she said in a panicked tone. "Yeah what's going on" I ask. "We need to go to the hospital" she stated making me sit up. "Why" I ask having a bad feeling. "Elijah's been hurt sweetie" she says. No. He can't be hurt. He said he would be back. I quickly got up and grabbed my jacket "lets go" i say and she nods. We quickly leave my room and Mathew is waiting for us. "Right let's get to the hospital" he said.

We entered the room which a nurse directed us to and I couldnt help cry at the sight I saw. Elijah was hooked up to machines and was unconscious.  "Its gonna be ok sweetheart, Elijah is going to pull through" lydia tried to comfort me but it was obvious she too was unsure. Both Lydia and Matthew looked at Elijah with pain, seeing there son really hurt them. 
I went and stood at the side of the bed "Elijah I dont know if you can hear me but please wake up. We've only just met but I need you in my life, your parents need you.  Please just wake up" I say to him but of course nothing happend. I burst into tears again, I hated this, I hated not knowing if he would pull through. He had too. He promised he wouldnt leave me.

It was around midnight when we got the call, Matthew at first wasnt too worried because Elijah had been like this before, last time he was shot and made a full recovery. As for me I was trying to stay strong as we had Avery with us but I was an emotional wreck. I couldnt loose him. When we walked in, it hit us how severe this was. Mathew didnt look so sure anymore and I noticed a worried look and a tear roll down his cheek as for me I was crying quietly. Avery burst out into tears. She rushed to him and tried asking him to wake up. The words made both me and Mathew tear up more. Mathew was the first to recover from crying, probably because he wanted to be strong for us but I could easily see through his facade. "Its gonna be ok, he always pulls through" he spoke. Avery looked at us and she looked somewhat upset with herself "I'm sorry for being so emotional,  I've only known him for a few weeks and you both have known him forever. You shouldnt have to comfort me" she spoke and I felt my heart shatter further. Our sweet Avery felt like she didnt deserve to be sad over this. "Avery dear, you have just as much right as anyone" I tell her. "You do Avery, we know how important he is to you and how important you are to him. You are his world Avery and you have every right to feel like this" Mathew said. Avery looked less certain but as she looked back at Elijah the machines began beeping and lights flashed. No. This cant be happening.

I felt fear, sadness and anger. I count loose my son, whoever did this will pay with their lives. I couldn't cry though, I had to be strong for Lydia and Avery. I felt sorry for Avery, she hasnt even gotten to spend much time with Elijah. I hated that she didnt feel like she could feel sadness for him. I'm glad she did though, it just showed how much she liked him. I know for a fact she meant everything to Elijah. In the past few weeks I was aware how strict Elijah had been but I knew he did it to protect her from thos cruel world. The beeping of the machines went off and nurses and doctors rushed in. They told us we had to leave. "No, you have to safe him, please safe him" avery spoke as tears fell from her face. I quietly grabbed her and puked her out. We sat in the waiting room. Lydia and Avery in tears. I had to be strong but I couldnt loose my son. At first tears started to slowly fall down my face but as time went on they began to fall faster and soon we all were crying.

The machines began making a beeping noise and nurses and doctors came rushing in. I couldn't loose him.
"No, you have to safe him, please safe him" I cried. Mathew took hold of me and pulled me out but just before I left I heard a nurse speak "it will be a miracle if he pulls through" I couldnt help but cry even more. I was going to lose him. If they didnt think he would survive then what hope is there. I just want him back, I want his hugs, I want him to care for me, hell I even would put up with him being angry at me forever just as long as he lives.

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