chapter 61

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"Elijah h..he" she started and I felt the air leave my chest. No he couldnt have, he wouldnt. I refused to believe it.

"I dare you to finish that sentance" I heard Elijah say, his tone was dark and like nothing I'd heard before. I thought he was scary when he confronted me about the drugs, that was nothing compared to now.  I shakely took a step back, I hated yo admit it but his voice terrified me. How could he have gone from protective and caring to nothing but anger.
"Elijah what happened,  oh god, you're bleeding" Lydia spoke.  Hearing that he was bleeding, I looked up and saw Elijah looking angry as predicted but blood was dripping down his face. What the fuck happened.  "He threw glass at me mummy" Maisey quickly rushed out.
Elijah's face turned from pure anger to a sinister smirk "oh come now Maisey, cant you think of any better excuse. The glass was unintentional and you know it. If you hadnt thrown that tantrum then maybe that wouldnt have happened.  The glass in your arm is your fault" he had walked down the steps as he spoke and was now in front of Maisey.

"You know if you hadnt have dropped that plate this wouldnt have happened,  the glass in you is your fault"

Elijahs words had caused what Mr Davies had said to me after the attack to come rushing back. What if Elijah was really like the others.

"Please tell me you didnt do this" Em asked as she held Maisey in a comforting hug.

Elijah was about to reply but our eyes met instead. His anger seemed to disappear and guilt appeared. "Shit, Avery sweetheart you dont need to be afraid of me" he said walking towards me. I unintentionally took a step back. What I couldnt go there.  He looked hurt but he didnt stop, instead he moved quicker and wrapped me in a hug before I could  do anything. "I swear Avery, I know how bad it looks but I did not do that. I would never" he whispered. There was a pause before he continued "I promise I didnt do it" and that's when I knew for sure he didnt do it. Elijah didnt break promises. My arms found my way around him and soon I was hugging him so tight I probably cut off his breathing.  "I believe you" I tell him and his grip tightens. "Thank you Avery." After a few moments he let go and turned to the others. Lydia and Em were fussing over Maisey. "You better have a damn well good explanation for this Elijah because I swear if you dont"  Matthew spoke, his voice deadly calm. "I personally think she deserved it. The way shes acted recently, there is no excuse" max shrugged. "Also can I just point out Eli is bleeding too, it is your blood right" he added. "It is and I got a damn well good explanation" he said.

Earlier Elijah Pov

"So Maisey what do you have to say for yourself" I had to decided to approach this more calmly then I previously intended too. "Why are you putting her before me, she tried to kill you and yet she's still her" she asked and I rolled my eyes "she never tried to kill me" I pause to think for a moment before continuing "are you jealous Maisey"  it had crossed my mind before. "Why would I be jealous of her. Shes a stupid orphan how do you like her more than me. What makes her so special,  she is nothing,  just shes so annoying. She doesnt deserve to be here" she ranted and my anger rose. I don't care if it was obvious she was jealous,  she had no right to talk about Avery like that. "How dare you" my voice was loud and lacked emotion as i walked forward "you are nothing but a sneaky little girl" I wanted to say bitch  but I couldnt so it had to  be 'girl'. "At least I have a real family unlike Avery" she said with so much confidence. How fucking dare she. Was it acceptable to snap her neck? Sadly it wasnt but how I would love too. "How dare you" my voice echoed throughout the room. She flinched and I smirked. Good, she deserved it. I walked towards her, my intent wasn't at all good. She didnt deserve my kindness.  A few smacks and she should learn her lesson. I reached to grab her but she stepped back.
"I hate you" she picked up a glass and threw it at me. Glass shards hit me in the cheeks,  piercing the skin until blood dripped down.
"You fucking bitch"  I couldnt stop my language however I did notice that glass had hit her arm.  I hated the fact that I didnt care about the  cuts. She was simply a bitch no way go surgar coat it. She ran out of the room with a mix of fear, shock and brattyness. I felt like a monster, I didnt care she was bleeding. What kind of person am I? I  shook the thoughts away and picked out the glass. She was in so much trouble when I get my hands on her. My anger seemed to rise and i punched the nearest thing which was the wall. Fuck, that bloody hurt. I could hear her trying to lie her way out of this. Not a chance was I letting her get away with it.

"I dare you to finish that sentance" my  voice lacked emotion but right now all I could think about was not letting her bitchy behaviour continue. I did understand that she was jealous,  that she had been used to the attention and Avery just came out of nowhere. But physical violence was not the answer and let's be honest it's been 2 months now, she should be used to it by now. The list of stuff she had done flashed through my mind.
1.she tried to blame Avery for hurting her
2. She stole and broke Averys necklace
3. More bitchyness towards Avery
4.Excused my dad of beating her up
5. Bitchyness towards Avery....again which resulted in me pulling glass out of my face.
Yeah, she was definitely not getting away with this.

*skipping to Elijah pov when he said "it is and I got a damn well good explanation " *

"It is and I got a damn well good explanation" I answered both max and dad. I was thankful that Avery believed me. How the hell did I get so lucky to have her as my daughter?  "That little brat threw a glass at me, shards hit my face and some bounced back into her arm" I summarized not wanting to go into detail. 

"What the fuck, Maisey have you lost your mind" Em asked as she heard.

"Well this is a fucking mess isnt it" dad commented, clearly not happy with the situation. 

"Fucking brat, you need a psychiatric hospital" Max snarled.

"Maisey how could you do that" mum asked.

Avery didnt say anything,  instead I felt her arms go round me and  I copied. I needed her hug. I felt my shirt get wet causing me to look down, Avery was crying and I couldnt help but hold her tighter. All my anger was gone and replaced with concern for Avery. "Shsh I'm okay hun. Everything is ok" I stroke her hair as I bring her closer, if that was even possible.  "I think we all need to sort ourselves out before we handle this. Em there is a first aid kit in the kitchen, Elijah there is one in the office. I will come with you as I want to see the cctv" dad spoke calmly.
I look down at Avery, why had she said no? ""Avery sweetheart are you ok" I ask hoping she wasnt hurt. Why would she be though, Maisey was with me. "I..I dont want to leave" she whispered, it warmed my heart to hear her say that, it really did. "I wont leave you. Come on, you can come with" I tell her, not wanting her to be anywhere but with me. We  both needed the comfort and I didnt want her around Maisey. Speaking of her, Em and mum had taken her to the kitchen. "Can I come too, I feel like everyone is doing something but me" max spoke and I nodded. Dad and max made their way upstairs but as I tried, I realized Avery wasnt going to let go, she clung to me tighter. "Avery hun, you got to let go, just whilst we go upstairs"  I try but she shakes her head. "Ok then I will carry you" I offer and she nods. I pick her up, her legs wrapped around my waist and her arms around my neck, she was adorable but her weight concerned me. She was still very light. I didnt say anything instead I held her tightly and made my way to the office.
"Aw shes adorable,  I want a kid" max said as we entered. He was way to immature for a kid, they were hard work. "Ok max why dont you help Elijah with his face I'll get the footage out" dad spoke and max nodded "great, Elijah why the fuck is there a dint in the wall" he asked and I shrugged "I must have punched it dad" my voice was laced with annoyance, even I could hear it. I ignore his glare and sit on the sofa. That's when I notice Avery had fallen asleep.  At first all I could think was how adorable it was but then reality hit, she cried herself to sleep.  I hated knowing that.

Soon Max had finished sorting out my face and dad, well he hadnt said anything since he played the tape. He had moved so he was sat on the sofa with me, max and a sleeping Avery. The laptop had been placed on the coffee table, Max and dad looked horrified as they watched. I tried to focus my attention on Avery because I didnt want to watch.
Finally it was over and dad spoke first even though max had been insulting her throughout. "I csnt understand her behaviour,  it's been 2 months she should have gotten over the fact Avery is here to stay" he shook his head and continued "maybe max is right, Em needs to take her to the doctor" before I could agree Max scoffed. "She fucking threw glass at Elijah and you want to send her to a doctor, she wants a good smack then locked in a mental hospital, she's not right in the head. She might have started with jealousy but come on shes accused you of beating her and attacked Elijah. What part of that says she is jealous. She cant be attention seeking because she always had it, even with Avery here she has it" max ranted.

He had a point. A damn well good point. What the fuck was wrong with that girl?

Extra long chapter to make up for the shortness of the last.
Who is ready to kill Maisey?

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