chapter 15

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It was tuesday morning, 7 35am to be exact. Now that Avery wasnt going to school, I had two options leave her in the apartment all day or take her to work with me. Of course I chose the second option, I didnt like the idea of her being on her own all day especially after yesterday. "Avery time to get up" I tell her, before Avery I would have started work at 7am but I chose to start working later so she could sleep longer. "I'm up" she says coming out of her room dressed in jeans and a hoodie. I wonder if shes a early riser since shes always up when I come to wake her up. "Great, I have to work today, but I'm taking you with me" I tell her hoping she would agree. "Ooo I can finally see what you do" she says excitedly and I nod "yep, but you already know I'm a businessman" I tell her and she gives me the most suspicious look ever. "Yeahhhh surreee" she dragged out the words making me laugh a little. She didnt believe me, I guess it was because of the alley. Part of me was worried she would find out and hate me but I put that to the back of my mind, she will never find out. "Yep now come on, you need breakfast before we leave" I tell her and we head to the kitchen.

"I feel so underdressed" she mumbled as we entered the building, after breakfast we had gone straight to my company, West&co. Everyone was wearing suits or pencil skirts, all formally dressed and then there was Avery, jeans and a hoodie, if any of my employees came in those clothes they would be fired on the spot. "You're fine" I tell her, it was the truth, i didnt care about what she was wearing, I was just pleased that I could show her my place of work. "Really, everyone is giving me weird looks" she said looking around, I look at my employees who were infact staring and whispering. "Get back to work or leave and dont come back" I order loudly in such an authoritative tone that they instantly do so. "Better" I ask Avery and she nods "good let's go," and we head to my personal elevator. We then head up to my floor and stepping out of the elevator my PA comes to great me with a coffee. "Thank you miss Summers" I tell her and she nods "anything else sir" she asks and i turn to Avery "yes, i would like you to show Avery around and if she wants anything get it her" I tell her. "Of course sir" she answers "she doesnt have to" avery says, I could tell just by looking at her she felt guilty. "Its her job Avery, she gets paid to do this, don't worry" I tell her, she still seems hesitant but nods "as long as nothing bad is going to happen" she agrees "of course not, you are not leaving this floor either so I wont be far away" I say but part of my was anxious to leave her alone even if I knew nothing bad was going to happen, there was no one else on this floor at this time. "Ok, let go Avery, I'll take good care of her" my PA says and I nod "bring her to my office when your done"

Elijah walked off, probably to his office, I felt bad distracting his PA from her work but Elijah reassured me it was ok. "Ok let me show you around, my name is hannah by the way" she tells me. "Mine is avery but you already knew that" I say and she smiles. "Yeah but its good to hear it from you, so it's just me, you and Mr West on the top floor at the moment but later on there will be a few meetings so if it gets busy just know its normal. This is the best floor, we have a kitchen, a few offices and meeting rooms and per Mr Eatons request a chill zone" she said which got me curious as to who this man was. "Also we have a smoothie bar a few floors down, which we can visit later if you want" she says smiling brightly. "But elijah...I mean mr west said to stay on this floor" I say concerned that if we were to go down there he would get annoyed, angry even. I also corrected myself when saying his name because I didnt know what to call him when he was at work, I figured mr west around others because it seemed more professional. "Dont worry as long as he knows where we are, I'm sure he will agree, now let's get touring the floor" she says excitedly and I nod in agreement.

An hour later we had done touring the top floor, we stopped and had a break in the 'chill room' with some hot chocolate which was great and now we were heading to Elijah's office, the last stop. "Oh god, no, no, no" hannah says in a panic as her phone. "Are you ok" I ask becoming concerned about what had caused her to panic. "Yes, it's just I was suppose to inform Mr west that his brother was coming in, my phone just alerted me with a reminder" she explained. I didnt see the big deal but I guess it must have been for hannah to freak out. "Come on, hopefully I can remind him before he gets here" she says, trying to rectify her mistake which wasnt that big. "Why is his brother visiting him at work and not home" I ask curiously. "Because Mr West is always working, his friends often visit him here because they know it's where he always will be" she explains which confused me further. We reach his office, I was about to just walk in but hannah stops me and knocks. My eyes widen at my mistake and I silently thank hannah that she had stopped me from committing such a horrible act, although I still didnt know Elijah's rules when it came to open and closed doors it had been installed into me that a closed door means knock before you enter and considering he always knocks on my bedroom door, it meant he followed a similar rules to the others. "Come in" a voice that wasnt Elijah's replied. I gulped and I notice hannah had a feared look when she heard the voice. We entered the room and his office screamed of wealth and power, everything was arranged neatly and it was obvious he was a no nonsense type of guy. In the room there was 3 men including Elijah, the other two remained a mystery but at a guess one of them was his brother since Hannah had mentioned it before we came. "Miss summers why didnt you inform me of my brother's visit" elijah spoke, his tone was strictly business. "I'm sorry sir, I completely forgot" she said and hung her head. This reminded me if the times I would forget to do a chore and I would always have to explain myself before a punishment. Elijah looked like he was restraining himself from something "I suggest you set reminders next time, dismissed" he replied and she quickly scurried out of the office, he hadn't dismissed me do I knew it would be rude to follow her.
"So who's the kid" the man who looked nothing like elijah said, I presumed this was a friend rather than his brother.
Before elijah could answer, the man who looked similar to Elijah joined in. "Yeah she seems a little young for you, or are you taking in homeless kids now" he said. That kind of hurt but I didnt care much about what he thought of me. "Shut the fuck up max, guys this is Avery" he said and they both gave me a curious look before his brother, max got up and walked to me, I backed away but reached the wall, I looked at Elijah, he wasnt stopping him so I guess he trusted him. He looked me up and down then turned to Elijah "fuck you, how could you even consider doing this" he shouted and Elijah rolled his eyes and came and stood by his brother, he gave me a smile then pulled his brother towards the door "we will be right back" and then they left. Leaving me in a room with a unknown man. I gulped. Just great.

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