chapter 93

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My first day back was relatively normal. I had my friends with me and classes seemed to go fine. Xander would join us for lunch and at breaks as he had different classes but the time be was around  he was super sweet however I got the feeling that he was keeping things from me.
I had a few theories but one in particular I hoped wasn't true. I would definitely have to pay more attention, I just hope I'm wrong .

Nathan had also been more talkative today, Beth had told me I was stuck in a love triangle and then Alec asked me various questions before agreeing. There advise was to have fun with it but after the month I had off my feelings for Nathan had turned into purely friendship ones unlike Xander.  I wanted to wait to make sure they both actually liked me that way so I didn't make a fool of myself when it comes to rejecting them.

Before classes had started I let them all know the basics of what happened. Although they visited, all they knew was I'd been in a accident apart from Xander who knew the truth but I trusted them and they were supportive.
"Is it time to kill two bitches" Beth had said
"Ooo lets stop off at woodwork and grab some hammers" Alec had continued.
"I'm sure they will both do time in prison" Nathan said with hatred, it was obvious to us all that he didn't mean that, in fact when we parted ways he muttered the words "they deserve more than hammers" my friends were definitely Psychos. I did appreciate Nathan holding his anger back whilst talking to me though.
Meanwhile Xander had stood next to me throughout the conversation and would offer my comfort whenever I stuttered, I had almost burst out crying when I got to that man and he had silently pulled me into a hug.
I was grateful for all my friends, they were all there for me in their own ways.

It was the end of the school day now and my bag was filled with homework which I wasn't thrilled about. Xander had decided to wait with me as Beth had to meet her dad and Nathan was going home with his brother today.
Dad came not even minutes later. He got out of the car and put his sunglasses on and like always every student and teacher had their eyes on him.
"Will you be ok" Xander asks and I nod "yeah I swear dad likes the attention" I say and Xander laughs "or he saw me and hates how close I'm stood to you"  he suggested making me laugh. "That's actually more accurate" I say and we both quickly say goodbye.
I walk over to dad who is leaned on the car watching. "Hi dad" I say not wanting him to lecture me about Xander. "Hi Avery" he smiles but the smile quickly vanishes and turns into a look of hatred making me flinch. Did I do something wrong? "What the fuck does that bitch want" he muttered, I turn around and see Miss Harris which was a relief as I now knew his hatred was for her not me. Before anything could be said or done she appeared in front of us. "Can I help you" Dad said with a forced polite tone. "Well Avery isn't doing so well in class and I love the girl so much I can't stand to see her fail so I thought I could offer her private tutor sessions"
What the fuck. Oh god, she was going to be like Jess.
"Sorry Harry my daughter doesn't require a tutor. If she is struggling so bad set her extra work" he said and I couldn't help but snicker at how he called her Harry. My fear had instantly vanished as he rejected her.
"Is Harris but you can call me Claire" she said as she put a hand on his shoulder. "remove your hand from my shoulder" he snapped and she giggled but instead of removing it she lowered her hand. I was stood there shocked at what was happening. Clearly dad wasn't happy, in fact he was furious when her hand teachers his pants. "I warned you" he muttered and grabbed her arm and flung her off him. "Such a disgusting bitch Clara" he said and walked towards her. I was afraid he was going to do something that would land him in trouble. I couldn't let him go to jail. "Dad there is people watching" I mumble and he backs off "your right Avery, I don't care what they see but you shouldn't have to see this side of me" he backed off as the head teacher Mr Matthews came out. "What's going on here" he asked and dad glared at Miss Harris. "Your teacher touched me inappropriately so I removed her hand from my body" there was several gasps at Dads explaination obviously some students were quite interested in what had happened and had gathered around. "It wasnt inappropriate"  she tried to defend herself and Mr Matthews gave her a disgusting look "would you like to press charges Mr West"  he looked at her and nodded "yes I would" and Mr Matthews nodded "great. I do think it's best that we have this discussion away from the students, would it be ok for you to come in tommorow morning, I'll have everything sorted"  I was suprised when dad agreed "yes I rather not do this around my daughter, I'll see you tommorow"
In that moment I felt  overwhelming anger. She was allowed to go home when she did that to my dad. Within seconds before anyone even saw it coming my fist collided with her cheek. Dad quickly pulled me away but despite that he had a look of pride as he checked my wrist "does it hurt" he asked, I shook my head but he wasn't convinced. "Let's get home, I'll see you tommorow Mr Matthews"

The journey home was quite and I was growing more anxious.
"I'm sorry" I didn't deserve him as a dad.
"What for" he asked as he pulled up the driveway.
"I shouldn't have acted that way" I say even though secretly I had no regrets.
"Was it worth it? Do you regret doing it?" He asked and I reluctantly replied
"Yes it was and no I don't" he smiled further and finished parking the car.
"Then don't apologize" he said as we both got out of the car.
"But you don't seem happy with me" I say not liking it.
He paused and turned to me.
"Sweetheart I could never be unhappy with you. I am however concerned about your fist, it seems to be getting purple" he said as he eyed it.
"So why aren't you talking to me" I ask.
"Because sweetheart Im annoyed with myself. I got you hurt again. I love you so very much and I am so proud of you. Please don't make it a habit to punch teachers and always come to me first if one of them hurt you.  Now let's go get some ice for your hand"  he explained causing me to smile " but are you ok" I ask still not entirely convinced he was.
"Yes sweetheart I am, now let me do my job at being a parents and take care of you"
I really did have the best dad ever.

Soooo the miss Harris thing wasn't even planned but yeah hope you all don't despise it. Let me know your thoughts on the chapter.

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