chapter 17

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Everything was black. I didnt mind though as darkness for me represented peace, I never felt pain either which was good. My peace was interrupted by the faint sound of voices, I followed the sounds as I was curious as to what was happening. After a few minutes Elijah appears in front of me, what was he doing here.
"Stupid brat, cant you do anything right" he shouted at me. I was confused at what was going on. What had I done wrong this time, I thought we were good. "What havent you done wrong, you screwed up everything, you're just a stupid mistake" he spat, I felt tears form. Why was he being like this. "I cant fucking wait to get rid of you, you dont belong here, you belong in that old nailed closet" for some reason that hurt more than anything I had experienced,  I was starting to accept Elijah as a parental figure.  Why would he do this.

"No" I whisper quietly and as the word leaves my mouth, the darkness begins to disappear and I feel my eyes snap open.

As I adjust to the light, I look around and see I'm in Elijah's office, it was just a dream.  But what if he actually thinks that. I look at him, he has his back turned and is looking out of the massive window which gave him a great view of the city, he was talking to someone on his phone in Spanish. Suddenly he stood from his seat and began shouting in spanish, I had no idea what he was saying however it was scary to listen.
"vete a la mierda" he shouted and hung up.  Clearly he was pissed, i had seen how angry he could get, I just hoped he wouldnt take the anger out on me.
He turns around and I'm pretty sure I looked terrified because as soon as he looks at me his angered look turns to a guilty one. "You're awake, I'm so sorry you had to hear that" he says as he rushes over. Everything he said in what apparently was just a dream came rushing back and tears began to fall and quite quickly i was crying hysterically.  He didnt speak, he just pulled me into a comforting hug. I didnt hug him back, i couldnt get too close to him. If I let the walls that I built up over the years come down,  I would only get hurt when he leaves me. "I'm fine" I quickly say and remove myself from his hug. I need to be strong. "How can you be fine, you just had a breakdown and I'm suppose to ignore that" he said looking at me with concern. "It was nothing" I couldn't tell him, he would only lie and say I havent to worry about it, that he would keep me, but once he sees my flaws he will return me.
"Fine, let me finish up with the paperwork and then we will go home" he said but he didnt seem satisfied. Home. I hadnt had a home in years, if I even ever had one. "Ok" I agree and he smiles at me before going back to his work.

I decide to occupy my time with a book, I love to read even if the book that I currently had wasnt interesting at all, I guess I just loved learning in general but the other  students always made it so hard to love going to school. I wonder if all schools are like my old one.
"Elijah" I say getting his attention. "Yeah" he asks. Was this even a good idea. "Can I go to school" I ask, i hated the idea of becoming a dropout. "No" he replied and got back to his work but I wasnt done. "Why not" I ask,already knowing the reason but if I went to a better school, maybe the abuse wouldnt be as bad. "Why not. Are you serious right now, you were sexually assaulted and you want to go back to that poor accuse of a school" he shouts, making my flinch away in fear ", I meant a d...different" I coulent help but stutter from how scary he was being.  "Fuck. I'm sorry Avery, I thought you meant, you know what, nevermind" he said, he looked guilty. "I'm sorry, I shouldnt have suggested it, I just dont want to become a dropout" I say and he nods "I'll book a visit to this school that is near here, it has a zero tolerance bullying policy. I think it will be good" he said making me wonder if he had done some research but that didnt matter I was just thrilled to know I wasnt going to be a dropout.
"thanks Elijah"

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