chapter 46

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Nothing was the same anymore. After everything that happened I wanted to give up but I couldnt. I had to stay strong and hope Elijah would wake up. It's been almost 2 months since that awful night where we learnt Elijah had slipped into a coma and his chances were not great. The only reason he was still on life support was because he was rich and a well known person. His parents never told me much but later that Friday his brother came in and ranted about how the media are not buying the story whe  I asked about the story apparently they had told the media Elijah was away on a business trip. No one knew he was here apart from family and friends, I was suprised that thry didnt follow his family to the hospital but when I asked his mum told me that the family donates alot to this hospital  making it seem normal to the public.

It was now sunday and if I could go back in time I would. I'd convince Elijah not to go out, I'd tell him it was a trap. If only I'd tried harder for him to stay, maybe then we would be happy. Sadly this was not the care. Hoe could it be when I was being ripped away from the people I had slowly started to consider family.

Matthew did get a court order and did do a background check, everything appeared to be normal about this guy, he was a business man and his company wasnt as large as many but still big.  Matthew had no idea why he wanted me and that's what was bothering me.
The court order wasnt enough though. I couldnt fully understand it but this morning the social worker came and showed a court order which overruled matthews, to say he was pissed was a understatement. The court order also stated that I was to be discharged from this hospital and put in the care of Matthew's doctor's.  Something seemed strange about this social worker but Matthew had also done a background check on her too, nothing came up she was just a ordinary social worker known for placing kids with families fast.  And she had done the same to me. I was now with Mr Ross. Lydia and even Matthew cried and hugged me. Matthew had slipped me an extra phone just in case my current one got taken off me. He had promised to get me out of this. His words were "dont worry Avery, I'll get you out of this and Elijah will wake up" I just wish I was 100% certain he was telling the truth.
It had been a few hours since I arrived at Mr Ross' place. He hadnt spoken much but showed me to my room and said he had to go to work. I was alone. I couldnt help but compare him to Elijah. When Elijah first took me home we had pizza, he tried to interact with me even when i was terrified but with Mr Ross he just left. I suppose in a way I was grateful because I didnt want to be anywhere near him. I wanted to be alone. Now Elijah was gone all my fears were returning. A new home meant new rules. Not only were there going to be rules but Garrows was still out there looking for me. Elijah and his family werent here to protect me.

I sat in the corner and cried, soon I couldnt stop. My life was a mess. From the first time my mum laid her hands on me till now. Everything had gone wrong. It felt like the world hated  me, when I finally had a chance in life everything got taken from me. I was alone and in that moment I realized something.  If I was going to make it in this cruel world  I had to be strong.

I was prepared to kill that bitch of a social worker and that stupid foster. How dare they take Avery from us. I had gone to my friend, a high up judge and explained the situation. He gave me a court order and I was pleased with the result until this morning came and that bitch came with a court order. I had a lawyer ready in case she tried to pull anything and he read through. It turns out Mr Toby Ross had full custody of her and I was beyond angry. How the hell was this possible, I was her biological grandad. It turned out Louisa the social worker had told the court that we were indeed the rightful guardians but in our care she had been beaten and we were grieving therefore not able to look after her properly. It was bullshit. How dare she. I was going to get Avery back even if it killed me. Yes I had told the court I was her biological family but apparently that didnt matter because Avery was taken from us. I was fuming and I wasnt going to take it out on anyone so I hit the gym. It really did help as i now had figured a way to get her back.

Louisa, Toby you're both gonna regret ever messing with me and my family. Im getting her back and that was a promise I made not only to myself but to Lydia and most importantly Avery too. I will not fail her. Not now  not ever.

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