chapter 48

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I came face to face with him, he had a wicked smirk on his face. "Well last time I saw you, you were in a hospital bed" he commented and I rolled my eyes, ignoring the growing fear, I had to be strong. I couldnt let him see I was terrified.  "And I hoped then that the next time I saw you, you would be dead" he laughs at my comment. I couldnt help but compare it to Elijah's, his was warm and real, Garrows was more insane and evil. Thinking back I can remember when Elijah first brought me back and in the office with miss Eliza and Aubrey,  he did sound just as demonic if bot more. I knew Elijah had a dark side, but Garrows didnt just have a dark side, there was not a single part of him that was in any way good.
"And who is going to kill me, Elijah? I'm pretty sure hes dead, flower"  he taunted using that disgusting nickname he has for me. It got me angry though, how dare he stand and taunt me about Elijah and for the first time ever, the fear disappeared and was replaced with nothing but anger.
"Fuck you" I shout and slap him, either he was shocked or I slapped him harder than I realized because as my hand came into contact with his cheek, his cheek whipped to the side. I couldnt help smile, I had stood up for myself. "Why you little bitch, I will fucking kill you" he was angry, but I didnt care. He deserved the slap.
Then out of nowhere Toby stepped forward and spoke, I had completely forgotten he was here. "You're not killing her" a bit to late dont you think. "Did you see what she did to me" he shouted and toby nodded. "You arent going to lay a finger on her though" I was confused now, didnt Toby bring me here so Garrows could kill me. "You really are naive, she was never a family friend, I told you to get her so I could have some fun and kill her" he said to toby he looked confused.  "You sick bastard" he shouted finally realizing.  My opinion did change on toby though, he was tricked into believing Garrows was a family friend, he didnt realize how evil this man was. "Too bad you realized to late" Garrows snarled. Toby didnt say anything back instead he turned to me "I'm so sorry Avery I really didnt know" I saw that he genuinely did feel guilty. 

Suddenly he fell to the floor and I noticed Garrows stood behind him with what was left of the vase he had used to knock him to the ground. He laughed and gave him a few swift kicks to the ribs. "Stop you're killing him" I shout instantly regretting it. The look in his eyes showed no emotion, he was deadly cold, I knew from experience deadly calm was worse than anger. When he was angry he hit me wherever he could but whenever he was like this, his attacks were calculated and precise,  he always made sure he made as much damage as possible.
"Dont worry I'm not going to kill him  you on the other hand.." he snarled and walked to me.
I should have left earlier. I reminded myself Matthew was on the way  I just had to survive until he got here. 
He pinned me to the wall and his hands began roaming my body. I hated it and so I delivered a kick to his balls and he backed away obviously in pain. "You bitch" he shouted but I wasted no time in running. Unfortunately it wadnt quick enough as I felt him grab my hair and yank it. I fell on the floor and he looked pleased with himself. "You will never get away from me" he bent down and touched my cheek  and he laughed again before slapping me. "The things I'm going to do to you and no one can hear you, you have no one,  no one would even want to help you, you're a pathetic whore" he spat. I had heard his insults so much before that they didnt effect me anymore. If it was going to be my last time before he killed me then I might as well insult him too. "Except I got family who want me and friends too, you however have no one, your wife left you, how is she anyway. I bet she has a new husband by now and a family something you will never have because you are evil" I was proud of myself and I couldnt help smile when i saw my words effected him. His anger built up though but it was worth "family, friends where are they then" he mocked but before I could anwser a voice did.

"Right here"

I saw matthew holding a gun aimed at Garrows. He had a wicked glint in his eyes as he walked forward, a few other men were behind all with guns. Garrows quickly realized he was not getting away so he yanked me up and took out a knife holding it to my throat. "Take one more step and I kill her" he shouted. Eveyone stopped walking and I hated how he was probably going to walk out of here. I elbowed his ribs and kicked him again which he quickly realised me in pain and matthew didnt waste anytime, he shot him in his leg "a quick death is to good for you" he said shotting his other leg. He then motioned for the men behind to take him. His eyes then snapped to a unconscious Toby but I quickly stopped him "toby tried to stop him, garrows told him he was a family friend"  matthew didnt look too pleased but reluctantly puts his gun away. "I'm so sorry it took a while for us to get here, are you hurt?" I quickly shake my head to his question and he looks relieved, within seconds he pus me into a hug. "I'm not letting no social worker take you away again" he said almost as if he was trying to  comfort himself more. "Good" I say a smile made its way onto my face but tears followed. "Its over Avery, he wont ever hurt you again" he said, it helped a little but not as much as I hoped.
Our moment was short lived because his phone rang, i saw on the screen it wax Lydia calling. He was quick to anwser.
"You need to come to the hospital Matthew, its Elijah. Something has happened" she said so loudly that even I could hear, her tone was panicky and I had a bad feeling about this. "We're on our way" his dad spoke and quickly hung up. "Lets go" I say before he can say it. I had to see Elijah, something bad had happened.  What if he was dead?
As we drove I couldnt stop crying. I was going to loose him for good.

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