chapter 25

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I stood in front of him, anticipating his next move. I was terrified of him, and I hated feeling like this. No words were spoken, he just looked at me, like he was staring into my soul. He made a slight movement and I couldnt help but react by shielding my face with my hands.

"I'm disappointed in you Avery, from now on you will have someone with you at all times, if I'm not working that will be me but otherwise it will be someone else" he said calmly as he removed my hands from the front of my face. He was giving me a babysitter. "So a babysitter" I say and he gives me a look which meant 'shut up, I'm not done talking'  "not only that but since grounding doesnt work I think I will introduce a new system. Similar to grounding but  with added things, you will come home, do your work in the kitchen of living room then you will go stand in the corner of the living room until I decide you can come out. You will only be allowed to use your laptop for homework, your phone the same unless you are at school" he lectured, I couldn't help but  think it was unfair. "And what happens if I dont follow your stupid new system" I interrupt. Well that was a mistake. He chuckled, but it was more dark and sinister then actually having fun. "Then I'll teach you the same way my dad taught me" he said, I didnt think much of it "and hows that" I ask, before he can reply, his phone rings. He is quick to answer "what do you mean off the grid. How hard is one man to find, one man who is in this god damn city. I swear you better have some good news when I get there" he shouted. From what he said I figured he was looking for a man, who clearly didnt want to be found. He hung up the phone and turned to me "just dont leave while I'm gone" he told me but I couldnt stop thinking about what he said. "How did your dad teach you" I ask hoping for a answer "Avery just be damn grateful I'm not showing you right now. You have broken so many of my rules,  the rules which we both agreed to. I'm being lenient so I wouldnt push me if I was you" he shouted. I couldnt help but shudder at whatever it is he would do next time but I was angry, sad even at the way he was treating me. "Then just get rid of me, put me back into the orphanage" I say, to caught up in the moment. "You want that" he asked and I nod. I know stupid right. But I was so annoyed and angry but also terrified. "I suggest you get on with your homework, I'll be back later" I felt guilty when his face no longer held anger only sadness. He didnt say anything else, instead he walked out.

Well that just went awful. I was beyond angry especially when she admitted to putting the drugs there. Right up until she put her hands over her face to protect herself I was considering using my dads method. She was scared of me and part of me wanted to show her she didnt need to be but the other part knew that I had to be firm or she would continue to break the rules. The rules which she agreed to, which I made to ensure she was safe. I decided to go easy on her, only making it a stricter grounding. I did however take this as an opportunity to add security to her at all times, the main reason for it was because that scum was still out there.  I needed her safe, no matter what.  When she suggested I take her back to the orphanage I felt upset , even more so when she agreed it was what she wanted. I couldnt even look at her instead I told her to do her homework and left. On my way out I saw Rico, her new security standing waiting outside. I should have mentioned that a little earlier. "Just make sure no one comes in and she doesnt leave" I say
"Yes sir" he replies, I nod and make my way to the elevator. I hadnt recieved the best if news, Elliot Garows couldnt be found which concerned me, I had put more security around the building in case he tried to get her.

I began to do my homework, I couldnt help but cry and soon my work book had small patches of water, also known as my tears.  My phone rang, I wasnt in a rush to answer but having a new phone meant it couldn't be him.
I pressed the answer button not bothered to even check.
"You always blame the family but after the amount you been through is it you thats the problem.  I mean no one wants a whore as a daughter" his voice spoke "go fuck yourself" I tell him, I had reached my breaking point. "Oh no flower I'll leave that to you" I don't bother giving him anymore satisfaction instead I end the cell. I quickly went over to the curtains and pulled them shut, I felt he was watching me. It was creepy.  The rest of the evening I made sure I was tucked up tightly in my duvet and watched as the clock worked it's way around. It was safe to say I was waiting for Elijah.

He didnt end up coming home that night however I went to make breakfast the next day and he was stood cooking. "Morning" I whisper, he turns "morning avery, hope you slept ok" he was definitely distant this morning. "I slept good" I lie, truthfully it was one of the worst. "Well that's good to hear, the new rules will start after breakfast so you can go fetch your phone and laptop then I want you to clean the house and do it well" he says. Just great. The apartment was massive. "After that you can stand at the wall until I dismiss you" he states and puts a plate of pancakes in front of me.

I already knew today was going to be a tiring day but at least it was a distraction rather than a constant reminder.

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