chapter 24

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He was cold and distant towards me however it was much better than I expected,  I figured he would shout but he was calm. Maybe that was worse.
As soon as I walked up the steps to the school, I saw nathan and beth waiting for me. I couldnt help but fear how they were going to respond. Would they hate me? Maybe they dont want to be friends anymore?
My fear disappeared when they both hugged me, making me automatically hug back. "How are you, we were so worried" beth asks. "I'm ok" I say, truthfully though I was exhausted and very anxious. "Really you look like you haven't slept in weeks" nathan says. "Yeah late night, couldnt sleep" I didnt want to talk about it anymore and they seemed to have realized because they both go into a discussion about class and studying.

1 week later

It's been a week since everything happened and I was lonely, elijah was rarely home. I had seen him twice since that morning and he had said very few words to me.
"Here's your new phone, this is tom, he will drive you to and from school" he had said that evening and walked off.
Tom had driven me to and from school, he didn't talk much but he seemed nice enough,  I didnt trust him though. I had also noticed some men lurking about,  which i had stupidly decided to confront them. They had told me they were the buildings security, I felt there was more to the story but I ignored it for now.

Before Elijah, I enjoyed being on my own, it meant no punishments but now I just felt abandoned,  isolated and worst of all every little movement i feared.

On the tuesday, Wednesday and even Thursday I had tried to sneak out, but the security people stopped me each time saying I was only authorized to leave for school. I guess Elijah told them I had been grounded.

"So do you wanna maybe hang out this weekend" nathan asked me as we walked out of school. I really wanted to. Nathan was super fun to hang out with, and with being grounded I would be alone for the weekend. "I cant" I sadly say, i hated being grounded, before I used to love it, that was the best punishment but now that I actually had friends it hurt to say no. "Oh ok" nathan replied looking disappointed. "Sorry I really do just I'm still grounded" I explain and a smile makes it's way to his face "then as soon as you're not grounded we should hang" he suggested and I nod in agreement "great" his smile was super wide now which made me smile.
I walked towards Elijah's car, tom was allowed to drive his cars which I guess he was taking full advantage of as it was a new car each day. "Hey tom" I say getting in the back, I didn't feel comfortable enough sitting up front with him yet. "Well I'm not tom but hey" I look again and see Elijah sat at the driver's seat.  "You gonna come up front" he asked. I thought for a few seconds before deciding against it "I'm good" I didnt want to be around him, he left me and I was still unsure as to how angry he was. He nodded then started the car, the drive back was silent, usually with him it was comfortable silence but this time it was uncomfortable. 

After we got back, we rode the elevator in even more silence. I was actually debating whether tom taking me home was better.
As soon as the front door closed when we stepped in, he became a new person.
"You wanna tell me anything Avery" he asked, I shook my head, I hadnt done anything.
"How about when you tried sneaking out, not once but three times, don't you understand the meaning of being grounded" he asked and I gulped. He was right but then again why did he ground me in the first place.
"Since grounding clearly didnt work, I guess a new method would be appropriate" he took a step forward and I took a step back. He wouldnt hurt me but he looked so angry that even I wasnt sure but some how I found courage to speak "I had a group project, I was trying to go to Beth's so we could study" I half lie, I was going to Beth's but to hang out rather than study. "Bullshit. I told you no lies and all you're doing is lying" he shouted. I thought my reason was pretty good. "I've been busy this week but it doesnt mean I dont know what you have been getting up to. When I got told you had tried to leave, I did call the principle, asked if you had any group projects he said no. So tell me Avery where were you going" he was harsh and I was really doubting he wouldnt hurt me. "To Beth's, she asked to hang. I'm sorry" I reply hanging my head. He had every right to be annoyed. His anger seemed to increase "or maybe you were going to see your supplier" he was now beyond angry and I couldnt help but take multiple steps back, unfortunately i crashed into a wall. Supplier? Wait does he think I'm doing drugs. My mind suddenly goes to the ones in my room, I should have hidden them better. "I can explain" I quickly say, but I couldnt explain. "I dont want to hear it, you broke my trust, multiple times. Did you or did you not try to hide them on your bookshelf" he said, I couldnt lie, it was clear he knew when I was so I just nodded. If i thought he was beyond angry back then i was mistaken, if he was a cartoon he would have fire coming out of his ears. "If I go to your room, will I find anymore" I quickly shake my head at his question.  "Let's go see shall we" he said he took hold of my arm and began leading me to my room, he was furious but at the same time his grip on me didnt hurt, maybe he wouldn't hurt me. When we were inside, he let go and began looking through my room, it wasnt a good look, more of a scan, he did look under my matress and in a few of my drawers but that was about it. "You know what Avery, I dont care if you were holding onto them for someone, you broke the rule the moment you put them behind your shelf. That's why i grounded you, I was stupid to think that it would work, you have not only had drugs in your room but tried to sneak out and all I'm getting is continuous lies from you" he lectured. "So tell me Avery, what should I do that will make you learn" he asked. Why was he asking me "I dont know" I whisper.  "I do though" he snapped and beckoned me over to him.
Please dont kill me, I found myself wishing as i made my way to him, he looked at me with no emotion,  so much so that i was panicking as to what would come.

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