chapter 43

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I got a call in the early hours of the morning telling me that Avery had been hurt and we needed to come in. What kind of hospital is this? We paid for the very best doctors and all they could do was tell me to consider organ donation.  We weren't ever giving up on Elijah. The other day was awful because we arrived to find out Avery had passed out, luckily it wasn't too serious but it had Lydia and I worried. Our sweet Avery cared more for others than she did herself. We compromised on the first week after we saw how she wasnt taking care of herself, instead she was by Elijah's side. So the deal was she could see Elijah after school but she would come home, eat and sleep. It actually warmed my heart to see how much she cared for Elijah, after she told me he was the closest she had to a parental figure and a dad, I knew she was ready to be told the truth but how was I suppose to tell her. Hi Avery, so I know Elijah is practically dead but hes your father . She already thought her father was dead so it was best for her to think that at for the time being. Loosing Elijah was hard enough but finding out hes her dad, that would break her. Elijah had to be the one to tell her but the odds of him waking up
were slipping away each day.

And now this, now we had been told Avery was hurt. I quickly woke Lydia up. "Lyds we got to get to the hospital" my mind was racing with different scenarios. "What happened, Is it Elijah. Oh god it's not Avery is it" she questioned as we both frantically got dressed. "Shes been hurt" I say and Lydia grabs my hand and drags me out. We were both now dressed in clothes that didnt go together but neither of us cared. We had to get to the hospital.

When we had arrived we both rushed up to her room. The sight we saw almost had me in tears. This was suppose to be a secure room but Avery was bruised and bleeding. She hadnt just been hurt someone had beaten her. I couldn't help it, I started having a go at the doctor. How could they let this happen. I changed my tone and asked Avery calmly who did it and when she whispered "garrows" I almost flipped. That fucker is going to pay. I was already aware he was a previous foster parent and Elijah was hunting him down. I already wanted to kill him after Elijah told me they had come to lydia and I's house because that scum had put cameras in Averys room. I knew he was responsible for putting my son in hospital,  he planted a bomb and sadly  Elijah got caught in it. Now he dared to come to the hospital and beat Avery. Well if I wasnt already hunting this man down I would be now. The day I found out it was Garrows that gave them the false information and planted the bomb was the day I vowed to catch him. I would destroy him for hurting my family.
I asked the doctor to see the cctv she was very hesitant but eventually agreed. We went to the cctv room and she played last nights footage. We finally got to the part were it happened and I couldn't bare to watch it but I had too, I wanted to know what happened.  Tears fell as I watched. "I want to see where he left from" I say after the footage finished. Shr nodded and we watched footage from a few different cameras.
That idiot finally messed up. We got a licence plate. Of course I was aware the car could have been stolen but there was s high chance whatever it was stolen from would also have CCTV.
I've got you now Garrows. 

I sat with Avery as Matthew went to check the footage. She lay broken in the bed and my heart ached just from the sight. She hadnt spoken yet and I was concerned. After a while she speaks "how is Elijah today" her question hurt me. Even in the condition she was in, she cared more about Elijah then herself. "Hes the same, let's focus on you" I say. There was nothing I could do for Elijah as he was all but dead, all i could do was have hope that he would some how make it through, even if his chances dropped each passing moment. Avery was still here though and I had to make her a priority.  She wasnt coping well and after this I was worried for her safety. "But I'm fine, Elijah isnt" she tried to protest which I hated because she wasnt fine. "Sweetheart you are hurt. I know you are in pain so let's focus on you" I tell her and she nods. "He said he will come back" she whispers but before I could say anything I heard Matthew speak. I guess he just walked in as she said it. "He can come back to the hospital but he will never get his hands on you" his tone left no room for argument and I knew that was a promise. I also knew the minute he dared step into this hospital he was a dead man. He continued in a calmer tone but still he made it clear how serious he was.
"I promise you Avery, he will never get to you again".

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