chapter 80

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"Have some fun with what"

We both turned around and saw Matthew stood in the door way. I didn't want him to know, he was scary when he got angry and I was worried he wouldn't believe me. "Maisey asked if I could play with her" I quickly say before Maisey could tell him the truth. I felt guilty for bringing her into the web of lies I had created, it was growing every day. Matthew looked sceptical and turned to Maisey "is this true" he asked and she nodded. I was thankful she didn't tell him, the look he gave her would have me telling him the truth if it had been directed at me. He still didn't seem convinced but before he could say anything Lydia came back in "leave them alone Matthew, they are finally getting along. You girls go have some fun and I'll finish off"
We both quickly thanked her and left. "We need a plan" she declared when we were far enough so they couldn't hear us. "I don't know Maisey, you are far too young to be getting involved" I tell her not wanting to get her in trouble or worse hurt. "you should know something" she started and I nodded waiting for her to continue. "Well in this family, family means everything. Therefore since you won't tell anyone it's my duty to make that bitch pay" her words really did comfort me and I was still surprised at how much she had changed. "You're not even 10" I say still hesitant to get her involved. "Oh please, our family is full of dodgy stuff, if you pay attention you pick things up. If you don't want my help them go tell Elijah" I finally give in and accept her help. "Great let's go plan" she seemed excited to do this which was ok I guess. "Where are we going" I ask as she leads me upstairs. "My room or do you prefer yours" she replied. "I have a room" i question not expecting that. "Of course, the room you stopped in when Eli was in a coma. We all have rooms" 

We made our way down the corridor but not even 30 seconds later we come across Elijah and Jess walking from a room. Jess' makeup was smudged and she had her dress further up then she previously did, if that was even possible. Elijahs hair was a mess and his shirt was untucked.
Realization of what they had been doing in that room hit me. And then flashbacks of last night came flooding back.
No. I can't go there. I can't.

Our eyes met and Elijah looked at me like he had just commited a crime "shit Avery, look I was just...just helping Jess with something"  he said trying to come forward.
Men. I hated them. Elijah was a man.  No. I couldn't hate him. He wouldn't hurt me like he did.

"Avery isn't a kid, she knows what we did, she knows what sex is don't you sweetheart"  Jess spoke giving me a glare, only Elijah didn't see as he was focused on me. His head snapped to Jess and she put on a fake smile. "Don't talk like that around Avery or Maisey. I will not have that sort of language in their presence again"  his harsh tone gave me a little hope, maybe he would believe me. "Uncle what did you help her with" Maisey finally interrupted and Elijah rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly "well err ....maths. yep Maths. She was struggling with a maths problem" even I couldn't help but snicker at his excuse. "Oh that makes sense, maybe you should be teaching her how to dress too" Maisey said looking at Elijah innocently. "How dare you" Jess' voice raised. "She's right Jess, go sort yourself out. And Maisey don't be so  disrespectful" Elijah said making me loose hope. Even when he appeared to be ok he always showed that he would take Jess' side.
Of course he would. He loves her.

"Dinner is ready" Em shouted from downstairs. "Let's have some fun" Maisey whispered.

We got to the dining room and everyone seemed to take their seats. I was still unsure where to sit and soon  the last seat was next to Jess

Jess.           Em
Avery         Maisey
Lydia.        Max

Rough idea of how the seating is ^

I reluctantly sat in between Lydia and Jess. At least Jess was always nice in front of Elijah.

"So Jess my son reassures me you're not a prostitute so what exactly do you do" Matthew spoke, breaking the growing tention in the room.
"Dad" Elijah started but Matthew gave him a 'shut the hell up' look and he never continued.
"I'm in business, I am one of the joint CEOs of FabulousFashion "  Jess spoke.
"That's quite interesting and I suppose tonight you are modelling a new lingerie range"
Ok his dad was amazing at insults.
"Dad enough" Elijah spoke.
"Fine what are your intentions with my son" he wasn't stopping which i was secretly glad about. It was definitely amusing to see her being insulted. "Well hopefully to build a long lasting relationship with him" she smiled and  out of the corner of my eye I see Max roll his eyes "Avery do you like your new mummy" Maisey asked using her age as an advantage to appear more innocent. "Of course she does, we love out girly time don't we"  Jess spoke and I feel her sharp cat claws dig into my leg. "Definitely" I say being over happy. "Oh I didn't know trolls had girly time Jess"  Maisey gave me a smile and I laughed. This was the plan then. Wind her up until she snaps.
"Maisey how dare you"
"Apologize now"
Both Elijah and Em spoke at once whilst Max, Lydia and Matthew were trying not to laugh.
"They are right Maisey, you shouldn't accuse her of being a troll. A witch is more accurate" I say and Maisey laughs first, then Max cracks. "Enough. Both of you apologize now. I won't accept that language from either of you" Elijahs tone was so harsh that I flinch back. "Sorry" I whisper, it automatically came out and I felt saddened knowing I truly was weak. "That's better, we will definitely be having a discussion when we get back. Your rude behaviour is just proof that I need to be stricter" his tone didn't soften and I felt my heart shatter. He would definitely take her side. He had changed so much.
"Elijah don't speak to her like that" Lydia spoke sensing my fear.
"She is my daughter mother and I will not have her insulting anyone"

He wouldnt take my side. The thought of him not believing me made me feel sick and I quickly ran out of the room. I couldn't do this.

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