chapter 95

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It's been a week since Miss Harris got fired and dad dealt with her in a legal way for a change. I had started to focus more on school, I had always been quite academic, especially with numbers and for the first time ever I was bring praised for my work.
Dad loved to hear about my day, at least he said he did, but he did show interest in what I talked about so I figured he must have been serious. 

Today he seemed different though but regardless, he made my breakfast, asked how I slept and we made conversation.
"We will be going to my parents tonight for a family dinner" he said, which was unusual as we usually go to theirs mid week not on a Sunday."ok I need to go pick up some work from Beth's, could I do that after breakfast" I ask and for a minute he looked hesitant but nodded "want me to drop you off" he asks, I think for a minute before nodding after all it would be easier.

So after breakfast, we both go over to Beth's. She brought me into a big hug and pretty much dragged me to her room. Dad was watching so I gave him a reassuring smile and he then began talking to Beth's dad, also known as the headteacher.

"So I have a few folders" she said handing me some of the project work we were currently working on in History. "Thanks" I say scanning through them. "Your welcome. Oh I almost forgot what do you think of this" she said and pulled out a watch. It seemed a little too big for her which confused me "it's nice but I don't think it will fit your wrist" she looked at me confused but then spoke "it's for my dad" well that makes more sense. "You know it's father's day right" she continued at first I was confused but then a wave of fear hit me.
Father's day

"You know what today is, it's father's day, that means you pleasure me for the entire day bitch"

No. Elijah wasn't Garrows. Elijah was good, he wasnt a monster.

"Why are you crying bitch, you think you will have it good in a different home, this is what father's day is, this is what you do. No matter the family, this is what happens"

Elijah wasn't like that, right?

"Hey, I'm sorry, oh god. Avery please anwser me"

I heard Beth, I couldn't see her though, my eyes were blurry from the tears. I felt myself struggling to breath. Struggling to stay awake.

Elijah was good

"What the fuck happened" I heard his voice and I shuddered. He sounded angry. Was he going to take it out on me? After all he was suppose to today.
"I don't know" I heard Beth whisper.
I heard him mutter but I couldn't make out the words but seconds past and I felt someone wrap their arms around me. It was Elijah, his hugs were different, they provided more comfort than anyone else.... usually. Today I couldn't help but flinch and try get out of his hold. "Please don't, I'll be good" I was freaking out by now. I couldn't help it. "Fuck. I'm not going to do a thing Avery. Please just calm down, you are safe" he tried to reassure but it didn't help.
I had done so many things that I know he didn't like. He was going to hurt me....


I was having a pleasant conversation with Mr Matthews when Beth came running downstairs"Mr West sir, its Avery, she's having a panic attack" hearing that my little girl was in a panic attack, I wasted no time going to her. My heart aches at the sight I found her in. I tried to comfort her but she blacked out and I was ready to take her to the hospital. I couldn't risk anything with her. She was my life. It would be best to cancel tonight's meal with my family but I didn't want to overreact. "What happened, what did you say before she started panicking" I ask Beth, suddenly feeling a strong dislike for her. "I was just showing her the watch I got for father's day" she said with sadness. Father's day. That was the reason for the family meal. Was I going to tell her it was father's day? No. I had been a terrible father, I didn't deserve her so why would I make a big deal out of a stupid day. If anything this should be Avery's day.
Before I could do anything Avery reopened her eyes, I was thankful that it was only a few minutes that she was out. "Please can you give us a few minutes" I tell Beth who nods and leaves. I sit Avery on the bed, I expected her to calm down but she freaked out further. "No, I'll be good. I promise. Please don't sir"
Now I was horrified. She still thought I was going to hurt her. She called me sir.
"It's Elijah...or dad" I hesitate when saying dad. Although I loved being called dad I would never force her to call me it. I would be Elijah forever if it meant making her happy.
She cried and I didn't know whether she would panic again when I comfort her but I decided too anyway. Luckily she didn't flintch she just let me hold her as she cried.
"Baby tell me what's wrong" I ask and she hesitated but slowly tells me.
"Garrows, he said father's days were the same everywhere. He said they were meant for..." She trailed off but I got the message and a tear rolled down my face as i pulled her closer. "sweetheart. I will never ever do anything like that. I will never beat you, I won't force you to do things. You mean the world to me. You are everything to me"
Shame Garrows was dead. Id love to kill him again. How dare he hurt her.

After a while she calmed down and offered me a small but sad smile "thank you dad" I breathed a sigh of relief, grateful I was back to being called dad.
"I'm sorry I acted like that" she whispered and I shook my head "never be sorry, you have been through so much and it's going to take longer than a few months. No matter how long it takes I'll be right next to you cheering you on" I reassure and she smiles "thank you" I see the look of sadness still so I continue "even if you want to become a bank robber I'll be there to support you, although I'm not encouraging it as a profession" she laughs a little which makes me smile. Before anything can be said my phone rings, I glance it already annoyed but I see it's from one of my men who was out at the docks waiting for a shipment so I pick up.

Words were spoken and I couldn't help mutter a few curse words before ending it. I was needed. I wanted nothing more than to spend the day with Avery but my men can't even do a simple job right. "Avery sweetheart, I need to go out for a few hours, will you be ok" I ask and she nods. "I might go see Xander if that's ok" she asks. No. "Sure but how about you both meet up in town" I suggest not wanting her round his house. She nods and gets out her phone, I presume to message him.

Time skip


Dad dropped me off reluctantly in the town and Xander was waiting. "Hey I'm surprised you wanted to meet today and not spend it with your father, how are you" Xander greated. "I'm good, he had to go to work. I heard Beth saying it's father's day" I anwser and he scrunched his nose in disgust but nods "what is father's day though. dad reassured me it wasn't the same as I expirenced in the past" I ask. I had no idea what today was suppose to mean. "Oh it's basically a father appreciation day, people give gifts and show how much they care for their dads" Xander summerized. That doesn't sound to bad. Then I had an idea. I could get Elijah a gift. But sadly I remembered the only money I had was a 50 Elijah had given me and I wasn't going to spend his money on a gift for him. "What did you get your father" I ask and he rolls his eyes "my father is working today" his cold expression didn't go unnoticed. "Ok let's go on a walk" I suggest.

So for the next hour we walk around the city. By the end of our walk I knew what to get him.  I had to go home. "Xander it's been great but I need to get home" he nods "it's ok, want me to walk you "

Once I reach home I practically race up to my room. Dad will love this. I grab my pencils and sketch pad and take out a photo of us, I was sleeping on him and he had taken a picture of us, he later asked if he could keep it and I said he had to send it me first. It was cute af.  After an hour or so I finally finished and was happy with the result. I just hoped he would like it.

"Avery I'm home" he called and I gulped. This was the moment of truth. "Can you come here" I reply  and seconds later he's in my room "what happened, are you ok, fuck. I should never have left you alone. Oh sweetie I'm so sorry" he panicked but I quickly reassured him "I'm ok, actually I made you something, it's nothing much but I finally understood father's day and" I trail off feeling to nervous I hand him the picture and his mouth opens wide 'oh wow, it's beautiful baby.  I love it so much, you didn't have to get me anything though you are enough" I smiled at his words as his gaze was still on the picture. "I love it and I love you Avery"
"I...." I couldn't return it no matter how hard I tried.
Elijah was everything to me and I was so happy I could call a man like him dad.

Elijah was everything to me and I was so happy I could call a man like him dad

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Ok extra long chapter I changed my mind about being super cute.
Also I forgot if I wrote about Avery knowing If Elijah was mafia, hopefully one of u readers knows.

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