chapter 92

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Just a pre warning this chapter is going to get really dark, there is going to be quite a lot of violence so if you feel you can't read it please skip the chapter... it's basically Eli torturing the man and Jess.


The bastards were laid in two cells, both were white, no noise, no colour. Nothing but them and their thoughts.

Jess was first.

That bitch will pay.
I motion for the guards to get her brought out to me. They are quick to comply, probably hoping that I don't decide to put them in the cells.

They. Came out with Jess, who after a month of being isolated from the world, she looked like shit which brought a smile to my face.
Time to fuck her up.

"So Jess tell me was it worth it" I ask as I watch her get tied up.
Her arms were spread either side of her, attached to chains that were secured on the electric fence. I was looking forward to turning it on but first I wanted to mess with her.
"I didn't do anything I swear"
The nerve of her to even say that. "You hurt my daughter" I spat and turned around to find a suitable knife.
I picked up the knife I was looking for along with a few other stuff and laid them on the table that was in front of her .
In the end I had 2 different knives, a lighter, acid and a electric shaver.
"I grew up with a sister you know, and you know what I learnt about girls. They tend to take pride in their appearance, especially their hair and makeup" I pick up the shaver, she seemed to realize what I was about to do as she begun struggling. Not that it did anything. I grabbed her head and put the shaver to the top of her scalp. "Nobody gets away with hurting my daughter" I whisper in her ear and proceed to shave her hair off.
She cried and begged me to stop but I continued. I wasn't done with her, not by a long shot. I grabbed the knife and began cutting into her skin. After each cut I applied the acid, her screams got louder and she struggled further.
"Please no more" she whimpered over and over again.
"You know what you're absolutely right, After all you are now deformed. No one could ever love a ugly bitch like you" I snarl going with a bit more psychological torture. She breathed a sigh of relief but the tears fell like a waterfall.
"Someone bring me the bastard in 115b" I order refering to none other than Trent Harrison.
The guards quickly comply with my order, as they do this I turn the dial up to a 2, it was still a low voltage but as I switched the fence on which Jess was chained too, it was obvious how much it hurt her. She screamed and begged me to end it but I ignored her cries and went to Trent who was laid on the floor. I noticed a bruise on his face which I didn't do. "Who did this" I ask the guards who brought him out. "I did sir, last night he was shouting about wanting your daughter and well I couldn't help myself" one of them spoke up. I nodded, part of me was happy that my men would protect my daughter even from dicks who spoke bad. The dark part of me was furious, had this man not learnt to shut his mouth. I gave him several kicks to the ribs then went to get equipment.
"You're going to wish you were never born" I say as I hit him with a bat, it was one of my favourite choice of weapons, a baseball bat with nails sticking out of it, I had heated the nails up before hitting him so not only did it cause severe cuts, bruises and probably a broken bone or two but it also caused severe burns.
Was I going to stop there? Hell no. This fucker will pay in the most painful way possible.
"Want me to stop" I ask knowing the anwser already. He nodded fast "please, I'm sorry" they never were that confident when I started torturing them. I place a knife in front of him "cut your dick off and then I will stop" I say even though I had no intention on stopping. "No" he straight up refused so I grabbed the acid and through it on him,he screamed loudly and I made sure to hit him again and again. He eventually picked up the knife with his shaking hand. He then cut his dick off, screams filled the room coming from him and Jess, who was still bring electrocuted. I look over at her as a wicked idea comes to mind. I grab Trent and drag him to the fence, I quickly turn the fence off and swap Trent and Jess around. Before turning it back on I make sure to increase the voltage but not enough that it will kill him.  Jess was still shaking but I grab her and toss her to where Trent was previously. His dick left on the floor. "you had my daughter raped" I snarl as I grab her head and force it to the floor, her face now inches from the dick.  "Put it in your mouth" I whisper and she doesn't hesitate to comply.
She not only put it in her mouth but she began sucking it.
I found it disgusting how she was there enjoying herself.
"I'd have loved to feel that" Trent laughed. She took the dick out and lowered it down.
Well shit.
I shuttered at the realization I had fucked her. I was thankful we always used a condom,I'd probably have an STD by now.
I quickly drag her away,making her stop what she was about to do. The fact that she enjoyed it told me she was more of a sick disgusting bitch than I thought she was.
I release Trent who was shaking from the voltage. I waste no time breaking both their tailbones then  tie them both on wooden chairs, back to back from each other.
I grab a can of gasoline and douse thrm in, they both begged me not too but I ignored them. Instead I got out the lighter causing them to scream.
"I wonder what would happen if I dropped it" I tease holding the flame in front of Trent's face. There was no way I was letting him have such a quick death but he didn't know that.
For the next half hour I proceeded to play mind games with them, the flame was practically on their skin by the end of it.
Without any warning I closed the lighter. I didn't say anything, I walked out of the room and made my way back to the main floor. I heard them shout and scream but when I got to the main level and closed the door that led to the room,nothing could be heard.

I would leave them down there for a few days, they won't know when I'm coming back, they will fear every small movement.  Then when they eventually fall asleep I will have one of the guards throw fresh gasoline on them place a candle on both of their laps. They will have to keep very still if they don't want to burn alive.

"Hi Lijah" I turn and see Gabbi looking at me with concern probably because I had just come from my torture room and now covered in blood. "Not today Gabriella" I say not wanting to take part in our playful teasing. Gabbi was probably the only person who wasn't family that could get away with some of the things she has said. We grew up together so naturally I saw her differently. "jeez, what pissed in your cornflakes" she rolled her eyes and I couldn't help but glare at her. I had told her not today. "I suggest you either shut the fuck up or go tell your family goodbye" I warn, my eyes flicker to the gun I had in my waistband. She quickly gets the message and runs off.
I was harsh but I wasn't going to put up with any bullshit, not from anyone, no exceptions.

Ok so I know the Gabbi bit may seem not needed but I added it to show Elijahs mafia side more. Gabbi obviously was trying to joke with him which I wanted to include to show Elijah has no exceptions when he is pissed.

The chapter is dark af i know.
Sorry for the wait, there will probably be another few days before the next one, I really don't have much motivation to write anymore but I don't want to rush this story and end it quickly so I apologize for how shitty the chapters may be and the wait it may take.

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