chapter 53

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I cant believe I was in a coma for 2 months thanks to Garrows.  I hated him more than I hate anyone before and that was a long list. He took me away from Avery. He made my family think I was dead...well I was for a short time.

I was going to kill him. I will torture him slowly, cutting him apart piece by piece, I will throw him in acid and watch as he screams. He will regret ever being born.

It's been a few days now since I woke up and I've had Avery by my side pretty much the whole time. She was catching me up on everything that had happened with school and homework. I noticed how she only spoke about school related stuff, had she not been hanging out with friends?
"Avery dear, could you go help Lydia with the drinks" my dad spoke as he and mum appeared outside my door. At first I was confused as to why they didnt bring drinks up when they came but I quickly realized dad was going to me something he didnt want Avery hearing.  "Ok" Avery stands and leaves. I feel a little upset that she didnt give me a hug like she often did but I didn't say anything.

"So" I ask turning to my dad when the door closed.
"We found more pictures of Avery on Garrows laptop, hes been watching her for a while it seems" he spoke with a murderous glint. My hands automatically clench into a fist. I'm going to kill him. "Did you look at them" I ask hesitantly as my mind goes back to the pictures my team found before. "Unfortunately yes, the team found some and I told them to send them over so I knew what we were dealing with. Thankfully they werent sexual,  no doubt he was using them for his sexual needs though" he explained.  Did I mention I was going to kill him?
"Anything else I should know" I ask wanting to know everything that had been going on.
"Yes, how we caught him" he was nervous I could tell.
He proceeded to tell me how a social worker took Avery and placed her with some man then how he brought Garrows round. It was heartbreaking to hear the story, I felt anger and sadness.  Angry that she put herself in danger, anger towards the stupid social worker and her placement, more anger towards Garrows but finally sadness, I wasnt there to protect her. I was failing at being a father but I had to make everything right.

"Uncle Eliiiii"

Ugh. What is Maisey doing here?  I still hadn't forgiven her for how she had treated Avery. "Hi Maisey" I say wanting to be polite, after all she was my niece. "I missed you" she said coming up and hugging me, I reluctantly hugged back. She took my hug as a sign for her to climb on bed and lay next to me. I didnt like it, there was a time where I would have let her happily fall asleep on me but now after what she did, never.

Lydia and Avery walked in with drinks, I noticed straight away how nervous Avery was when she saw Maisey making me more annoyed with Maisey. "Maisey go back your mum" I say wanting Avery to feel more comfortable.  "But Uncle Eliiiii, I wanna lay with you" she said trying to sound cute but failing.

"Should I go, you must want some family time" Avery suddenly spoke. That broke my heart. Avery was family, she meant more to me then anyone else in this room. "Avery you are family, you never have to leave. If anything everyone else should" I reassure her trying to make a joke at the end, it obviously failed but the reassurance seemed to work. "C..can I..i h..hug" she whispered nervously. Why was she stuttering, she wasnt afraid of me was she? I hoped not but then again my behaviour before i went into a coma was disgusting, i was ashamed of it. "Of course hun, you never need to ask" i tell her and open my arms. She quickly comes in for a hug. I feel her tears hit my neck as she buried her face into my neck. Something was wrong. She wasnt ok. I had to find out what had caused this reaction. "Everyone out now" I say pulling Avery into a tighter hug so she knew I didnt mens her. Maisey was about to protest but thankfully Em picked her up and they left along with my parents.

"What's wrong Avery" I ask, concerned for her. "Its nothing" she whispers but i wasnt taking it's nothing for a anwser. "Please tell me" i whisper and she nods "ok promise not to get angry though" i couldnt guarantee it but I nodded "I promise to do my best"

Soooo double update and new book release. Am definitely writing so much lately. 😂😂 I guess that's what happens when you dont sleep...most my writing is done between 2am/6am so I wanna apologise for spelling errors up to this point.

I've been reading a few books lately and in the authors notes I realized alot of authors plan...if any of you readers and you're also a writer, do you plan? Let me know in comments. I think I'm doing it all wrong,😂😂 I just write whatever comes into my head...only planned bit was when Elijah would wake up, didnt even plan for him to go in a coma but it happened.

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