chapter 56

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At first I was confused when I woke up to find I wasn't in my own bed but the memories of last night came rushing back.

Last night I had slept peacefully until Garrows clouded my thoughts. Even when he had been caught he still terrorized me. I was trying my hardest to fall back asleep but my eyes darted back and forth around the room, what if there was still cameras?
I remembered what Elijah had said, he said I could come to him anytime.  I was wary of going but I couldnt stand being in this room any longer, so I hesitantly went to him.

Now as I look around the room I notice the sun shining through the curtains, Elijah was also gone, i presumed he had already gotten up and was in the kitchen. I decided it would be best to get up, after all it had started to become a little awkward just laid in Elijah's bed.

"Morning Avery" he called as I entered the kitchen. He stood making breakfast which although it smelt amazing but I began to worry. He should be resting not making breakfast.  "Don't even think about lecturing me. I'm the one who gives them around here" he said with a smile before I could say anything. "Fine" I reluctantly say, mainly because I loved any food he cooked. "Are you feeling okay" he asked , his tone laced with worry. "Yes of course" he looked sceptical at my reply but turns to finish cooking. 

We ate in a comfortable silence until he decided to break it. "Avery I have been made aware you have skipped alot of school and your grades gave dropped" he began in a serious tone or as I liked to call it 'dont even think about interrupting me, you fucked up' tone.  I began to panic, dropping grades or skipping always resulted in being punished. I tried to remind myself Elijah wasnt like that. He woulsnt hurt me.
"I know it's been hard for you these past months but I am not happy about how you handled your education " he continued.
He wasnt happy with me. I couldnt do it again. I jumped up and ran but before I could make it out he was stood in front of the door. I was trapped.
"Fuck. Avery hun, calm down. Take deep breaths for me. Can you do that?" He tried to calm me down and it worked until he reached out, this caused me to put my hands up to shield my face. Not
"Oh hun, I wasnt going to hit you. I could never do that. It was suppose to be comfort. As for your school work I just wanted to say I understand why but I wished you would have focused more on yourself but that's in the past now, I want you to try your best, that's all I ask" he spoke gently after pulling me into a hug. By the end of it, I had started to hug back. As we stood hugging I felt my shoulders dampen. At first I thought it was strange until I heard him.
"I'll never hurt or leave you. Never again" it was barely a whisper as he cried. I hated knowing his tears were my fault so I did my best to comfort him. "I believe you Elijah, I trust you" it seemed to work as he parted from the hug and wiped his eyes "I'm sorry hun, I didn't mean to break down in you like that" and damn, I finally realized how he felt whenever I cried. It was utterly heartbreaking.   "Elijah it's ok. You are ok, I'm ok and we are both gonna get through this" I reassure. "Since when did you become the adult" he tried to joke which made me smile at his attempt. "Welll 3 more years and I will be" I remind him and the horror on his face made me burst out laughing. "Not happening,  I'm not allowing you to grow up" he said firmly but it was obvious he was trying not to laugh. "Elijahhhh, I have to grow up, I cant just stop" I say and he looks to be thinking for a minute.  "Then we are off to neverland"  he stated but as he did, he looked like it was his one goal in life, to move to Neverland. I actually understood the reference for once which I was pleased about. We both just looked at each other and burst out laughing.

As the laughter died down, he became serious once more. "You gonna hate me for this" he started and I pushed away the fear. This was Elijah, he wasnt going to hurt me. "So mum rang this morning,  she wants us round later for a family 'welcome home' meal" he stated.  I wasnt quite sure why he thought I'd kill him. Although Maisey would be there,  maybe I'd kill her instead....obviously I wouldnt but I really didnt like her. "I can always cancel, I'll tell them I'm not feeling good" he rushed, I guess he noticed I wasnt fully onboard with the idea. "No its ok" I reassure, I didnt want him to skip because of my own worries. He still looked unconvinced but nodded "well we still have a few hours to ourselves, what would you like to do"


How the hell did I get so lucky to have a daughter like Avery. She was kind, caring, funny and adorable.  I loved everything about her. Earlier when she put her hands up to shield her face, my heart broke. She thought I was going to hit her. In that moment I decided that if she ever misbehaved I would give her one of the following:
Phone/laptop taken off her
Extra chores
No film night
No icecream

The one thing I'd never do was raise my hand to her. I hated the fear she had whenever I got to close. I wanted to be the person she turned to for help, comfort, maybe just everything.  She was my world and I would change nothing.

After telling her about the family meal which my mum had so kindly organised, I considered cancelling and telling them I wasnt up to it tonight but she reassured me it was ok, I was still reluctant but agreed not to cancel.

I swear if Maisey even thinks about harming my little girl then she will definitely not be receiving a similar consequence that Avery would ever get. It would be so much worse...

Okkk so I just realized almost 60 chapters in and Avery still doesnt know. At first I  thought I was taking it slow but not much had happened between the two. Maybe in a few chapters tho.

Also there is obviously gonna be some stuff between Maisey next chapter.  Any guesses as to what and what Elijah is going to do to her

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