chapter 38

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I was thankful at how well she got on with my parents but I was still worried about leaving her however I was overwhelmed with happiness when she hugged me and told me she didn't want me to go. When she called my work "back alley taxes" I suppressed the urge to laugh. Fear crept up at the same time. I feared her fearing me, I feared her hating me. I knew I couldnt lie so I agreed and I was happily suprised that she kept hugging me.

That was an hour ago and now I was stood outside a warehouse with my men. I had left due to one of the tech people getting a lead on a possible location of Garrows. We had people covering all possible exits, snipers in position. If he was here we would get him. If not he should be counting down his days. When I get my hands on him I will torture him till he begs for mercy, only I wont give him mercy. I will cause him more pain, I will make it so he begs for death. And when he does I will make him die a slow and painful death.

"Boss, whenever you're ready" Miles said bringing me back to reality. I nod "let's get this son of a bitch" I order and signal for surrounding groups to move in.

We enter the warehouse carefully and cautiously.  I flipped the switches and to my utter annoyance no one was there. The warehouse was empty making my anger go to a next level. "I swear to god whoever found this lead will pay. Not only have I wasted my time, I had to leave her alone" I shout at all the men who had entered with me. "Look around, I want everywhere checked. Check the dirt if you have to. I want him found" I order. They waste no time getting to work. I swear Garrows cant run forever and I will find him.
"Boss" one of them calls and I look over. "We found something" he continued. At least that was som. I make my way over to see what they had found.
He quickly handed me some photos. If course it was more photos, he was playing me. Well teo can play at that game. I looked over them and felt physically sick. My eyes darkened in anger and I clenched my fists. "If you ever repeat what was on these photos to anyone I will kill you" I warn the guy who found it. He quickly nods and looks down. I flip the photo over to look at the back. Letters were written on each of the backs of the photos.

I arranged them fairly quickly.

Shes mine.

My fist collided with the wall upon reading the words. She would never be his. "Boss we need to go"  miles called urgently and I look over and hes holding a video camera. He had been watching us. "This whole place is rigged to blow" he continued making me curse. Fuck. "Everyone out now" I order and we all quickly run to the exit.  Unfortunately one of my men tripped and as he struggled to get up there was a loud beeping. This day was turning out to be one of the worst. I ran back in and grabbed him and pulled him up he ket out a cry and I scanned him over. His leg was either broken or fractured. Fuck.  I pick him up and run to the doors just as the warehouse explodes.


Garrett PoV

I watched as they fell for my trap. It was obvious I wasnt going to get that bitch back without getting rid of Elijah West first. She found the cameras earlier today and Elijah freaked out and moved her to a different location.  I had no clue where which led me to start my plan early. I knew he would be trying to find me so I sent out fake information as to where I would be. I planted bombs to go off after 10 minutes of them entering and it worked. I should thank the stupid fool who fell or it would have failed.  Elijah stupidly went back to help. Now the girl will be mine.

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