chapter 37

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Elijah walked back into the kitchen as Lydia was plating up the food. He came straight to me "are you ok hun" he asked and I nod. Cooking with lydia really helped. "I'm glad, mum this smells amazing as always" he said. "I had some help from Avery of course" lydia smiled "but you did the cooking, i only chopped the veg and stuff" i tell her. "Well how about we all eat" Elijah says which me and lydia agree. I go to pick up one of the plated but Elijah takes it along with another plate "come on, I got it" he said to me. Lydia had already left holding to plates, I guess the other was for his dad.

Dinner was good, it tasted amazing and Elijah's parents made me feel welcome, like family. Just sitting and talking I felt at home. More than I ever had in my life.

Suddenly Elijah interrupts the conversation between me and his parents. "I need to go out" he said as he got up. I felt sad by it, I didnt want him to leave. "When will you be back" I ask hoping he will say soon but he gives me a sad look. "Ok I understand" I say knowing the anwser. "I'll try be back in a few hours, I just got to go sort some things out at work. You know like taxes, boring stuff really but it's got to be done sweetheart. I promise I'll be here in the morning when you wake up. In the mean time you have my parents" he told me with a small smile. I really didnt want him to go. I stood up and hugged him, I think he was a little suprised as it took him a little time to respond but he was quick to hug me back. "Cant the taxes wait till morning" I ask but he shakes his head. Something didnt seem right. If it was just paperwork it would be there in the morning. So why did he have to leave now? Then it hit me, maybe it was linked to the back alley. I knew Elijah was into some dodgy stuff so maybe that's what it is. Criminals usually do stuff at night, it would explain his long night. Even though the thought scared me, I didnt let go of him. "Back alley taxes" I ask in a joking manner. He chuckles "something like that baby" I nod and my head finds it's way to his chest. "I still dont want you to leave" I tell him. "I know and I'm gonna be as quick as possible" he reassures, all I could do was nod. "You have my parents wrapped around your finger, I bet if you ask for icecream they will get you some" he whispers and a small smile makes it's way onto my face. I loved icecream. "I really do have to go" he said and I reluctantly let go of him. "Mum, dad I should be back tonight if not early morning" he told his parents. They accepted it and said goodbye however I felt upset. He had left before and i never felt like this. "I'll see you soon Avery" he said and walked out.
He was gone.

His parents looked at me with sympathy making me realize I was alone with his parents. My nerves kicked in and I struggled to hide them. Would they still treat me nicely? Was it just a act?
"Ok how about we finish dinner then have icecream and watch a movie" his dad suggested calming my nerves. They were still nice making me relieved.

We ended up in the living room with blankets and icecream watching a movie, I couldnt remember the name but it was animated, there was a girl with long hair, she wanted to see the world and go see the lights but her kidnapper who was pretending to be ber mother didn't let her.

"So Avery are you enjoying living with Elijah" mathew asked (A/N idk if I named him already but Mathew is the dad)
Was I? I mean Elijah was great. He was just scary at times.
"Yeah I think so" I reply.
"You seem really close, I didnt think it would be a think so" he said and I nod "yeah Elijah is great, just scary at times but I kinda deserved it, him being scary I mean" I explain because I really did deserve it. From his point of view I had snuck out after being grounded for having drugs. Just the thought of them made me shudder especially now that we had come to the conclusion Garrows put them there. "Why did you deserve it" his mum asked. I was still unsure whether to tell them. "Oh its nothing he just got annoyed I tried to sneak out after being grounded" I tell them, not wanting to lie. They both laugh, mathew then speaks "sneaking out is all part if growing up, dont worry about it" he reassured me. "Oh I remember when Elijah snuck out. His excuse was that he wanted to go tend to the garden. Of course we didnt believe him. We gave him a lecture and sent him back to bed" his mum told me and I laughed. Elijah gardening was definitely something I could never see happening. They dont go together, not one bit.

After that the conversation wasn't as serious and the film was merely background noise. I was exhausted but I didnt want to go to bed.

"You look tired let's get you to bed, Elijah's room is next door to yours if you ever need him. Ours is down the corridor, first on the right" his mum explained. I just nodded, the fear slowly crept back up. "Let's go" she said. I quickly said goodnight to matthew and she led me out and upstairs.

After saying goodnight she left me in the room. It was a beautiful room and my bag was on the bed, I just didn't feel comfortable. I walked around the room, checking to see if there was cameras, I did the same for the bathroom and once I was sure there was none I went and got ready for bed.

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