chapter 49

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We rushed inside the section of the hospital Elijah was in. Everything seems to go in slow motion and then I'd blink and it would be so loud, so much talking going on around. All I could think about was Elijah and if he was okay. Matthew had broken a few traffic laws getting here, he had to have done, it was impossible not too, especially the speed he was going. But even though he was driving like a mad man, which I encouraged wanting to be at the hospital as quick as we could, he didnt put any lifes at risk. He drove flawlessly and made sure we and everyone else were not in any danger.

We rushed to the room, my mind racing with different problems about what could have happened.  I couldnt loose him not yet,  not ever. Lydia was sat on a chair in the waiting section, her hands in her face as she cried. Something was wrong. Why wasnt she with Elijah. Oh god he isnt dead is he.  "Lyds what happened" matthew spoke trying to comfort her. Without looking up she replied "he seized right before I called you" the room began to spin, no it cant be. "Is he..." matthew began but he couldnt form the words. "They are with him now, after we have to say our goodbyes, hes stable but they believe it will happen again and wont be able to save him" she spoke.

I had been numb since I walked in, now that I had heard this I finally felt something.  A wave of grief and sadness hit me like a ton of bricks. I was going to loose him. A tear fell down my cheek which soon turned into several and moments later I was crying hysterically. Lydia looked up and for the first time she realized I was here too. "Oh god Avery, I didnt know you were here, I'm so sorry" she said trying to comfort me but all I could do was cry. "What is she doing here" lydia whispered to Matthew, I would have felt unwanted but it was lysia. Lydia was the sweetest woman you could ever meet. I knew it was out of curiosity rather than unwant. "I'll tell you later" matthew said and the evil glint came back just for a moment. "Have you called max and Em" matthew changed the subject and Lydia nodded.

The doctors came out of his room and one made their way to us. "Mr and Mrs West" he said in a sort of gretting. "How is he" Matthew asked and a sad look appeared "hes not good. Could be hours  or days. The main thing is life support isnt working as it should be" I felt  it hard to breath upon hearing this. I was going to lose Elijah. "Should I have a doctor check on her" he spoke only after i realized he meant me. I was fine, i didnt need a doctor. I had to be there for Elijah not in some room waiting for the doctor to tell me I'm fine. "No I'm fine" I spoke before lydia or Matthew could. "Are you sure Avery" matthew questioned and I nodded, not trusting my voice again. "Well I'll leave you to say your goodbyes" the doctor said and left us alone.

Then it hit me. The feelings I have, I was crying hysterically not thinking about Lydia and Matthew. I was being selfish, I should be there supporting them and not them supporting me. Thry needed to grief and I was just distracting thrm. They had known Elijah his whole life and I had known him around 3 months of which he had been in a coma for 2 months. "Let's go see him" Matthew said standing up. Lydia joined him but I couldnt. This was their son, I'm sure they would like to say goodbye without me lingering. "You coming Avery" Lydia asks and I shake my head. "I will say my goodbyes after, you both must want some privacy" I explain.  "Nonsense" Matthew states but I shake my head. "Ok shout or scream if anything happens" Matthew said and I nod. They reluctantly leave and I take a seat. I hated this feeling, this awful feeling of dread, regret, grief, sadness and anger. I hated knowing that my pain was nothing compared to any of his family. Was it even acceptable for me to feel like this?

Time past in a blur, I sat on the seat, his family and friends came and said their goodbyes then took a seat in the waiting area. I was given pity looks from them all. Max had tried to talk but I felt unable to. When I eventually stopped crying all I felt was numbness. His parents were starting to worry about me the more I cried do I forced myself to stop. I had to be strong. "Do you want to say goodbye Avery" Lydia asked and I take a deep breath and nod. It was now or never. "We will be right outside" she says as I stand. I nod, appreciating that I could say goodbye on my own.

I entered and took a seat, he looked lifeless but I could see how he wasnt in pain which I was pleased about. It would have been harder to see him in pain. I sat and held his hand as i opened my mouth to speak. At first i didnt know what to say but after a moment the words just spilled out.
"Hi Elijah. I know we havent known each other long and half the time I knew you, we were arguing or just not talking but it was the best  time ever. I'm kinda thanking those bullies toght now, if they had never chased me I wouldnt have gone down that alley and met you. You are the best thing that has happened to me. I just wish it could be a normal day were you  make some new food I havent tried and we sit and watch a movie. I miss your hugs, I miss you" by the end I was crying. I cried further knowing he wasnt going to respond.
"You promised you would come back, you promised"

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