chapter 59

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"Right Maisey, you're in a ton of trouble" I say
"Why i havent done anything" she whines. It angered me how she thought she hadnt done anything.
"You have been nothing but I bitch to Avery since you met, I let it go the first few times because I simply had better things to do with my time but today you crossed the line. First you blame Avery for my coma, then you call her a bitch, now you are claiming my dad beat you" I was shouting by the end of it. "It was her fault though, shes the reason you almost died. Granddad did beat me" she cried. I looked to my dad and he rolled his eyes but I could see the hurt in his eyes. "Dad what did you do" em asked cautiously.  "I gave her a lecture and a smack when she told me and I quote 'I hate you so much, Avery is to blame, Eli should have left her in the orphanage'. I would never beat a child up, no matter how much she deserved it" dad explained. My anger rose at hearing what she said "you're lying, I have bruises" she exclaimed and lifted her top up slightly to reveal a massive bruise on her stomach. "Jesus Maisey where did you get it. Dad you said you didnt" em said and I could tell she didnt trust dad but I couldnt blame her, if this was Avery I would have already punched my dad. I gave him a skeptical look whilst he glared. "I guess if you are going to continue this Maisey, they can watch the cctv" dad said as I went to his desk. "No please no" Maisey tried but we ignored her, em and i went round to dad who was getting up the CCTV.

We watched it from the point she came in till she left. Dad never did more than a smack causing me more anger. How dare she accuse my dad of it. Another thing we noticed was that dad had given her lots of warning but he had enough when she had said what she did, even then he had told her what would happen if she continued,  she responded by trying to hit him which he easily blocked and in return gave her a light smack.
I also noticed that dad had never mentioned how she tried to hig him, clearly he wanted to cover for her and in return she does this.
Maisey looked guilty but something told me she wasnt giving up.  "He did it before we came in here"  she accused and I rolled my eyes. "Well let's watch the hallway cameras too then shall we"  dad suggested and the look Maisey had was comical. She probably wadnt even aware of the cameras. Dad quickly got the footage from the hallway up and as I suspected it showed them going into the office and Maisey running out 20 minutes later, Em had even appeared before dad left the office. There was no way he did it.

"How could you accuse him of something like that Maisey" em spoke, she was definitely angry with Maisey.  "I'm sorry" she whispered but it didnt seem genuine, more for her mum to take pity on her. "Sorry isn't going to cut it this time" I warn as I take a step closer. "Elijah it's not worth it" dad says causing my anger to increase. Even after everything shes done, dad still was trying to protect her, my anger was down to the fact that she had the nerve to accuse him of something so vile and disgusting.  "Let's talk Maisey" my voice comes out as  bitterly sweet and I see her shudder. "Dont do anything you might regret" dad warns before walking out. Em doesnt say anything instead she was in tears, I knew this must be hard for her, if this was Avery and her in this position, I would never leave her but Em had too. The least I could do was give a little reassurance. I left and caught up to Em. She looked at me with tears "I know she deserves it, it's just hard" she said and I nod "if she behaves I'll be nice" I try to comfort her.  "I wish I could be as good as you at parenting" she whispers and i chuckle "you are a much better parent then me, i missed out so much with Avery, she would have probably done some bad things when she was younger if she had a normal upbringing. And I probably would have reacted the same way as I am now. You have to understand Em, you are a great parent. I have no idea what I'm doing but I put Avery first all the time, just like you put Maisey first. Both girls are at different ages, their behaviour will be so much more different"  I tell her and thankfully it works because she nods "thanks eli" and after we share a hug she goes into the living room.

I smile and decide to quickly check on Avery, I walk past the living room and see her sat with max eating icecream.  "You ok Avery" I ask from the doorway. "I'm okay Elijah,  I think I'm in love though" she says looking at her icecream.  "Oh really" I ask in amusement. "Yep cookie dough is the best" she says and I laugh "I better stock up on it then" I tell her and she looks at me wide eyed "really" she asks with a smile. "Of course Avery, you should know by now I'll give you anything you want" I tell her, I know it seemed like I spoilt her and yeah maybe I did but I missed out so many years and during those years she went through hell, she deserved the world.

"Well there is one thing I want" she said as she unwrapped herself from the blanket. "Ok what is it" I ask already planning on getting whatever she asked for. "A hug" she said looking at me like she thought I'd say no. "Avery you dont have to ask, you can hug me anytime, anywhere" I tell her as I open my arms, she responds by getting up and hugging me. "You're the best" she says as we hug. I knew it was time to tell her and I would as soon as I dealt with Maisey. "I need to go but I'll be back hun" I say and she nods. "Ok, is your dad ok" she said and I nod as i look around the room to try find him, everyone was here but he wasnt. "Maybe he needs a hug too, I guess hes a little upset. Do you think he would accept a hug" she says nervously making my heart melt. She was adorable.   "Let's go find him" I say, maisey could wait, Avery comes first always. She nods and I lead us out of the room. 

We eventually found him in the kitchen, he looked a mess, I guess being accused of beating Maisey up really did upset him, causing my anger to reappear. "You ok dad" I ask and he looks up, he sees Avery and smiles, it was fake though, he was pretending to be ok for her benefit. "I'm great, what can I help you both with"  he replied.  I looked down at Avery gesturing her to tell him "well I guess I wanted to see if you were ok, being accused of that must have been hard and ifyouwantwecanhug" she says nervously,  my dad looks shocked but hides it well. "I take it this means you are 100% sure I didnt do it" he says and she nods "at first I was hesitant to believe you didnt but that was more down to my own issues and Eli is 100% certain so I am too. Besides she tried to accuse me of hurting her too" she explains as she hugs him. "Also you are so nice, like Elijah is more scary than you and hes harmless" she says and I chuckle "I have to go but will you both be ok" I say, I was concerned about my dad but I knew Avery could easily snap him out of the state he was in.
"We will be fine" dad tells me and Avery nods. "I'll see you soon"  I say and walk out.

I was no longer wanting to beat the crap out of her, she had Avery to thank for that.  I walk into the office and see her sat on the chair. "Your mother doesnt discipline you enough if ever, you clearly need it. You crossed a line today and I will not let you off"
Was I really going to do this?

Hell yes. She crossed a line, she deserves it.

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