chapter 13

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So far so good. I made it to my locker without anyone stopping me. Now all I had to do was make it to class. I put my bag in my locker and grabbed the books and pens I needed for the class. I dont know why but my school had a policy where all bags had to be kept in lockers during class, I thought it wasted time as we had to go to our locker end of each class.  I some how made it to class without getting stopped. Today was going great so far. I took a seat at the back of the class.
Soon the room filled with students and eventually the teacher walked in holding her usual cup of coffee. "Right class lets get started" she said and I opened my books, I was fully prepared for this class, it was one of my favourites.
Time past quickly and we were already half way through the class. "Aubrey, what is the answer" the whole class looks to her but I keep my head down. "X=54" she said, even I knew she was wrong. "No you're wrong I'm afraid, Avery can you answer it". oh no. If I give the correct answer Aubrey will be pissed but if I give the wrong answer she will tease me for getting it wrong. Either way Aubrey will still be annoyed, only slightly more if I get it right. "X=31" I say, i was confident in my answer, I had always been good at maths. "Correct, well done avery, can you explain how you got there" and I begin to explain how I got the answer and luckily I was told I'm right. Class goes quick after that.
I quickly leave for my next class making sure I avoid Aubrey and luckily I do. Today was going well.

It was now lunchtime and I was surprisingly hungry, i guess it was because i had been eating recently. Unfortunately I forgot to ask Elijah for some money for lunch because I never usually have it. I decide to grab my bag and head to the libary. I pull my bag out and put my books in, only a  10 dollar note drops out. Where did this come from. I pick it up and I'm unsure whether it actually came from my bag until I reach in and pull a piece of paper out, i began to read the note left on it.
Hope this enough, make sure you eat something though. Elijah.
I smile at the note and decide to get some food before going to the libary. It was loud and busy in the canteen and getting my food and leaving was my main priority. I grabbed a random sandwich still a little suprised I hadnt been cornered. I successfully paid and got out the canteen. I was ok. No injuries. I dont think I could ever eat in the canteen though, I hated how busy and noisy it was.

"Well if it isnt the bitch who stole a potential family from me" I hear the shriek voice of aubrey shout. I look up and see she is stood a few meters from  the libary doors. I turn around and see kyle and his friends blocking me from turning around, they kept coming closer "I didnt" I say, knowing it wasnt true. "Yeah you did, dont lie to us" Kyle said and grabbed my bag and pulled it from me. "And dont think I forgot about maths" she said and took her water out and threw it to kyle, he caught it with ease and opened it and poured it into my bag. Elijah is going to be angry, it's my fault the bag he just bought me is ruined. My books too.  Hopefully they will all dry out. "I could have been where I belong, with the rich and famous, now I'm stuck looking at you, it's like looking at dirt" she said coming closer. I rolled my eyes, unintentionally and regret it as her hand makes contact with my cheek. "Fucking bitch, get on the floor where you belong" she said and kyle pushed me to the ground "this better" and she laughs. I knew if I got up it would be pointless. "Yep, no one comes up here either and that deaf bat in there wont hear a thing" she said referring to the librarian who wasnt good at hearing. "Oh I cant wait till it's my turn" isaac said looking at me with a wicked glint in his eyes, one that was worse than kyle. "Go for it man" kyle said and Isaac stepped forward. He started messing with his belt. What the fuck. No. I can't let this happen again. I closed my eyes tight trying to stop the tears as I tried to to back up but I hit the wall. His pants hit the floor and before I can even blink he was thrown back. I look up and for some reason kyle is stood in front of me. He had thrown issac away "what the hell isaac, you fucking dick, that's too far" he yelled. For once in thankful kyle was there. Yes probably the only time I'm thankful, hes still a bully. "What the big deal kyle" aubrey shouted. I really wish the librarian wasnt so hard of hearing right now. "The big deal is he was going to rape her" he shouted looking at her like she was insane, well I guess she was a little. He turned to me and pulled me up "this doesnt mean I like you, go the fuck away, bitch" he shouted and poured what was left of the water on me and throws my bag at me which I luckily catch. I run down the corridor thankful to be away from them but before I turn the corner out of the corner of my eye I see kyle hit isaac.  I ran into the toilets and collapsed in a stall. I cant believe that just happened. Do I call Elijah? He did say to call him if this happened but I knew he would get really angry if I told him what happened and not telling him would mean breaking a rule and I didnt want to break any of his rules. I didn't want to disturb him though, he was probably at work right now and there was only one more class. I could do this. I stand up shakely and make my way out of the stall but as I look in the mirror I couldnt help but collapse back down in tears. I can't do this. I wanted to leave. I shakely bring my phone out and see I had a missed message from Elijah.

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