chapter 82

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It's been a over a week now since Avery temporary moved in with my parents. I was constantly worrying about her. Had she eaten today? Had she had a nightmare? Did she tell my parents? Maybe I could visit... well I would be there now but it didn't work out last time. It was on the Monday after school I went to see how she was doing. Her words still player on repeat in my mind.
"I need some time, please I don't want to talk right now Si.. Elijah"
It was the worst feeling ever. As I left that day I let a tear slip, my baby almost called me sir, my own daughter doesn't want to talk to me.
Jess had been supportive throughout however I was starting to tire of her need for constant sex. She would try to convince me to do it unprotected. I wasnt ready for a family with her though and that was the risk I would be taking. Nope. Not a chance. And besides whenever i decide I want another kid, Avery will be told beforehand. Of course I'd leave out most stuff but I don't want her to feel like I'm replacing her with another kid.


It's been over a week, almost two weeks. I hadn't yet told Matthew or Lydia. I was struggling with coming to terms with it. Maybe today could be the day. Who am I kidding, it was way to hard to tell them.

I had just finished boxing, Nathan, Beth, Xander, Alec and I had decided to go to a small cafe not to far from here. Matthew had been concerned about being around the boys but Lydia convinced him which I was pleased about. I wanted nothing more than to feel like a normal teenager.

We entered the cafe. Nathan was talking to Alec, Beth and me were talking and Xander was quietly walking behind. We did try to include him but he had told us that he needs to keep watch in case someone tries anything.

"Ok let's order I'm starving" Alec exclaimed as we finally all decided what we wanted.
After we ordered we all messed around, it felt good to just relax and not have dark thoughts or consent fears. I was sat next to Xander and I could feel his eyes gaze on me every now and then. "Why do you keep looking" I whispered so only he could hear. "just making sure you're ok, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" he said and I smiled, he was so sweet. "Thank....." I started but paused as my eyes travelled to a man that walked over. It was him. "Avery you ok" everyone asks at the same time but all I can do is shake my head.
Everything came rushing back.
The garden. His words. His hands. His....
"Avery calm down, count with me. Avery come on deep breaths" I look and see Xander, he had turned me to face him and together we did deep breaths.
"I can't stay here, I'm sorry I need to go" I say once I was relatively calm but Xander reached out and stopped me. "I'll come too" I nodded secretly happy that I had someone.

We made it to the door when I heard his voice. His sickly disgusting voice.
"Don't leave on my account whore. You should thank me for how good I made you feel" his wicked laughter continued for a few seconds, until Xander stepped forward "what the fuck did you just call her" he had him pinned to the wall now. "a whore" he taunted not looking fazed, unlike me, I was completely in shock at how he was acting. Xander looked at him with anger, without warning his fist collided with his face "no one gets to call her that" he snapped but the man only chuckled "your little girlfriend is a slut. She fucks anything don't you whore" those words had me crying further and Xander giving him another punch but then he stopped probably realising we were in a cafe, he took one look at me "shit" he then let the man go and led me out. I couldn't stop crying even when he quickly and quietly led me to a quiet place.
"Avery please tell me" he says pulling me into a hug.
"I didn't want to do it. I swear I tried to escape. I promise I tried" I cried, I had reached my limit I couldn't continue.
"Oh god, he touched you didn't he" he said, his hold on me tightened. I nod my head, even though it was pressed into his chest. "Did he...did he rape you" He asked again and I nodded. "Fuck. Why hasn't Elijah done anything" he asks and my tears grow "he doesn't know, I've only told you" I whisper and I hear him sigh "it's going to be ok. I do advise you to tell him but if you don't want too, we can get through it together" he said and I smiled at him. "You are still going to be my...friend" I paused as I didn't know what the best word to describe him would be. "Obviously, I can't loose my favourite boxer" he states with a smirk, I could tell he was trying to lighten the mood so I continue the joke "just a boxer, is that how you see me"  and he laughs "of course not, I see you as my favourite girl. I mean don't get me wrong I like Beth, she's not bad but every other girl I can't stand, they are all too clingy. Except you and that's why you are so important to me, you treat me like a person. Don't tell Nathan but you are pretty much my favourite person"

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