chapter 81

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I was pissed off. Of course I loved my daughter more than any other person but right now she was being challenging. I tried to think about what I could have done to cause her to behave like this.
Sure I had used a harsh tone with her but why is she flinching like I'm going to beat her up.
When she ran out I stood up to follow her but my dad stopped me. "I'll talk to her" he suggested. "I was only going to talk to her" I tell him but he shakes his head and leaves. My own dad doesn't even trust that I'm not besting Avery up. When we arrived and he saw her flinch and beg me not to hurt her he lost it. When she left he pretty much hurled a ton of language that got me even more angry. How dare he accuse me of beating her up.

"Why the fuck is she begging you not to hurt her Elijah. What the fuck did you do"
"Nothing. I did nothing"
"Last time I saw you both she didn't flinch, don't even dare blame Garrows because even during the whole situation, she still wouldn't flinch with you. So I'll ask again. What  the fuck did you do"
"Don't you lie to me Elijah, I swear to god of you have laid a single finger on her I will make sure to have the custody you have over her taken away"
"You can't do that. I'm her dad. I'm not letting her go into care again"
"She would be living with me and your mum"
"How ironic. You are screaming at me for supposedly abusing her which I haven't done and I cant count the amount of times you hurt me"
"That's completely different Elijah and you know it. None of you flinched away from me or begged me not to hurt you when we were doing simple every day stuff. Sure you and Max didn't want hugs when you got older but Em was never fucking flinching when I offered her a hug. So tell me Elijah, what the fuck did you do to Avery"

Thinking back to our argument. His words seemed to have me thinking about all the things I could have done to make her fear me.


I sat on the porch outside, my knees in my chest and my head in my knees. I couldn't do this anymore. I couldn't breath. Everything seemed blurry, what was happening to me.
"Avery. Fuck. Count to 10 with me" I hear a voice. The voice seemed panicked but soft. Kind maybe?
"Come on Avery. One"
"One" I repeated my voice shaking as I did so.

When we reached ten I found myself alot calmer and I saw it was Matthew crouched down next to me.

I needed comfort. Maybe I could trust him. Matthew was good. He wouldn't do anything.
I couldn't keep this up much longer, i was mentally drained.
With that in mind I flung myself into him. He wrapped his arms around me and we sat hugging for at least 10 minutes.
"What's going on Avery. I promise you now if it's something to do with home, you don't have to go back. You can stop here for a little while" he says
"You mean that" I ask knowing that going back there would be a mistake. Especially after tonight.
Elijah was pissed, he was angry and I was definitely afraid he might take it out on me.
Jess would definitely hurt me after the insults.
And him...nope don't go there.
"What about clothes and stuff"  I ask. He thinks for a minute before speaking "well you still have everything from when you stayed here when Elijah wasn't well. Tommorow we can go pick up anything else you might need like schoolwork" he replied. I was still a little hesitant but this way would mean no more Jess, I was definitely not capable of saying anything tonight. I was drained and just wanted to sleep. "Can I see my friends still" I ask and he nods "of course you can" I smile and nod "ok just for a while" he smiles but I don't miss the concern on his face grow. "I do want to know everything what's been going on though" he says and I nod "I can't right now but soon" he seems to accept that. He helps me up and we head back inside to the dining room.

Elijah was the first to notice us and he came to me in seconds "I'm sorry Avery, I'm so sorry for how I've been acting. Please forgive me"
Truth was there was nothing to forgive. Elijah was Elijah. His personality was always going to be harsh.
I wasn't scared of him, not deep down instead I was scared of Jess, I was scared of him. Of what he did. I was scared of what would happen if I destroyed Elijahs happiness or if Elijah believed Jess over me.
"I forgive you Elijah. I just need some time away. I'm going to stay with your mum and dad" I say and he looks heartbroken.
"No. Please Avery. I'm sorry. Please don't leave me. Dad please don't take my little girl from me. I need her, I need my daughter" he had tears running down his face and without thinking I silently hugged him.
"Please dad, I just need some time"
He was reluctant but nodded "ok. I love you Avery. No matter what happens, you will always be my number one remember that"

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