chapter 101

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"where are we going dad" I ask for what seemed like the 100th time and he replied with the same anwser "it's a suprise"

Soon he began to drive slower which must mean he is looking for a turn of. He began to talk as he focused on the road. "So I really didn't know what we could do. Mum and Em suggested we go shopping" he starts and I find myself hoping he didn't take their advice. "But I know your not a fan and besides we can go shopping any day. Well we can do anything you want any day. So I ignored their suggestion and asked my brother and dad. Dad suggested we just spend time together, which I decided we would do through the film. My brother suggested probably the worst idea, his was going to a bar" he continued to explain and I couldn't help but laugh at the hatred in his voice when he talked about a bar. "yes we definitely aren't doing that" he said with a smile as he glanced at me. "so as you can imagine, I had no idea what we could do, so I did some research and apparently kids like this" he said and I was confused but only for a few seconds because he pulled into a amusement park. "We get to go on rollercoasters" I exclaim and he nods but he looks nervous for some reason.

When we get out of the car, I practically drag him to the entrance, I was so excited "hurry up" I say not being strong enough to actually drag him properly. "You like it then" he asked still with the nervous tone. I nod "I love it dad" he seems to relax knowing this and a larger smile appears on his face.

The rest of the morning was spent going on many rollercoasters, we had even gotten candy floss and just sat watching people.
"Thanks dad for the best birthday" I tell him and I see a large smile form on his face.
"My baby is only 16 once" he pulls me into a hug which I don't want to ever end however it does.
"We need to get going" he says and I give him a questionable look. "So we are having a family meal then you can go celebrate with your friends" he says and I smile "you're the best" I give him a quick hug before we leave.

When we get to his parents, I started to feel overwhelmed, Dad didn't even bother to knock he had led us inside and the place was just as decorated as dad had done. Maybe more so since they had even filled the entrance with a few balloons.
"Well damn" I mutter looking at the happy birthday balloons. Dad just chuckled "good luck" he muttered and my eyes widened. Why is he wishing me luck.

"My baby" Lydia exclaimed as she came out of the door that led to the kitchen. I thought she was refering to Dad but instead she pulled me into a tight hug. "My baby is 16 already" I smiled as she hugged me tight.

This was family.

"Let her breath mum" Dad said when he noticed how tight she was holding me. "Oh of course, come let's get you to the living room. First presents then a meal. And hopefully tommorow if your not to tired we can have a girly day" she said as she led me to the living room "that would be great" I tell her with a smile.

My jaw dropped when we entered.
The room was decorated and it looked so pretty. The walls had leaves and flowers draping down, there was balloons and the theme was nature.

 The walls had leaves and flowers draping down, there was balloons and the theme was nature

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