Avery had been in 'Little sunshines and Rainbows home for boys and girls' since she was 5 years old, before that she was living with her druggy mother who abused her often. After being placed into care, Avery was abused further and was living in con...
So I decided why not add images of their faces. First I'd like to say non of these pictures belong to me, they were taken of Pinterest. I have no idea who any of them are and some don't look like what I imagined the character to be like. I did try find characters who looked sort of young but I gave up so maybe just pretend Avery and her friends look a younger version of these images
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So this is Avery...she is 15.
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Elijah he's 35...also I did imagine him to have tattoos on his arms. Not really what I imagined but similar, I might change it if I find someone who looks more like what I imagined
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Beth...she's 15
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Nathan...he's 16, not quite what I imagined but similar
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I decided to show Jess because she's gonna become quite a main character...she's 31
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So I previously named him Dan but I'm changing his name, he's now Xavier 😂😂jk...his name will be Matt. He's 18...he is one of the oldest because Avery met him in a club so he's not in the same year ect.
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Xander, just ignore the tattoo and cigarette as he doesn't smoke or have tattoos...he's 16
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