chapter 52

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3rd person
"you cant do this Elijah, please you promised, just wake up" Avery cried as she realized he wasn't going to wake up. "You promised" her final words, she turned to leave but a voice stopped her. "I always keep my promises" she looked back and saw Elijah laid in bed, his eyes now open slightly. "Elijah" she shouted and flung herself onto him giving him a massive hug. She couldnt believe he was awake, he was actually awake. The thought that it was just a dream did cross her mind but this was too real. Was any of this real, she feared any minute now she would wake up in the hospital waiting room to be told he was dead or worse waking up in the orphanage.


"Damn kid, I didnt realize you would miss me so much, it's been what a few days" he said and I looked at him with shock. "Its been 2 months Elijah, you died only a few minutes ago" I sadly tell him. He looks suprised then angry and finally upset. "Shit, I'm so sorry Avery, I shouldn't have left you like that" he was sorry yet he had nothing to apologise for. This was all my fault, he was my foster and he wanted me not Elijah. "No it's my fault, he was after me not you " I state as my eyes began to water. Elijah's facial expressions changed again.

"Avery you better not say those words again. I chose to go after him, you werent at the warehouse that day, he wasnt targeting you. He wanted me dead yes it may be because he wanted you but it doesnt change anything. You are my responsibility Avery, I'm the parent, your problems are mine too" he said and I felt emotional from what he said. No one had ever made me feel as loved as Elijah did. I looked around and noticed there was no doctors in the room and the curtains were closed. Was this a dream? The curtains were never usually closed. "Oh God, 2 months" he muttered to himself and I smiled, he was back but I couldnt help feel everything was a dream. "Are you actually here are you real" I ask needing the reassurance and he nods "of course" he replied looking at me strangely. He tried to sit up, I rushed to help him which he responded with an appreciative look. "So how are you" he asks and I look at him like he had gone crazy. How could he ask me that when he just woke up. "I'm ok Elijah but what about you, you just woke up. Do you need anything" I couldnt help panic hoping he was ok. "Avery hun I'm ok, I'm just a little tired but im fine" he reassured me. Hearing that he was tired I began to panic. What if he was going to collapse. "Well I should get a doctor, i think they already pronounced you dead" i say realizing that he needs to be checked over. "Ok but come back, i missed you" he says weakly. I smile and nod "I'll be right back" i tell him and leave.

The first thing I see is his parents, brother and sister crying. I now feel awful for not telling them when he first woke up. I probably look like a psycho coming out of his room with a massive smile on my face when they think hes dead.

Matthew came up to me and pulled me into a hug "Avery I'm so sorry we will get through it" his dad was in tears. "Matthew hes ok, hes awake" I whisper as I comfort him. As soon as I say this Matthew pulls out of my hug and looks at me "the doctors left after pronouncing him dead, they said they were giving you a minute to grieve, they even shut the curtains saying it was utterly heartbreaking to watch" he explained, I guess that explains the curtains closed. "Yeah he woke up after they left" I say and he smiles and quickly made his way to the door, he opens it seeing Elijah was awake he shouts "lyds hes awake" hearing this lydia, em and max rush into his room. I guess I should give them some family time, I had to find a doctor for him anyway.

Before I can disappear Max appears and pulls me inside. "Shes right here Eli" he states and motions at me. "Good, I dont want you wandering around on your own" he says and I nod, he still didn't know about Garrows. "I need a hug from my baby" he stated looking at me and opened his arms. I quickly hugged him. I had missed him so much. "I cant believe I was out for two months" he states not wanting to let go which I was fine with, I really didnt want him to let go. "Yeah but hopefully once you're out of here everything will go back to normal" Matthew spoke and Elijah had the darkest most scariest look on his face, the fear I felt just looking at him made me cower but he was to angry to notice "nothing will go back to normal until i catch the son of a bitch" his tone was authoritative and I couldnt help but flinch. He looked down at me and I wished that I could just disappear. "Fuck. Avery I'm sorry. I never meant to scare you. I'm just pissed he took me away from you for 2 months" he tried to reassure me, I slowly nodded knowing he didnt mean to scare me.

"Elijah calm down, we caught him this morning hes in lockup" Matthew told him and Elijah smiled "great I cant wait" something told me he wasnt talking about a friendly conversation. I quickly dismissed the thoughts that deep down I knew to be true. Elijah wasnt going to let him get away with it. I shook the thoughts away and held him tighter.

"I'm going to make up for these past 2 months, I know I havent been exactly nice to you but I promise that's going to change, I'm going to be the parent you deserve" Elijah told me and I felt my eyes water. He hadnt been nice for the last part but I didnt blame him because it was a valid reason to be angry at me. I didnt want him to change, the Elijah I knew was the one I wanted. "Elijah please dont change, you're great the way you are" I tell him and he smiles "I'm glad you think so hun, you do deserve so much more than I can give you though" he replied and I couldn't help my smile grow.

He didnt know it but he was the most important person in my life, even when he was pissed i wouldnt change him.

Soooo he woke up....finally. he was suppose to wake up last chapter but I thought I'd make it sadder. Never intended on killing him off. Elijah is going to get his revenge now and maybe even Avery will call him dad. 😬😬 of course the story is about Elijah and Avery but I might add a evil step mum into the mix 👹 also the book is nowhere near done but I decided I might make a prequel about Eli and Sarah (Averys mum) this story is one of my favourites and hopefully can continue for a while eventually I will have to end it but hope I can get some prequels and sequels 😂😂

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