chapter 63

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Everything seemed to be different now. A fresh start maybe?
It was now sunday and over the past few days both Elijah and I had been looking at properties. I was still a little shocked that i had a say. Of course it would be Elijahs final decision but that didnt mean I didnt have a lot of options. I suggested something small...turns out it was too small. We had compromised that we find somewhere small but it had to have a office along with the other standard rooms.
We found one pretty quick after that and this time it was a house rather than a apartment. We had viewed it the same day and the next day Elijah went and bought it. (Yes I know houses take a longer time to buy but its wattpad so anything goes )
We had spent the night packing what we need and moved this morning with the help of Elijah's parents.
The house was quite big, well actually it was massive but it had a homely feel.

The past few days had been exhausting and I was ready to just start over. I was still struggling with what Max did that day but Elijah trusted him enough to allow him to help with the move so if Elijah trusted him I would have too as well.
He wasnt at all violent or aggressive,  he was back to his chilled self, rambling about food.

His parents and brother had just left and I collapsed onto the sofa, we had finally done. Elijah who was  close by laughed at my actions. "Tiring isnt it" he comments as he sits down next to me. "It is" I agree and he smiles "so this is a new start for us, no more bad people, no more accidents" he told me and I felt tears gather in the corner of my eyes.
How did I get so lucky to have someone like him in my life.
"Thanks Elijah" I whisper as I feel myself fall against him, he quickly wraps his arm around me. "I'd give you the world if I could. You mean so much to me" his words were so sincere, I could hear the emotion in his voice, the small crack in his voice that was barely audible.  Maybe now was a good time to open up, then  I could finally leave my old life behind for good.
"Can we talk about my past" I ask not wanting him to feel uncomfortable talking about it
"Yes of course, we can talk about anything you want"
"I just want to out it all in my past,  I think I could start to do that by talking about it" I tell him and he nods. "No matter what you have been through I'm here for good" he reassured abs his hug tightened.

And so we talked, we must have talked for hours as the sun had begun to set. I started with my mother, he was beyond pissed when he heard what she had done, then he heard about the foster families and something told me he wasnt leaving it alone.

I feel my eyes get heavy after the talk and I lean further into Elijah. I close my eyes not wanting to stay awake any longer "thank you for everything dad" I mumble as I close my eyes again.

If her mum wasnt dead I would kill her.  Maybe I'll find a way to bring her back from the dead just so I can torture her. How dare she take my little girl away from me and abuse her, how dare she fill my little girls body with drugs. How fucking dare she. My anger didnt stop rising especially when she went onto her fosters she may have told me not to kill her fosters but I was not planning to listen this time. I was planning on torturing those fuckers.

None of that matters though as my mind plays back to what had just happened. She called me dad. No mistake this time. She meant it. She saw my as her dad. She was ready to be told, granted she had been ready for a while but there has been little time for much as we were quite busy.
But now....she called me dad. I was in shock snd I felt overwhelmed with joy .

I was her dad
She thought of me as her dad.

I was her dad!!!!

Short chapter sorry, hopefully next will be longer. Gonna make some more aesthetic boards, if any of you have a suggestion its always welcome

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