chapter 40

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It's been a month since that night and everything had changed.
A doctor came out a few hours later and told us Elijah was now in a coma and on life support. He wasnt going to make it however his parents decided that they werent going to take him of life support.
I had taken a week off and I spent every minute with Elijah. His parents decided I wasnt looking after myself so they had me go back to school. I would usually go to school and from school I'd go to the hospital were either his parents or siblings were. I had noticed alot of people standing guard around the hospital so I asked Matthew about it and he had told me it was because the man responsible for this was still on the loose and they didnt want him to try another attack. I never was told this mans name but I was certain it was Garrows. He was my problem and now because of me Elijah was practically dead because of me.

"Hi elijah" I say walking into his room. I was a little suprised that none of his family were in here too. As always I never got an anwser so I sat and told him about my day. "I had a good day today, I got a A on an english assignment and a B in Spanish. Beth suggested we start a study group and Nathan is being so sweet. I know you dont like him but hes really nice" I never got anwser but I'm used to it by now. I decide to take out my homework as I had made a deal with his parents, I can stay at the hospital longer if I have no homework. This meant i did it sat next to Elijah.
Half way though the homework i stopped as tears fell. "I miss you so much Elijah" i whisper. "I..I lost mum to drugs and every other p..parental f..figure has been abusive apart from i..if w..wake u..up i..I'll be g..good, I.. I'll as you say. Always" i cry and rest my head on his chest.
My head shot up as I heard footsteps, I look and see Matthew enter the room, it was obvious he had been crying but I didnt bring it up. "That was lovely Avery" he said and i smiled sadly. "I've never really had a dad before but Elijah is the closest thing I have" I whisper and a huge smile makes it's way onto his face. "Thats so sweet Avery. We just got have faith that he proves the doctors wrong" he tells me. "Do you think he will" I ask. "I'd like to think he will but I know the doctors arent wrong. Without life support he would be dead, he practically is dead but there is no way I'm giving up on him" he spoke withcertainity making me grateful that he wasnt giving up and also that he was honest with me.


Well my planned got messed up yet again. Elijah was all but dead. His parents would give up soon and Avery will be left broken. I figured I could take her from the hospital but the day I went to take her I noticed security was all over.
There was no way I will be able to take her without alerting anyone. I couldn't take her around school because she was picked up. I tried following her home but got stuck in traffic. I figured I would have to wait a month or so, his parents will decide hes not waking up and turn of life support. Avery will go back in the system and I will take her.
One day I will get her and she will be mine.

The next day


I sat in science, I hated science as I was terrible at it.As the teacher spoke I zoned out as I began to think about Elijah. I was trying to accept the fact it would be a long while before he woke up if ever he did. "Avery answer to question 21" I was asked and I looked down. The question was about chemical compounds. I had no idea what it was. I gave my anwser and the teacher glared at me "wrong, if you had been listening you would have gotten it. I just explained it. Stop daydreaming and focus. Detetention after school" she spoke. No. I couldn't do detention, I had to go see Elijah. "I cant tonight" I say and her focus is back on me. "But you will. I dont except excuses" I was not doing this detention. I got a question wrong so I have a detention,  how is that fair? "I'm sure Mr West wont mind picking you up an hour later" she said and I burst into tears. I wish he could. No one but beth, alec and nathan knew about Elijah. Lydia had asked if I wanted the school to know during that week I took off but I said to tell them I was ill.
Beth who was sat a few seats away got out of her seat and came and hugged me. "Jesus now you're crying because of a silly detention. Go to the principles office now" she demanded.  I got up and reached for my bag but Beth already had hold of it "I'm coming too" she said and I nod, grateful for her support.

We arrived at his office and took a seat. It wasnt long until he called us in. Beth didnt look at all fazed by this but I was panicking although I didnt show it. We took a seat oppersite his desk and he took one behind his desk. "So girls, I recieved a email saying you refused a detention and burst out crying Avery" he spoke looking at me. Before I could even say anything beth spoke "she got a detention for getting a question wrong. How is that fair" he shook his head "she got a detention for not paying attention" he corrected. "Can I have the detetention over lunch or something" I ask and he shakes his head "why don't you want to do a detention.  Is there something going on at home?" He asked and tears fell down my cheek. Maybe I should tell him. I mean it wont do any harm. "Elijah, h..hes a c..coma. the d...doctors s..say he wont s...survive" I manage to say and cry harder. Saying it made it all more real. "Shit. Avery I'm so sorry. Dont worry I'll get you out of this detention.  If there is anything I can do please dont hesitate to come forward" he spoke and I nodded thankful for his support. "I cant allow you to leave early but as its last period how about you girls go to the canteen and get a drink and just chill" he suggested and we both nod. "Dad, I dont think Avery wants everyone knowing so could you not tell everyone" Beth spoke and I nodded and also whispered a small thank you to Beth. The less people knew the better. "Of course" ge told us and with that we got up and left.

The bell rang shortly after we had sat down with a drink. I put mine in my bag for later and we both walked out. Mathew was waiting for me by the car. I said a quick goodbye and thank you to beth before joining him. "How is elijah" I ask like every day. "Still the same. The doctors are saying we should look at options.  They think we should just give up" he spoke sadly. "No, we cant give up. I wont give up on him" I almost shouted and he nodded "neither will I"

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